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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sanhedrin 104

SANHEDRIN 104 (19 Teves) - dedicated to the memory of Hagaon Rav Yisrael Avraham Abba ben Harav Chaim Binyamin Ze'ev Krieger ZT"L, Rav Kehilah in Russia and later in Boston, MA, Talmid of Hagaon Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin and author of Yad Yisrael on the Rambam and many other Sefarim. Sponsored by his son, Reb Chananel Benayahu Krieger (Yerushalayim).


(a) Rebbi Yochanan himself extols 'Legimah' even more than Rebbi Yossi ben Kisma (whom he just quoted). When he describes it as 'Merachekes es ha'Kerovim', he is referring to the above case of Amon and Mo'av, who failed to provide Yisrael with food in the desert (as Rebbi Yossi ben Kisma explained).
Why does he refer to Amon and Moav as 'Kerovim'?

(b) Whom does he mean by 'Mekareves es ha'Rechokim'? Whose descendants merited to sit in the Lishkas ha'Gazis because he invited whom to "come and eat bread"?

(c) Who was Yonadav ben Reichav? Who were the Keinim?

(a) 'u'Me'alemes Einayim min ha'Resha'im' refers to Michah, as we explained earlier, 'u'Mashreh Shechinah al Nevi'ei ha'Ba'al' applies to the friend of Ido ha'Navi.
What did he do to deserve prophesy?

(b) After luring Ido to Beis-Eil for a meal (against Hashem's express orders) with a false prophesy, what did he prophesy about Ido)?

(c) 've'Shigegaso Oleh Zadon' refers to Yonasan, David's close friend. What mistake does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav ascribe to him?

(d) Besides the destruction of Nov Ir ha'Kohanim and the death of Do'eg ha'Edomi, what was the third outcome of Yonasan's mistake?

(a) According to Rebbi Yirmiyah bar Aba, the Tana'im did not list Achaz among the kings who have no portion in Olam ha'Ba, because 'he was placed between two Tzadikim'.
What does this mean?

(b) How does Rav Yosef explain it?

(c) Hashem instructed Yeshayah to take his son Sha'ar Yashuv to the edge of the upper pool by the path of 'S'dei Koves'. Rav Yosef Darshens 'Koves' in two ways, one of them turns the 'Sin' into a 'Shin', to mean that he hid his face ('Kavash Panav') before Yeshayah and left.
What is his second explanation?

(d) And why did the Tana'im omit Amon from the list?

(a) Chizkiyahu did not save his son Menasheh from appearing on the list of kings who have no portion in Olam ha'Ba, because of the Pasuk in Ha'azinu "ve'Ein mi'Yadi Matzil.
What do we learn from there?

(b) Which two great Tzadikim were affected by this Pasuk, too?

(c) Which of the kings mentioned earlier who does not appear on the list could we also attribute to his son's merit, now that we have discovered that a son can save his father from Gehinom?

(d) We already learned all about Yehoyakim in 'ha'Nisrafin'.
Why is he not included in the list of those who have no portion in Olam ha'Ba?

(a) What caused Chizkayahu to ask for a sign that he would recover from his illness?

(b) What happened as a result of his query?

(c) This resulted in the exile of his children, based on a statement of Chizkiyah.
What did Chizkiyah say?

(d) What happened to those descendants of Chizkiyah who went into exile to Bavel? Who were they?

(a) Chizkiyah was happy to greet the emissaries of the King of Bavel (who brought the letters [which we discussed earlier] and gifts) and he showed them his silver and gold, his spices and his oil stores, as well 'Beis Nechosoh', which, according to Rav, means that he allowed hi wife to serve them.
What is then the exact meaning of 'Beis Nechosoh'?

(b) According to Shmuel, it means his treasuries.
What does Rebbi Yochanan say?

(c) Why, according to Rebbi Yochanan ...

  1. ... as quoted by Rabah, were Yisrael smitten with the word "Eichah"?
  2. ... were Yisrael smitten with the 'Alef Beis' (which comprise the first letters of the Pesukim of Eichah)?
(d) According to Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan, what is the corollary between the Pasuk in ve'Zos ha'Berachah "Vayashken Yisrael Batach *Badad* Ein Ya'akov el Eretz Dagan ve'Tirosh Af Shamav Ya'arfu Tal" and "Eichah Yashvah *Badad*"?
(a) How does Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan explain "ha'Ir Rabasi Am"? What would they do to increase the birth-rate?

