by R. Nosson Slifkin Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Rosh Hashanah 13
ROSH HASHANAH 12, 13, 14, 15 (3-6 Menachem Av) - dedicated by the wife and
daughters of the late Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga
Feibush) of Queens N.Y. on his upcoming second Yarzeit (7 Av). Well known in
the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah, he will be remembered by all who
knew him.
(a) Question (R. Zeira): Perhaps the Pasuk is telling us
that all Shemitah prohibitions continue until Sukos of
the next year?
(b) Answer: We know that the Pasuk is referring to produce
that has grown one-third:
1. The Torah calls Sukos "the festival of Asif."
2. Asif can't mean ingathering, as Sukos has already
been called the time of ingathering.
3. It must therefore refer to harvesting of crops.
4. The Rabanan established that crops harvested on
Sukos must have grown one-third in the previous
(c) Question (R. Yirmiyah): Can the Rabanan so precisely
ascertain that it must have grown exactly one-third?
(d) Answer (R. Zeira): Don't question the Rabanan; all
halachic measures are this way:
1. Precisely forty Se'ah are required for Tevilah; a
Kurtav less won't work.
2. Precisely the volume of an egg is required to make
food Tamei; a sesame seed less won't.
3. Precisely 3*3 Tefachim in area of cloth is required
to become Tamei by Medras; a hairsbreadth less
(a) (R. Yirmiyah) There is indeed proof that the Rabbanan
could determine when the produce was one-third grown:
1. Question: What did the Bnei Yisrael use for their
first korban Omer?
2. Answer: Crops that had grown under non-Jewish
3. Question: The Torah states that it must be from
"Your" harvest!?
i. Question: Perhaps they didn't bring the Omer
in the first year?
ii. Answer: It states that they ate only after
Pesach; this must have been triggered by the
4. Answer (R. Kahana): They used produce that had
grown less than a third in the possession of a
5. Question: Perhaps it had grown more than that, and
they were unable to ascertain it?
6. Answer: It must be that they were able to
adequately ascertain it.
7. Here, too, the Rabanan can discern which produce is
one-third ripe by Rosh Hashanah.
(b) Question: Perhaps it hadn't grown at all under non-Jews,
but in a case where it did, we can't tell how much?
(c) Answer: They had only been in the country for five days,
so some growth must have taken place beforehand.
(d) Question: R. Yirmiyah's proof is now lost:
1. Question: Even if it had only grown one-sixth or
one-fifth, how could five days be enough to finish
its growth?
2. Answer: It must have finished with the special
gazelle-like swiftness of Eretz Yisrael.
3. If so, it could have also undergone all its growth
in that time!
(a) Question (R. Chanina): "Asif" is simply the name of
Sukos (and cannot be inferred to mean harvesting)!?
(b) Question (R. Zeira): We had a proof that years for
produce follow the first third of its growth, and R.
Chanina has destroyed it - from where shall we learn it?
(c) Answer (R. Yonasan b. Yosef): A Pasuk is read to refer
to a third of the crop's growth.
(d) Question: This Pasuk is needed to teach that the
pre-Shemitah year will give three years' worth of
(e) Answer: There is another Pasuk to teach us that.
(a) (Mishnah) Kitniyos which rooted before Rosh Hashanah
follow the previous year for Ma'aser, and are permitted
if it is Shemitah.
1. If they took root after Rosh Hashanah then they are
forbidden if it is Shemitah, and they follow the
current year for Ma'aser.
(b) Question (Rabah): The Rabbanan determined the
calculations for every food:
1. With trees, we follow the sprouting of their fruit;
2. With crops and olives, we follow the year when they
grew one-third;
3. With vegetables, we follow their harvesting;
4. What is the system for Kitniyos?
(c) Answer (Rabah): Since they are harvested very gradually,
it was decided to follow when they take root, as
otherwise the years cannot be kept distinct.
(d) Question (Abayey): Let him mix together his entire
stock, and we will consider that Ma'aser is being
correctly taken from each year's produce, as in a
1. (R. Yosi b. Kipur citing R. Shimon Shezuri) Ma'aser
may not be taken from Egyptian beans (Kitniyos)
which took root in one year onto that which took
root in another.
2. The solution is to mix everything together and we
assume that the Ma'aser is from each year in the
correct proportion.
(e) Answer (Rabah): That only works according to R. Shimon
Shezuri who holds of Bilah (that we can assume there is
proportional representation).
(f) (R. Yitzchak bar Nachmani citing Shmuel) The halachah
follows R. Yosi b. Kipur citing R. Shimon Shezuri.
(g) Question (R. Zeira): Surely Shmuel held that there is
only Bilah with wine and oil?
(h) Answer: Shmuel also held that we follow the end of the
growth, not the taking root (and the mixing works
because it is all from the same year for Ma'aser, not
because of Bilah).
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