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1) [line 1] NESU'AH YOTZ'AH LI'SEREIFAH V'LO ARUSAH - a woman fully married (with Nisu'in) [who committed adultery] is excluded [from the punishment of Chenek] to receive the punishment of Sereifah, but an Arusah (a woman only betrothed with Eirusin) is not [excluded from the punishment of Sekilah for committing adultery]
2) [line 7] MAMONAN AVAD - their property is destroyed
4a) [line 8] HA'MEDI'ACH - one who persuades others to worship Avodah Zarah
5) [line 12] MAKEH AVIV V'IMO - one who hits his father or his mother
6) [line 22] MARGELA B'FUMEI D'REBBI YOCHANAN - (a) it was a common saying in the mouth of Rebbi Yochanan (but it was not a Mishnah or Beraisa, but rather what he had heard from his teachers, -- RASHI); (b) it was like a *jewel* in the mouth of Rebbi Yochanan 7) [line 32] SHNEI KELALOS NE'EMRU B'VAS KOHEN - two general principles were said [by the Torah] with regard to the daughter of a Kohen [who commits adultery]. That is, when the Torah says that a married woman (a Nesu'ah) who commits adultery is punished with Chenek, that includes the daughter of a Kohen. Second, when the Torah says that a betrothed woman (an Arusah) who commits adultery is punished with Sekilah, that includes the daughter of a Kohen. The Torah then takes the daughter of a Kohen out of each category, giving her the punishment of Sereifah whether she is a Nesu'ah or an Arusah (according to Rebbi Shimon). 8) [line 37] ZOMEMEI NESU'AH BAS KOHEN BI'CHELAL ZOMEMEI NESU'AH BAS YISRAEL - the Edim Zomemim (see Background to Sanhedrin 27:1) of a married woman (a Nesu'ah), the daughter of a Kohen whom they falsely accused of adultery, are in the same category of Edim Zomemim of a married woman, the daughter of a Yisrael (and they are punished with Chenek, the normal punishment given to an adulterous wife, and they are not punished with Sereifah, the punishment given to an adulterous wife who is the daughter of a Kohen) 9) [line 41] IM ZIKAS HA'BA'AL - with the connection to a husband (i.e. while she is betrothed)
11) [line 46] ARUSAH / NESU'AH (EIRUSIN / NISU'IN)