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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sanhedrin 111


(a) How does Resh Lakish interpet the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Lachen Hirchivah She'ol Nafshah, u"Pa'arah Pihah li'Veli Chok"?

(b) On what grounds does Rebbi Yochanan object?

(c) So how does Rebbi Yochanan interpret "li'Veli Chok"?

(a) Considering that Shem was the third son of No'ach, and Arpachshad, the third son of Shem, how does Resh Lakish explain the Pasuk in Zechari'ah, which states that, in the days of Mashi'ach, only one third of the sons of the people of the world will remain?

(b) Based on the same objection as in the previous case, how does Rebbi Yochanan explain the Pasuk?

(c) What exactly does this imply? Who exactly will survive, according to Rebbi Yochanan?

(d) According to the second interpretation, Resh Lakish explains 'Shelishis' to mean a third of Yisrael, who is the third of Arpachshad, who is the third of Shem.
What does Rebbi Yochanan say?

(a) In similar style, if Resh Lakish interprets the Pasuk in Yirmiyah "Ki Anochi Ba'alti Bachem Velakachti Eschem Echad me'Ir, u'Shenayim mi'Mishpachah" literally, how will Rebbi Yochanan interpret it?

(b) Rav objected (just as Rebbi Yochanan did), when Rav Kahana interpreted the Pasuk like Resh Lakish.
On what occasion did he once quote the Pasuk "ve'Lo Simatzei be'Eretz ha'Chayim" to Rav Kahana?

(c) What did he reply when Rav Kahana asked him why he was cursing him?

(a) How many of the six hundred thousand Jews between the ages of twenty and sixty who left Egypt, entered Eretz Yisrael?

(b) Based on this fact, how does Rebbi Sima'i in a Beraisa, extrapolate from the comparison between leaving Egypt and arriving in Eretz Yisrael (contained in the Pasuk in Va'eira "ve'Lakachti Eschem Li le'Am, ve'Heveisi Eschem es ha'Aretz")?

(c) What happened to the remaining hundred and eighty thousand million Jews?

(d) What does Rava comment on this, based on the Pasuk in Hoshe'a "ve'Ansah Shamah ki'Yemei Ne'urehah u'che'Yom Alosah me'Eretz Mitzrayim"?

(a) Which three atrocities did an elderly Egyptian once show Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Yossi (presumably in an ancient script, Agados Maharsha) in Alexandria, that his fathers did to the Tana's?

(b) What do these have to do with Moshe Rabeinu's punishment?

(c) To which punishment are we referring?

(a) Who was Hashem referring to when He complained about those who were gone, and were no longer to be found?

(b) What doubts might one have expected coming from ...

  1. ... Avraham?
  2. ... Yitzchak?
  3. ... Ya'akov?
(c) What else did they not ask Hashem, which Moshe did (even earlier)?
(a) Moshe prostrated himself (as a mark of thanks) when he stood on Har Sinai, after the Chet ha'Eigel, and perceived the Midah of "Erech Apayim" (denoting temporary forgiveness, and a chance to make good).
What do the Rabbanan say?

(b) Which opinion has the support of a Beraisa?

(c) The Tana records the dialogue that took place between Hashem and Moshe when Moshe ascended Har Sinai and found Him writing "Erech Apayim".
What did Hashem retort when Moshe suggested ...

  1. ... 'Erech Apayim la'Tzadikim'?
  2. ... that the Resha'im deserve to perish?
(d) And what did Moshe retort, when after Yisrael sinned by the Golden Calf, and Moshe was Davening on their behalf, Hashem reminded him how he himself had specifically asked for 'Erech Apayim la'Tzadikim'?

(e) Which Pasuk in Ki Sisa did Moshe subsequently cite?

Answers to questions



(a) What was Rebbi Chaga doing when he heard a child, who quoted the Pasuk in Tehilim "Tefilah le'Moshe" immediately after that of "Edosecha Ne'emnu Me'od ... Hashem le'Orech Yamim"?

(b) What did he extrapolate from there?

