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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 113


(a) Why did Rav advise Rav Asi not to live in a town ...
  1. ... where horses did not bray and dogs did not bark?
  2. ... which was run by a doctor?
(b) He also advised him not to marry two wives.
Why not, and what is the antidote?

(c) What does 'Turn a carcass, but not words' mean?

(d) And what did he mean when he told him ...

  1. ... to strip a carcass in the market-place and get paid .. ?
  2. ... to have his food with him even when he went up to the roof or when they are going a hundred for a Zuz?
(a) Why did Rav tell Chiya his son not to ...
  1. ... take drugs (even for a cure)?
  2. ... take big steps when walking (what else might he have meant)?
  3. ... not to extract a tooth?
(b) Why is it unwise to anger a young gentile, a young snake and a young Talmid-Chacham?
(a) Rav taught his son Ayvu business sense: How fast should he begin selling his wares?

(b) What is the one thing that one should not regret having sold quickly, even if the price goes up after one has sold it?

(c) What should one do before opening one's sack to give the customer his corn? (d) What did Rav mean when he said ...

  1. ... 'A Kav from the ground and not a Kur from the roof'?
  2. ... 'Dates in your basket, run to the beer-maker'?
(a) What made Rav Papa (some say it was Rav Chisda) wealthy?

(b) What does 'Sudna' mean, and what is it the acronym of?

(c) How did beer profit its manufacturers in both worlds?

(d) What did Rav Papa mean when he said?

  1. 'Kol Agav Gavya Ba'i'?
  2. 'Kol Ashra'i Safek Asi Safek Lo Asi'? ...
  3. ... 'u'de'Asi Ma'os Ra'os Ninhu'?
(a) What advice did the men of Yerushalayim give to soldiers?

(b) What did they mean when they said ...

  1. ... 'Al Tarbeh be'Ganos (or be'Gagos) Mishum Ma'seh she'Hayah'?
  2. ... 'Bitcha Bagrah, Shachrer Avdecha ve'Tein Lah'?
(c) For which two reasons did they warn a person to beware of the relationship between his wife and his first son-in-law?
(a) Three people are among those who inherit the World to Come, says Rebbi Yochanan: one of them is someone who makes Havdalah over wine on Motza'ei Shabbos.
What is so special about that?

(b) What are the other two?

(c) What do a bachelor, a poor man and a rich man have in common, and what must they do to deserve such a distinction?

(d) Rav Safra was a bachelor. When he heard this Beraisa, his face shone with joy (since he thought that Chazal referred to people like himself). Rava however, disillusioned him. Chazal were not referring to him, he said, but to people of the calibre of Rav Chanina and Rav Oshaya.
What did *they* do to deserve such praise? What title did their piety earn them?

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(a) What do the following three have in common:
1. ... someone who does not become angry, someone who does not become drunk and someone who does not bear a grudge?
2. ... someone who is two-faced, someone who withholds evidence in defense of a fellow-Jew and someone who testifies against a Jew whom he saw committing adultery - when he is the sole witness?
(b) What La'v does someone who does this transgress?

(c) What is the source of the popular saying 'Tuviah sinned and Zigud receives lashes'?

(d) Bearing in mind the Beraisa, which informs us that the Pasuk "Ki Sir'eh Shor Son'acha Rovetz" is referring to a *Jewish* Sonei, which Halachah does the following group of Pesukim teach us ...

  1. "Lo Yakum Eid Echad be'Ish" (Shoftim);
  2. "Ki Sir'eh Shor Son'acha Rovetz" (Mishpatim);
  3. "Lo Sisna es Achicha bi'Levavecha" (Kedoshim);
  4. "Yir'as Sen'os Ra" (Mishlei)?
(a) May a single witness inform one's Rebbi of the sin, so that he too, should hate the sinner?

(b) What do the following have in common ...

1. ... people who are excessively merciful, people who are excessively angry and people who are excessively finicky? Which Amora claimed that he had all three of these qualities?
2. ... dogs, chickens and Chaverim (a sect of Persians)? Which two do others add to the list?
3. ... converts, slaves and ravens?
4. ... a poor man who is proud, a rich man who denies (his debts), an old man who is lecherous and a community leader who uses his position exclusively to boost his prestige?
(c) For which two possible reasons does this Tana not include a man who keeps divorcing his wife and taking her back?
(a) Cana'an left his sons a legacy comprising five 'golden rules': 'Love each other, love theft and love immorality'.
Which two points are missing?

(b) Six things are said about a horse: It loves immorality and war, it is vain and it dislikes sleeping. The other two appear to be contradictory. What are they?

(c) What do some add to the list?

(a) What do the following have in common: someone who has no wife or no children, or he has children but does not educate them to study Torah?

(b) Which other set of three (besides someone who does not wear shoes) must one add to the list?

(c) Still others add 'Mi she'Eino Meisav ba'Chaburah shel Mitzvah'.
What does this mean?

(a) Rav quoting Rebbi Yossi Ish Hutzal teaches us a number of things: What do we learn from the Pasuk ...
  1. ... in Shoftim "Tamim Tihyeh Im Hashem Elokecha"?
  2. ... in Daniel "Kol Keveil Di Ru'ach Yeseira Bei" ... ?
(b) What is a 'Yosheves Al Dam Tohar'?

(c) Why is she forbidden to her husband?

(d) For how long does she remain forbidden to her husband?

12) What is the connection between ...
1. ... Isi ben Akavya and Yosef Ish Hutzal, Yosef ha'Bavli, Isi ben Gur- Aryeh, Isi ben Yehudah, Isi ben Gamliel, Isi ben Mahalal'el?
2. ... Rebbi Yitzchak ben Tavla, Rebbi Yitzchak ben Chakla, Rebbi Yitzchak ben Ila'a?
3. ... Rebbi Yitzchak ban Acha and Rebbi Yitzchak ben Pinchas?
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