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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 108


(a) What reason does the Yerushalmi give for the prohibition of drinking between the third and fourth cups?

(b) How do we reconcile the Yerushalmi's reason with the fact that one has already drunk as much wine as he wants during the meal?

(a) Why did Rav Sheshes used to fast every Erev Pesach?

(b) In that case, how did he interpret 'Samuch le'Minchah' in our Mishnah - Minchah Gedolah or Minchah Ketanah?

(c) If Rav Sheshes interprets 'Samuch le'Minchah' as Minchah Gedolah, and the reason for the prohibition is because of the Pesach, then why did he fast already from the morning? Surely, the Korban Pesach only falls due at mid-day?

(d) How does ben Beseira interpret "Bein ha'Arbayim"?

(a) One is obligated to lean whilst eating Matzah, but not Maror.
What is the reason for this distinction?

(b) What are the two ways of explaining the discrepancy between the Beraisa which *does* require leaning whilst drinking the wine, and the Beraisa which does *not*?

(c) What is therefore the Halachah?

(a) A Perakdan is not considered as having leaned.
What is a 'Perakdan'?

(b) Leaning to the right is not considered leaning (in this regard), because it forces one to eat with the left hand.
What other reason does the Gemara give for the prohibition of leaning to the right?

(c) How does Rashi explain 'Shema Yakdim Kanah le'Veshet'?

(d) On what grounds does the Rashbam reject his grandfather's explanation?

(a) Why does a woman not need to lean?

(b) When, on the other hand, is she obligated to do so?

(c) Is a son obligated to lean in the presence of his father?

(a) What testimony did Abaye give (from Rabah and Rav Yosef) regarding the Sha'leh whether a Talmid needs to lean in the presence of his Rebbe or not?

(b) How will Rav Yosef explain the Beraisa which obligates a pupil to lean in front of his teacher?

(c) Is a waiter obligated to lean at the Seder?

Answers to questions



(a) Seeing as women are obligated to eat Matzah and Maror, why might they be exempt from the four cups of wine?

(b) Then why did the Rabbanan not exempt them?

(a) Shmuel says that each of the four cups must contain the equivalent amount of wine to dilute a 'Kos Yafeh'.
What is a 'Kos Yafeh'?

(b) What does Shmuel's statement mean?

(a) Has one fulfilled ones obligation if one drinks ...
  1. ... a Revi'is of undiluted wine? What does Rava mean when he says 'Yedei Cheirus, Lo Yatza'?
  2. ... the four cups consecutively?
  3. ... only the majority of the cup, and gives the remainder to one's small children?
(b) On what grounds does the Rashbam reject his grandfather's explanation of 'Bas Achas' (that one poured all four cups into one large one)?

(c) The Gemara concludes that Shmuel, who requires the equivalent amount of wine in the cup to dilute a Kos Yafeh, concurs with the Beraisa, which requires a Revi'is for each cup.
How did the Gemara initially explain Shmuel?

(a) Assuming that old wine is better that fresh wine, will one fulfill one's obligation at the Seder with fresh wine?

(b) Rebbi Yehudah requires the taste and the appearance of wine.
What does he preclude with the requirement ...

  1. ... taste?
  2. ... appearance?
(c) What does Rebbi Yehudah learn from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Al Teire Yayin Ki Yis'adom"?
(a) What did Rebbi Yehudah say to the Chachamim, who obligate even small children to drink four cups of wine?

(b) What does one give the children, according to him?

(c) Regarding the dried wheat-kernels, is there a problem of Chadash once Pesach arrives?

(d) Then how does one dispense with it?

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