(a) Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ba'Yom ha'Hu Yiheyeh Hashem Tzevakos la'Ateres Tzvi ... ", what does Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Chanina say will happen to those who 'do the will of Hashem and hope for His Glory'?

(b) And what does he learn from the words there "le'She'ar Amo"?

(c) If "u'le'Ru'ach Mishpat" refers to those who overcome their Yetzer-ha'Ra and do Teshuvah on their sins, what does the Navi mean when he adds ...

  1. ... "u'le'Yoshev al ha'Mishpat"?
  2. ... "ve'li'Gevurah"?
  3. ... "Meshivei Milchamah"?
(d) What did Hashem answer the Midas ha'Din, when it asked what it was that caused those who are precluded from attaining these levels?

(e) Their end is hinted in the words "Paku Peliliyah".
What do they mean?

(a) What does our Mishnah extrapolate from the Pasuk in Re'ei (in connection with the Ir ha'Nidachas) "Yatz'u Anashim B'nei Beliya'al *mi'Kirbecha*"?

(b) What specifications (besides the fact that they must be residents of the town and members of that tribe) must the Madichin (those who talk the residents into sinning) fulfill, for the town to become an Ir ha'Nidachas?

(c) What happens to a town where only a minority were talked into worshipping Avodah-Zarah or if the Madichin were non-residents?

(d) What are the ramifications of this Halachah?

(a) What is the Din of an Ir ha'Nidachas with regard to witnesses and warning?

(b) Under which circumstances will a passing caravan be deemed "Yoshvei ha'Ir ha'Hi"?

(c) In which regard will they then save the town?

(d) Seeing as they would also cause the town's money to be destroyed, should they turn the minority who did sin into the majority, why does the Tana present specifically the case where they save?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Hacharem Osah ve'es *Kol* Asher Bah"?

(b) Does this mean that all the property of the Tzadikim must be burned together with that of the Resha'im?

(c) How are the animals in an Ir ha'Nidachas killed?

(d) "ve'es Kol Shelalah Tikbotz el Toch Rechovah".
What does one do if the town ...

  1. ... has no town-square?
  2. ... square is situated outside the town?
(a) Our Mishnah also learns "Shelalah", 've'Lo Sh'lal Shamayim'.
What are the ramifications of this ruling with regard to ...
  1. ... Hekdesh?
  2. ... Terumah?
  3. ... Ma'aser Sheini and Sefarim"? Why can the former not be burned (seeing as it can normally be eaten even by Yisre'elim)?
(b) What does Rebbi Shimon learn from "Kalil la'Hashem Elokecha"?

(c) Rebbi Yossi Hagelili interprets "Vehaysah Teil Olam" literally. Rebbi Akiva disagrees.
What does Rebbi Akiva learn from "Lo Sibaneh Od"?

(a) What does the Beraisa learn from the word ...
  1. ... "Yatz'u"?
  2. ... "Anashim" (besides 've'Lo Nashim, ve'Lo Ketanim')?
  3. ... "B'nei Beliya'al"?
  4. ... "mi'Kirbecha"?
  5. ... "Yoshvei Iram"?
  6. ... "Leimor"?
(b) According to Rebbi Yochanan, it is possible for one city to have been divided among two tribes.
What does Resh Lakish say?

(c) How does Rebbi Yochanan prove his opinion from our Mishnah 'ad she'Yehei Madichehah me'Osah Ir u'me'Oso Sheivet'?

(d) How does Resh Lakish refute Rebbi Yochanan's proof?

(a) What do we assume the Pasuk means when it describes how two of the tribes gave nine towns of refuge, to ask from there on Resh Lakish?

(b) On what grounds to we query the answer that one of the tribes provide five, and the other, four?

(c) What does the Lashon 'Kashya' imply?

(a) We ask what the Din will be if the residents of the Ir ha'Nidachas talked themselves in to serving Avodah-Zarah.
How do we try to resolve the She'eilah via our Mishnah, which precludes a town whose Madichin are women or children from the Din of Ir ha'Nidachas?

(b) On what grounds do we refute this proof?

(c) What does the word 'Hanach Basar Nafshaihu *Gridi*' mean?

(d) How does it differ from the word 'G'riri'?

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