brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Sanhedrin, 13
QUESTION: The Gemara records an argument between Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi
Yosi concerning when we add an extra month of Adar to the year based on the
calculation of when the following Sukos will occur. They both derive from
the verse that the days of "Chag ha'Asif," referring to the days of Chol
ha'Mo'ed Sukos, need to occur during Tekufas Tishrei (i.e. after the vernal
equinox of the solar year). Rebbi Yehudah learns that *all* of the days of
Chol ha'Mo'ed must fall during Tekufas Tishrei, and Rebbi Yosi learns that
only the last day of Chol ha'Mo'ed must fall during Tekufas Tishrei. If Beis
Din sees that the lunar year is falling behind the solar year so much that
Chol ha'Mo'ed Sukos (all of the days, according to Rebbi Yosi, or even one
day, according to Rebbi Yehudah) will fall during Tekufas Tamuz (before
Tekufas Tishrei), then they establish a leap year.
According to Rebbi Yehudah, why should we establish a leap year when only
one day of Chol ha'Mo'ed Sukos will occur during Tekufas Tamuz? We should
instead make the month of Elul a "full" month by adding one day to the
month, instead of adding a full month to the year (as the Gemara itself
(13b) asks with regard to the month of Adar, when Nisan needs to be pushed
off for one day)! Similarly, according to Rebbi Yosi, when all of the days
of Chol ha'Mo'ed will occur during Tekufas Tamuz, and we only need *one* day
(the last day) day of Chol ha'Mo'ed to fall during Tekufas Tishrei, we can
accomplish this by lengthening the month of Elul for one day, making it a
30-day month instead of a 29-day month, without having to make a leap year
with an extra month!
ANSWER: RASHI explains that we cannot simply make Elul longer by one day,
because we must take into account that Rosh Hashanah may not fall on a
Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday (see Rosh Hashanah 19b, Sukah 43b). Our
calendar, therefore, is set so that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on these
days. Since the calendar is set so that Rosh Hashanah will fall either on
Shabbos, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, altering Elul by one day will cause
Rosh Hashanah to fall on either Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Since, on most years, altering the month of Elul by one day will push Rosh
Hashanah to a day on which it is not allowed to fall, we do not add one day
to Elul. Rosh Hashanah being pushed to a Tuesday from Monday is not common,
and therefore the Gemara does not suggest that we rectify the problem of
Sukos falling during Tekufas Tamuz by adding a day to Elul, since it will
not help for most years.
Another possible way to push Sukos into Tekufas Tishrei would be to make
*two* regular months (of 29 days each) during the preceding year into two
full months (of 30 days), which would leave Rosh Hashanah on a day that it
is permitted to occur. However, we cannot do this because of the rule in
Erchin (8b) that states that we may not institute eight full months in one
year (unless the previous year was a leap year, which is not the case in our
TOSFOS (DH v'Rebbi Yosi Savar) questions Rashi's answer from the Gemara
later (13b) which discusses the opinion of Acherim. Acherim say that we
establish a leap year when there will be *fourteen* days left in the
preceding Tekufah when the month of the festival arrives. Rav Shmuel bar Rav
Yitzchak explains that Acherim are referring to *Nisan* (and not Tishrei,
for even if the first fourteen days of Tishrei are in Tekufas Tamuz, all of
Sukos will occur during Tekufas Tishrei). Acherim maintain that the Torah
requires us to ensure that Tekufas Nisan (the spring equinox of the solar
year) will begin during the first half of the month of Nisan, before the
moon is full ("Shamor Es Chodesh ha'Aviv," Devarim 16:1). Hence, if the
preceding Tekufah (Tekufas Teves) will carry on for fourteen days into
Nisan, we must push off the month of Nisan by making the year a leap year.
The Gemara there asks that it would suffice to add a day to the month of
Adar, and we do not need to add a whole new month. Why, though, is the
Gemara there not concerned with the problem of Rosh Hashanah occurring on a
Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday?
1. Tosfos answers that since there is still a lot of time left until Sukos,
we can *shorten* a month that was supposed to be longer in order to ensure
that Rosh Hashanah will occur on the appropriate day. This is also the
answer that Rashi gives there (13b, DH v'Li'abrah).
