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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 97


(a) Five Chata'os must die (i.e. they are left in a small in a room and left them to die - Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai): the baby of a Chatas, its Temurah, one whose owner died, one that is found after the owner has been atoned for by another one and one that became too old. How does Shmuel apply this principle to Pesach? What is the logical connection between them?

(b) And what happens to a Pesach where the equivalent Chatas is 'Ro'eh'?

(c) What does Rebbi Yochanan say about a Pesach that is found *before* its replacement has been Shechted (in which case the Chatas must die)?

(a) What does Ro'eh mean?

(b) Resh Lakish says 'Chatas she'Avrah Shenasah, Ro'in Osah Ke'ilu Hi Omedes be'Veis ha'Kevaros, ve'Ro'eh'?
But is Chatas she'Avrah Shenasah not one of the Chata'os that has to die?

(c) Why does he compare a Chatas she'Avrah Shenasah to one that is standing in a grave-yard?

(d) What happens to a Pesach she'Avrah Shenasah, and how does that clash with Shmuel's principle?

(a) The Gemara therefore restricts Shmuel's principle to only one of the five cases.
Which one?

(b) But even there, asks the Gemara, his principle is questionable, because, according to the Chachamim, a Chatas that is found after its replacement has been designated but not yet brought, goes to graze, whereas a Pesach that is found after mid-day (according to Rebbi Zeira on the previous Amud - but before the Shechitah of the replacement) is brought as a Shelamim? How do we answer this question?
How do we then account for the fact that, according to Rebbi, *every* lost Chatas dies, whereas a Pesach that is found before mid-day, grazes?

(c) What is the connection between this Din and Rava's statement regarding a Chatas that was lost at night-time?

Answers to questions



(a) According to Rebbi (who says that even a lost Chatas that is found before its replacement was brought, must die) when does a Chatas graze?

(b) Why does this pose a Kashya on Shmuel's principle?

(a) The Gemara concludes that Shmuel holds like Rebbi Shimon.
What does Rebbi Shimon say (with regard to the five Chata'os that must die)?

(b) Since Shmuel is anyway confined to a Pesach she'Kipru Ba'leha, why are we forced to establish Shmuel like him, as opposed to Rebbi and the Rabbanan?

(c) Seeing as according to Rebbi Shimon, a Chatas never grazes, how does one then account for Shmuel's second statement - that whatever grazes by a Chatas, also grazes by a Pesach?

(d) The Tana of our Mishnah has already informed us that any Pesach found after mid-day (according to Rebbi Zeira) is brought as a Shelamim, in which case, Shmuel's Din appears to be obvious. In fact, the Gemara explains, he is coming to argue with Rebbi Yochanan.
What does Rebbi Yochanan say? In which case do they argue?

(a) We still restrict Shmuel to the case of a Pesach that is lost (not to all five cases of Chata'os ha'Meisos).
Why can he not be referring to a Pesach whose owner died?

(b) What other reason forces us to establish Shmuel specifically by a Pesach that got lost?

7) What happens to a female lamb or to a male lamb that is more than one year old, and that was designated as a Pesach?


(a) If the owner of the Pesach dies (we will soon see exactly when), his children cannot bring their father's Pesach - as a Pesach.
Why not?

(b) What then do they do with it?

(c) Under which circumstances will the children actually be permitted to bring it as a Pesach?

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