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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Sanhedrin 100

SANHEDRIN 96-100 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the third Yahrzeit of her father, Reb Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Weiner), who passed away 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Talmud study serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah


(a) Rav Papa adds a third interpretation of 'Apikores'.
What does he mean when he says 'K'gon de'Amar Hanahu (or Hani) Rabbanan'? What ought one to say?

(b) What did Rav Papa do when he once forgot and said 'K'gon Hani Rabbanan'?

(a) What were Levi bar Shmuel and Rav Huna bar Chiya doing in the presence of Rav Yehudah, when someone brought them a Megilas Esther? What did they bring it for?

(b) What did Rav Yehudah retort when they said 'Ha Megilas Esther Lo Ba'i Mitpachas (see Agados Maharsha)'?

(c) Why did he say that? What was wrong with their statement?

(d) Rav Nachman's interpretation of 'Apikores' conforms with a statement of Rebbi Yochanan.
What did Rebbi Yochanan comment on the Pasuk in Melachim "Va'yomer Gechazi Adoni ha'Melech, Zos ha'Ishah ve'Zeh B'nah Asher Elisha"?

(a) What did Rebbi Yirmiyah say in front of Rebbi Zeira about a river (based on a Pasuk in Yechezkel)?

(b) The Pasuk writes that the fruit-trees (as well as the fruit and the leaves) will never whither.
What does the Navi say further about ...

  1. ... the fruit?
  2. ... the leaves?
(c) What did Rebbi Yirmiyah comment, when that old man said 'Ye'yasher' adding 'And that's what Rebbi Yochanan said too'?

(d) What did Rebbi Zeira reply?

(a) What Rebbi Yirmiyah might have heard (to be Apikorsus) was a case such as the following one. Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah ", u'She'arayich Avnei Ekdach", Rebbi Yochanan stated that Hashem is going to bring precious stones measuring thirty Amos by thirty Amos.
What is He going to do with them?

(b) Why did that Talmid scoff at his words?

(c) What caused him to change his mind?

(d) How did Rebbi Yochanan react when the Talmid subsequently endorsed his statement, based on what he had seen?

(a) How does Rebbi Meir interpret the Pasuk in Bechukosai "va'Olech Eschem Komemiyus"? What height does "Komemiyus" imply?

(b) Rebbi Yehudah says that the people will only be as tall as the length of the Heichal (of the first Beis-Hamikdash [based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Asher Baneinu ki'Neti'im ... Mechutavos Tavnis Heichal"]).
What was the length of the Heichal?

(c) What else might Rebbi Yehudah mean when he compares the height of the people to the Heichal?

(d) How do we reconcile this with Rebbi Yochanan, who gives the height of the gates as only twenty Amos?

(a) We learned earlier that the leaves will be used for healing purposes. According to Chizkiyah, this means to cure the dumb.
How does bar Kapara interpret it?

(b) Rav Yitzchak bar Avudimi and Rav Chisda also argue over the healing powers of the leaves; one of them says 'Le'hatir Peh shel Ma'alah', the other, 'Le'hatir Peh shel Matah'.
What is the meaning of ...

  1. ... 'Le'hatir Peh shel Ma'alah mean?
  2. ... 'Le'hatir Peh shel Matah?
(c) Rebbi Yochanan learns 'li'Terufah Mamash'.
How does Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni interpret this?

(d) What will happen in the World to Come to a Talmid-Chacham who ...

  1. ... 'blackens his face' for Torah (see Agados Maharsha) in this world, according to Rebbi Yehudah b'Rebbi Simon?
  2. ... starves himself in order to study Torah in this world, according Rebbi Tanchum bar Chanila'i?
(a) What did Rav Dimi mean when he came from Eretz Yisrael and said that Hashem will give each and every Tzadik 'M'lo Omso'?

(b) What objection did Abaye raise to this, based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Mi Madad be'Sha'alo Mayim, ve'Shamayim ba'Zeres Tikein"?

(c) According to Rav Dimi, where should Abaye have been, to have known the answer to his question?

(d) What did they say in Eretz Yisrael in the name of Rava bar Mari, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Le'hanchil Ohavai *Yesh*, ve'Otzroseihem Amalei" (though this is actually the last Mishnah in Uktzin)?

(e) How does this resolve Abaye's problem?

(a) What does Rebbi Meir in a Beraisa learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "be'Sa'asah be'Shalchah Terivenah"?

(b) On the understanding that Hashem therefore pays a person for the handful that he gave a poor man in this world with His own Handful in the World to Come, what objection did Rebbi raise to this explanation?

(c) Rebbi Yehudah answered Rebbi's Kashya based on the principle 'Midah Tovah Merubah mi'Midas Pur'anus'.
How does he derive this from the Pasuk in Tehilim "va'Yetzav Shechakim mi'Ma'al ve'Dalsei Shamayim Pasach, va'Yamter Aleihem Man Le'echol"? What Lashon does the Pasuk in No'ach use with regard to the Mabul?