2. RABEINU TAM gives a different answer, saying that even if we do not
shorten a month between Pesach and Sukos, the Gemara was asking according to
the opinion which maintains that Rosh Hashanah is not restricted to certain
days of the week (see Shabbos 113a). The BA'AL HA'ME'OR similarly explains
that it was a later enactment that Rosh Hashanah must occur on certain days
of the week, and therefore the Gemara was not bothered by this question. He
proves this from the first Mishnah in Maseches Megilah which lists all of
the days of the week as possible days on which Purim might fall, even though
it is not possible for Purim to fall on certain days according to our
Tosfos (13b, DH v'Li'abrei) asks that even according to Rabeinu Tam's
approach, the Gemara's question on Acherim is not clear. The Gemara in Rosh
Hashanah (20a) explains that Acherim maintain that Rosh Hashanah of one year
must occur four days later in the week than it occurred the previous year
(for example, if last year Rosh Hashanah occurred on Sunday, then this year
Rosh Hashanah must occur on Thursday). Pushing the calendar off by one day
(by adding a day to Adar) will prevent that from happening. How, then, can
the Gemara suggest, according to Acherim, that we just add another day to
the month of Adar?
The ARUCH LA'NER points out that although Tosfos asks his question "*even*
according to Rabeinu Tam," it really is a question *only* on Rabeinu Tam.
According to Rashi, this question poses no problem, because Rashi explains
that if we would add a day to Adar, then we would also have to subtract a
day from one of the summer months, thereby maintaining the pattern of
progression of Rosh Hashanah.
3. The RAN quotes the RAMBAN who gives a third answer to this question, why
the Gemara (13b), which asks that we should just add one day to the month of
Adar according to Acherim, is not concerned with pushing Rosh Hashanah to a
day on which it is not supposed to fall. He explains that the Gemara is
asking its question asking only according to Acherim, because it is they who
maintain that it is a Torah Law that Pesach must occur in the spring season
(after the start of the solar Tekufas Nisan). This law takes precedence over
all of the other considerations (such as the law that Rosh Hashanah may not
occur on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday). In contrast, according to the
Rabanan who argue with Acherim, the occurrence of the Tekufah is not the
sole factor in justifying a leap year. We require at least one more reason
to justify a leap year (see 11b). If establishing a leap year push the
Tekufah to its proper time, *and* it will prevent Rosh Hashanah from
occurring on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday (which adding one day to the month
of Adar would not accomplish), then we may establish a leap year. (Y.
QUESTION: The Gemara states that when someone was granted Semichah, he was
authorized to judge cases of penalties (that is, monetary fines that do not
correspond to the amount stolen or owed). RASHI explains that cases of
penalties require expert judges, because the verse refers to those who judge
cases of penalties as "Elokim." The Chachamim decreed that other monetary
matters, however, do not require expert judges because of "Ne'ilas Deles" --
so that potential lenders will not be reluctant to lend money (see Gemara on
2b). In cases in which "Ne'ilas Deles" does not apply, such as a case of a
Shomer or a thief who owes an object, expert judges are necessary, and the
only reason why we are able to judge such cases in Bavel (outside of Eretz
Yisrael, where there is no Semichah) is because we are acting as the
emissaries of the Beis Din of Eretz Yisrael (Bava Kama 84b).
words of Rashi. Rashi in Gitin (88b) says explicitly that Beis Din today may
judge cases of ordinary loans, because judges today are considered to be the
emissaries of the judges of Eretz Yisrael. This apparently contradicts his
words here, where he says that ordinary loans are judged *not* because the
judges today act as emissaries of the judges of Eretz Yisrael, but because
of the reason of "Ne'ilas Deles" (i.e. if ordinary loans would not be judged
today, then no lender would be willing to lend money to those in need)!
ANSWER: RAV YITZCHAK ELCHANAN quotes the TUMIM who says that there is a
difference between cases of loans and cases of theft. Loans can be judged in
front of three regular, non-expert judges even when there are three expert
judges present in the city. This is because the reason for permitting
regular judges to judge cases of loans is in order for the lender not to
have to worry about getting expert judges for the case. Cases of theft, in
contrast, are judged in Bavel by non-experts because the thief would
otherwise be encouraged to steal more readily, knowing that the owner of the
object would not spend the money to travel to a Beis Din in Eretz Yisrael.
In a place where there are expert judges, or in Eretz Yisrael, however, one
should only go to a Beis Din of experts, as the mere presence of such a
court prevents someone from stealing.
According to this, we can understand Rashi's intent. Rashi in Gitin is
saying that while there is no concern that people will stop lending money in
Eretz Yisrael, since there is no difficult in finding expert judges there,
ordinary judges may still judge cases of loans because they serve as the
emissaries of the expert judges. Here, on the other hand, Rashi is
explaining that in Bavel there *is* a concern that people will stop lending
money when they see that it is difficult to find expert judges, and thus it
is for that reason that even non-expert judges may judge cases of loans in
Bavel. (Y. Montrose)
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