(b) Why was that?

(c) How does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav interpret the phrase "Haysah ke'Almanah"? ...

(d) ... and Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan that of "Sarasi ba'Medinos"?

Answers to questions



(a) The Beraisa relates a story of two Jewish captives walking in front of their captor.
How did they know that the camel that preceded them was ...
  1. ... blind in one eye?
  2. ... carrying two flasks, one containing wine, the other, containing oil?
  3. ... being led by two people, one a Yisrael, the other, a Nochri?
(b) And what did the captives say about their captor?

(c) What was his initial reaction to their assessment?

(d) How did he discover that it was totally accurate?

(e) How did he react to this discovery? What did he declare after dancing before them, and what did he subsequently do?

(a) Why does Yirmiyah (in the Book of Eichah) use the double expression "Bachoh Sivkeh"?

(b) And what was he referring to when he said "ba'Laylah"?

(c) How did Hashem respond to their weeping? What did He say to them?

(d) "ba'Laylah" is also used, because ...

  1. ... whenever someone cries at night-time, his voice can be heard from afar.
    So what if it is? What is the Navi coming to teach us?
  2. ... when someone cries at nighttime, all the stars and constellations cry with him.
    What other reason is there for Yirmiyah to have referred to nighttime?
(a) What happened once when a widow who was a neighbor of Raban Gamliel, lost her son?

(b) What did Raban Gamliel's Talmidim do about it?

(c) What does Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan comment on the Pasuk ...

  1. ... "ve'Dim'asah al Lecheyah"?
  2. ... "Hayu Tzarehah le'Rosh"?
(d) What else did he say, based on a Pasuk in Yeshayah about someone who oppresses Yisrael?
(a) What did Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan mean when, based on the Pasuk in Eichah "Lo Aleichem Kol Ovrei Darech; Habitu u'Re'u, Im Yesh Mach'ov ke'Mach'ovi", he said 'mi'Ka'an le'Kuvlana min ha'Torah'?

(b) To whom was the Navi (representing the exiles of Yisrael) speaking?

(c) What does Rav Amram Amar Rav mean when he says 'As'uni ke'Ovrei al Das' (see Agados Maharsha)?

(d) If Yisrael's sin was worse than that of S'dom, why was S'dom destroyed, and not Yisrael (or why was S'dom punished directly by Hashem ["va'Hashem Himtir al S'dom"], whereas Yisrael was punished only through a Sheli'ach ["Shalach Eish be'Atzmosai"])?

(e) How do we interpret the Pasuk "Silah Kol Abirai Hashem be'Kirbi"?

(a) "Patzu Alayich Pihem ... Asah Hashem Asher Zamam".
How does Rabah Amar Rebbi Yochanan explain the fact that the Pasuk puts the 'Pey' before the 'Ayin'?

(b) And how does he explain the Pasuk in Tehilim "Ochlei Ami Achlu Lechem"?

(c) According to Rav, the continuation of that Pasuk "Osi Lo Kara'u" refers to the Dayanim, who caused this punishment with their perversion of justice. How does Shmuel explain it?

(a) Who compiled the list of the three kings and four Hedyotos who lost their portion in Olam ha'Ba?

(b) Who is the fourth king whom they wanted to include in the list?

(c) How did they react when the image of David came before them and pleaded with them to relent?

(d) What other sign did they ignore?

(e) They even ignored Hashem's initial plea with the Chachamim to accept Shlomoh.
What argument did He present them with?

(a) What was the 'bas-Kol's final message, based on a Pasuk in Iyov?

(b) But Hashem carried the matter still further.
What do the 'Dorshei Reshumos' extrapolate from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Li Gilad, ve'Li Menasheh ... ", regarding the list?

(c) If "Li Gil'ad" pertains to Achav who fell at Ramos Gilad, and "u'Menasheh " to King Menasheh, then who is meant by ...

  1. ... "ve'Efrayim Ma'oz Roshi"?
  2. ... "Yehudah Mechokeki"?
  3. ... "Mo'av Sir Ragli"?
  4. ... "Al Edom Ashlich Na'ali"?
(d) How do the Dorshei Reshumos interpret "Alei P'leshes Hisro'a'i"?

(e) Whom did the Dorshei Reshumos omit from the original list of seven?

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