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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

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Shabbos 48


QUESTION: Rav Yehudah in the name of Rav says that one who tears open a sewn collar (that is, the hole in a shirt through which one puts his head) on Shabbos is Chayav to bring a Korban Chatas. RASHI says that the transgression is "Makah b'Patish," doing the final act to complete an object. The RITVA (Makos 3b) also explains that one is Chayav because of "Makah b'Patish" and adds that one is not Chayav for "Korei'a Al Menas Litfor," tearing for the sake of sewing. That is, one is not Chayav for Korei'a since he does not tear it with intention to later sew an improved seam.

However, the Gemara later (105b) says that if a person tears his clothing on Shabbos to assuage his anger, he is Chayav for Korei'a. The Rishonim explain that even though he is not doing it with the intention of sewing it again, his act is nevertheless a constructive one (it serves a constructive purpose) and therefore he is Chayav. Hence, whenever tearing is done as a constructive act, should will be Chayav. If so, why is ripping open the collar of a shirt not considered Korei'a?


(a) The BI'UR HALACHAH (OC 340) says that it is not considered Korei'a for another reason, and not because it is not done for the sake of sewing. Korei'a refers to an inherently *destructive* act which is done to bring about something constructive. Here, though, the act of tearing open the collar is not destructive at all, but it is completely constructive, for it is done in order to make a hole for the neck!

(b) The RAMBAM (Hilchos Shabbos 10:11) says that one indeed is Chayav for *Korei'a* here, because this is a Keri'ah with a constructive purpose.


QUESTION: The Beraisa says then when two parts of an instrument are attached to each other (such as a two-part scissors, or a carpenter's plane), they are considered attached ("Chibur") mid'Oraisa with regard to being Mekabel Tum'ah while they are being used.

If so, why did the Gemara say just a few lines earlier that the Beis ha'Pach of an oven, or two garments that were attached to each other by the launderer, are only considered attached mid'Rabanan, even b'She'as Melachah (i.e. while the oven is in use or while the clothes are being washed)?

ANSWER: TOSFOS (DH Iy Chibur) says that two items attached to each other are only considered to be attached mid'Oraisa when those two parts *need* each other in order to do their job. Here, though, each garment has its own separate use (and they are attached only for the sake of laundering them), and similarly the Beis ha'Pach has a separate use from the oven. Therefore they are not considered attached mid'Oraisa.

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