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Rosh Hashanah 26

ROSH HASHANAH 26, 27 - sponsored by Reb Wolf Rosengarten of Zurich, in honor of Rav Moshe Soloveitchik Zt'l and the dedicated students of the Yeshiva he established in Moscow.

1) [line 7] LO MATZU CHAZU LEI ZECHUSA - they would not be able to hear arguments claiming that he is innocent

2) [line 11] "[V'HAYAH] BI'MSHOCH B'KEREN HA'YOVEL [K'SHOM'ACHEM ES KOL HA'SHOFAR, YARI'U KOL HA'AM TERU'AH GEDOLAH...]" - "[And it shall come to pass] that when they blow a long blast with the ram's horn; [when you hear the sound of the Shofar, all the people shall shout with a great shout...]" (Yehoshua 6:5)

3) [line 14] "BECHOR SHORO HADAR LO V'KARNEI RE'EM KARNAV..." - "The firstborn of his ox, grandeur is his; and his horns are like the horns of a Re'em..." (Devarim 33:17)

4) [line 16] V'SITAV LA'SH-M MI'SHOR PAR [MAKRIN MAFRIS]" - "And it shall please HaSh-m more than an ox (Shor) [that has the characteristics of] a bull (Par) [that has horns and hoofs]" (Tehilim 69:32)

5) [line 23] SHE'EIN KATEIGOR NA'ASEH SANEIGOR (A Prosecutor Cannot Become a Defense Attorney)
An item that is a reminder of a person's past sins cannot be used to arouse his merits. Therefore, the Kohen Gadol may not wear his golden vestments when he goes into the Kodesh ha'Kodashim on Yom ha'Kipurim to secure atonement for Benei Yisrael because of the gold that arouses the memory of the sin of the golden calf.

6) [line 25] CHOTEI BAL YAKRIV - the *person* who has sinned shall neither offer an item with which he has sinned, nor use it in the Divine service

7) [line 26] KAF U'MACHTAH
When the Kohen Gadol entered the Kodesh ha'Kodashim to burn the special incense of Yom ha'Kipurim, he carried a golden Kaf (a bowl with a handle) of Ketores and a golden Machtah (a firepan of burning coals). He placed the firepan of coals on the floor, poured the Ketores from the Kaf into his palms and spread the Ketores on the coals, as the verse specifies (Vayikra 16:12-13).

8) [line 26] CHOTEI BAL YISNA'EH - a person who has sinned shall not adorn *himself* with an item with which he has sinned

9) [line 37] D'KAI GILDEI GILDEI - it is made layers upon layers
10) [line 45] ARAVYA - Arabia
11) [line 46] GALYA - (a) Gallia or Galatia in Asia Minor; (b) France (Gaul)
12) [line 46] GEMULAH DA MI'BA'ALAH - this one is separated from her husband
13) [line 46] AFRIKI - (a) Phrygia, in Asia Minor; (b) Africa, esp. Northern Africa, the Africa Propria or Vera of the Romans

14) [line 46] ME'AH (a coin that is worth one-sixth of a Dinar)

  • 1 Sela = 4 Dinar
  • 1 Dinar = 6 Me'ah
  • 1 Me'ah = 2 Pundeyon
  • 1 Pundeyon = 2 Isar
  • 1 Isar = 6-8 Prutah (based on Kidushin 12a)
15) [line 47] KERAKEI HA'YAM - fortified port cities
16) [line 48] KAN NISHRAYA - (lit. eagles' nest) Kennesrin, a place on the Euphrates
17) [line 49] NINFEI - "an adorned bride" in Greek (Shemos Rabah 36:1, where the Girsa is *NIMFEI*)

18) [line 49] "YEFEH NOF, MESOS KOL HA'ARETZ..." - "Beautiful of situation, the joy of the world..." (Tehilim 48:3) - According to the Gemara, this means "[Yerushalayim has] the beauty of an adorned bride..."