(d) To finally resolves Rebbi's problem, he cites the Pasuk in Yeshayah (in connection with the corpses of the Resha'im) "ve'Isham Lo Sichbeh".
What is the problem with that? How does that solve out problem?

Answers to questions



(a) We learned in our Mishnah that someone who reads Sefarim ha'Chitzonim loses his portion in Olam ha'Ba. According to the Beraisa, this refers to books written by Tzedokim? Why specifically Tzedokim?

(b) What does Rav Yosef say about the Book of ben Sira? Why is that?

(c) What does ben Sira say about skinning a fish starting from the ear? What is wrong with that?

(d) On what grounds do we refute the suggestion that reading Seifer ben Sira is due to this statement, if one takes it ...

  1. ... at the simple level?
  2. ... at a deeper level?
(a) ben Sira writes ''Bas le'Avihah Matmonis Shav".
Why can her father not sleep when she is ...
  1. ... a Ketanah?
  2. ... a Na'arah?
  3. ... a Bogeres?
  4. ... already married?
  5. ... older?
(b) What did he say about worry?

(c) On what grounds do we refute the suggestion that reading Seifer ben Sira is due to ...

  1. ... his statement about bas?
  2. ... his statement about worry?
(d) Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi argue over the Pasuk in Mishlei. One of them says 'Yasichenah mi'Libo' (to remove it from one's heart.
What does the other one say?
(a) ben Sira also writes about being careful whom one takes into one's house.
What does he mean when he says ...
  1. ... "Mana Rabim mi'Toch Beischa"?
  2. ... "ve'Lo ha'Kol Tavi el Beischa"?
(b) This too, cannot be the cause for the ban on ben Sira's writings, because of a statement made by Rebbi.
What did Rebbi, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ish Re'im le'Hisro'a", say?

(c) We conclude that the ban is due to the following baseless statements.
What did he say about someone whose beard is ...

  1. ... thin and sparse?
  2. ... thick?
  3. ... split into two sections? What caused the split?
(d) Alternatively, ben Sira was referring, not to 'Ma'ab'rsa, but to ...
  1. ... 'Hechresa', a sign in his beard (i.e. food) that he ate.
    What did he then mean to say?
  2. ... 'G'varta'.
    What does this mean?
12) And what did ben Sira also say about someone who ...
  1. ... blows the froth from the top of his cup?
  2. ... looks for a condiment with which to eat his bread?
(a) What did Rav Yosef say about ben Sira's book? How will one get to know the wise statements that it contains?

(b) What did ben Sira say about ...

  1. ... a good wife?
  2. ... a bad wife?
  3. ... a beautiful wife?
(c) What has happened to many people who have come into contact with a beautiful woman?

(d) What is the best thing to do vis-a-vis ...

  1. ... a charming woman?
  2. ... the husband of a charming woman?
(a) What did ben Sira say about peddlers (who used to sell women's trinkets)?

(b) He compares the incidence of his job leading to adultery to two things, one of them to a spark setting light a smoldering coal.
What is the other?

(c) The Chachamim would also Darshen ben Sira's dictum not to allow just anyone into one's home (as we discussed earlier), and that of building a large circle of friends.
How does he qualify the latter? What does he say about secrets?

(d) And what does ben Sira say with regard to worrying about tomorrow?

(a) The Pasuk in Mishlei writes "Kol Yemei Ani Ra'im".
What did ben Sira mean when he added 'Af Leilos bi'Sh'fal Gagim Gago, u'vi'Merom Harim Karmo'?

(b) Rebbi Zeira Amar Rav explains the Pasuk in Mishlei "Kol Yemei Ani Ra'im" with reference to those who learn Gemara (which as we know, entails a lot of hard work), and "ve'Tov Leiv Mishteh Tamid", with reference to those who learn Mishnah (who have it relatively easy).
Why does Rava say 'Ipcha'?

(c) How does Rav Mesharshaya Amar Rava therefore explain the Pasuk in Koheles "Masi'a Avanim Avanim Ye'atzev Bam, u'Vokei'a Eitzim Yisachen Bam"?
Who is meant by ...

  1. ... "Masi'a Avanim"?
  2. ... "Vokei'a Eitzim"?
(a) According to Rebbi Chanina, the Pesukim refer to a person who has a bad wife and a good wife respectively.
How does Rebbi Yanai explain them? What is an Istenis?

(b) Rebbi Yochanan inteprets "Kol Yemei ... " with regard to someone who takes pity on everyone.
How does he then intepret "ve'Tov Leiv Mishteh Tamid"?

(c) The final explanation is that of Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi.
How does he interpret the two cases?

(d) How does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi reconcile the Pasuk ''Kol-Yemei Ani Ra'im" with the fact that even an Ani eats nice food on Shabbos?

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