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Shabbos 125
1) [line 2] KEROMIYOS SHEL MACHATZELES - shreds of reeds detached from mats
2) [line 6] TINOFES - filth
3) [line 6] PERUZMIYOS - Talises; cloaks
4) [line 19] V'HU NISOK - and it is heated
5) [line 22] MECHUSAR NETITZAH - (lit. lacking breakage) a complete or
nearly complete utensil that may break, fulfilling the verse ý"Yutatz"
6) [line 23] L'IDACH GISA - (lit. for the opposite side) for the opposite
inference, i.e. not to teach a leniency, but rather a stringency in the
7) [line 30] UV'OSEH MA'ASEH TAFKA - the fragments can be used as tiles
(O.F. tiules) which are used as fuel for baking
8) [last line] KEIRUYAH - a dried-out gourd which has been hollowed out and
is used for drawing water
9) [line 1] ZEMORAH - a branch of a grapevine
10) [line 1] TAFI'ACH - a small earthenware pitcher used for drawing water
from a well or spring
11) [line 2] PEKAK HE'CHALON - a board used to seal windows; shutter
12) [line 8] BASIS L'DAVAR HE'ASUR
(a) The Rabbinical decree of Muktzah prohibits not only the actual Mukztah
item from being moved on Shabbos, but it also prohibits moving the item on
which the Muktzah rests, or its "Basis." (For example, a basket in which a
stone rests may not be moved.)
(b) The item which supports the Muktzah becomes prohibited to be moved only
if the following conditions are met:
(1) the Muktzah is placed on it before Shabbos entered and is there for the
entire duration of Bein ha'Shemashos (Shabbos 44b);
(2) the Muktzah is purposely placed and left there, as opposed to being
forgotten and inadvertently left there (Shabbos 142b);
(3) the Muktzah is there alone and there is no other permissible
(non-Muktzah) item resting there (Shabbos 142a);
(4) according to Rabeinu Tam (Tosfos, Beitzah 2a), the "Basis" is only
prohibited if one places the Muktzah there before Shabbos with intention to
leave it there for the *entire* day of Shabbos.
(c) The object upon which the Muktzah is resting is prohibited to be moved
only if that object is serving the purpose of supporting the Muktzah item.
If, however, the Muktzah item is serving the purpose of the object upon
which it is placed, then that object underneath the Muktzah is not
considered a "Basis" for a forbidden object (Rashi 49a, DH Notel). (For
example, if shreds of clothing which are Muktzah are placed atop a pot in
order to preserve its heat, the pot is not considered a Basis for the
Muktzah, because the Muktzah is serving the purpose of the pot.)
13) [line 11] MOSVINAN A'SHEMA'ATIN - I ask an apparent contradiction to
what I have taught
14) [line 13] D'HADKAH - he attached it well
15) [line 20] NIDBACH - a row of stones to be used in the construction of a
16) [line 24] V'LAMDUM - put them in place
17) [line 25] SHAFSHEFUM - rub them clean of mud
18) [line 26] SAVAR SHEL KOROS - a pile of beams
19) [line 27] GASHUS SHEL SEFINAH - the sounding pole of a ship
20) [line 31] CHARIYOS SHEL DEKEL - the spines of dried palm branches
21) [line 32] SHE'GADRAN - which he cut
22) [line 33] LIKSHOR - to tie the Chariyos together
23) [line 35] MECHUBERES B'AVIHA - it is still attached to the grapevine
The Rabanan made a decree not to use or to support oneself with anything
that is attached to the ground and higher than three Tefachim above the
ground, for fear that the person will transgress the Melachah of Kotzer
(reaping) on Shabbos.
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