19) [line 50] "MI SHAS BA'TUCHOS CHOCHMAH, O MI NASAN LA'SECHVI VINAH?" - "Who has put wisdom in the covered (alt. smooth -- RASHI) parts, or Who has given understanding to the rooster (alt. heart -- Ibn Ezra to Iyov)?" (Iyov 38:36)

20) [last line] KELAYOS - kidneys


21) [line 1] KAV'AN PELANYA - So-and-so has robbed me
22) [line 3] "HA'YIKBA ADAM ELOK-M? KI ATEM KOVE'IM OSI. VA'AMARTEM, 'BA'MEH KEVA'ANUCHA?' HA'MA'ASER VEHA'TERUMAH!" - "Will a man rob G-d? Yet you have robbed Me. But you say, 'In what have we robbed You?' In tithes and Terumah!" (Malachi 3:8)

23) [line 7] MILSA D'ISURA KA'AMAR LEI - [Levi thought that] the man was speaking about an act of immorality

24) [line 8] SEIRUGIN - in intervals, with interruption
25) [line 9] D'CHAZASANHU RABANAN - that saw the students
26) [line 9] PISKEI PISKEI - in groups; not all at once
27) [line 11] CHALOGLOGOS - the purslane plant; a common plant that has small, yellow flowers and small, thick leaves. It is an herb and is sometimes used in salads or for flavoring.

28) [line 13] D'KA MEVADER PARPECHINEI - that was scattering his purslane plants (this is usually translated as the Old French "polpier"; in most of the manuscripts and printings it is translated here as the Italian "procacle" [O.F. porcelaine], alteration of the Latin "porcilaca," which means "porcelain.")

29) [line 15] "SALSELEHAH U'SEROMEMEKA, [TECHABEDCHA KI SECHABKENAH.]" - "Hold it in high esteem and it will uplift you, [it will bring you honor when you embrace it.]" (Mishlei 4:8) - The Gemara interprets this verse as, "Delve into and unearth its (the Torah's) hidden treasures and it will uplift you..."

30) [line 17] KA MEHAPECH B'SA'AREI - who was styling (or curling) his hair
31) [line 19] "...V'TETESIHAH B'MAT'ATEI HASHMED..." - "...and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction..." (Yeshayah 14:23)

32) [line 22] "HASHLECH AL HASH-M YEHAVECHA V'HU YECHALKELECHA..." - "Cast your burden upon HaSh-m and He shall sustain you..." (Tehilim 55:23)

33) [line 25] HA'HU TAI'A/TAYA'A - that Arab merchant
34) [line 25] HAVAH DARINA TUNA - I was carrying a burden
35) [line 25] SHEKOL YAHAVICH - take your burden
36) [line 26] SHADI A'GAMLAI - throw it on my camel
37a) [line 27] YA'EL - (O.F. estainboc) wild goat, ibex
b) [line 27] PASHUT - straight; not curved
38) [line 28] CHATZOTZROS - trumpets
39a) [line 30] ZECHARIM - of rams
b) [line 30] KEFUFIN - curved

40) [line 33] BERACHOS (The Musaf Berachos of Rosh ha'Shanah) On every Rosh ha'Shanah and on the Yom ha'Kipurim of the Yovel year, the Musaf prayer consists of nine blessings:

(1) AVOS - Magen Avraham
(2) GEVUROS - Mechayeh ha'Mesim
(3) KEDUSHAS HA'SH-M - ha'E-l ha'Kadosh
(4) MALCHUYOS - we proclaim HaSh-m as the King
(5) ZICHRONOS - we quote Pesukim in which HaSh-m remembered us for good and in which we beseech HaSh-m to remember us for good
(6) SHOFAROS - we quote Pesukim relating to the blowing a Shofar and in which we beseech HaSh-m to listen to our blowing of the Shofar
(7) AVODAH - Retzeh
(8) HODA'AH - Modim
(9) BIRKAS KOHANIM - Sim Shalom
41) [line 44] KAMAH D'KAYIF INISH DA'ATEI - the more a person humbles himself; (the word "Da'atei" is not found in some of the manuscripts and in the Gemara of Rashi, Tosfos, Rosh and Ritva; according to this Girsa, the phrase means, "the more a person is bent over to face the ground")

42) [line 45] TEFEI MA'ALEI - it is better
43) [line 45] KAMAH D'FASHEIT INISH DA'ATEI - the more a person straightens, expands his mind (according the Girsa without the word Da'atei, the phrase means, "the more a person straightens himself")

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