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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 91

PESACHIM 91 - dedicated by Uri Wolfson in honor of his Chavrusa, Rav Mordechai Rabin of Har Nof.


(a) What is ...
  1. ... an Onan (min ha'Torah)? Is there a Din Onan on the night following the death?
  2. ... a Mefake'ach es ha'Gal?
(b) May they eat the Korban Pesach if a Sheli'ach Shechts it on their behalf?

(c) Why can one not Shecht a Pesach *solely* for either of the above, or for an old or sick person who *are* currently able to eat a k'Zayis of roasted meat?

(d) All of the above are Patur from Pesach Sheni, should the expected occur - except for one case.
Which one?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Tzefanyah "She'eiris Yisrael Lo Ya'asu Avlah ve'Lo Yedabru Chazav", and how does this qualify the one case in our Mishnah not mentioned above?

(b) Which three cases of imprisonment exist in Jewish law?

(c) In which case may one Shecht solely even for a Jew who is imprisoned by non-Jews?

(d) We learnt earlier that if someone Shechted the Pesach solely on behalf of someone who is clearing away a pile of rubble in search of a body that is buried underneath, he remains Chayav to bring a Pesach Sheini.
In which case will he too, be Patur?

(a) Rebbi Yehudah learns from the Pasuk in Re'ei "Lo Suchal Lizbo'ach *es ha'Pesach be'Achad* She'arecha" that one cannot Shecht the Pesach for just one person.
What does Rebbi Yossi say about that?

(b) Why does Rebbi Yossi add (in our Mishnah) that even if there are a hundred who cannot eat the Pesach, one may not Shecht for them?

(a) With regard to the Pasuk of "Lo Suchal" quoted in 3a., Rebbi Yossi explains it like Rebbi Shimon.
What La'v does Rebbi Shimon derive from there?

(b) In light of that, how does he explain "be'Achad She'arecha"?

(c) From where does Rebbi Yehudah learn Rebbi Shimon's Derashah?

(d) What does Rebbi Yossi learn from the Pasuk "Ish Le'fi *Ochlo*"?

(a) Rebbi Yehudah does not permit the Shechitah of the Pesach for a single person. Then how will we explain his statement in a Beraisa 'Ishah ba'Rishon Shochtin Aleha *Bifenei Atzmah*, u'va'Sheini, Osin Osah Tefeilah la'Acheirim' ... ?

(b) How will we then interpret our Mishnah, which says 'Ein Osin Chaburas Nashim, va'Avadim u'Ketanim', according to Rebbi Yehudah?

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(a) In the above Beraisa, Rebbi Yehudah said (with regard to women) 'u'va'Sheini, Osin Osah Tefeilah la'Acheirim'.
Why is that?

(b) What does Rebbi Yossi say about a woman's obligation vis-a-vis the Korban Pesach?

(c) Rebbi Shimon is extremely lenient with regard to a woman's obligation to bring the Korban Pesach.
What does *he* say?

(d) If Rebbi Yehudah obligates women to bring the Pesach Rishon from the Pasuk in Bo "be'Mishsas *Nefashos*", what does he derive from the Pasuk in Beha'aloscha ...

  1. ..."Chet'o Yisa *ha'Ish Hahu*"?
  2. ... "ke'Chol Chukas ha'Pesach Ya'asu Oso"?
(a) What does Rebbi Yossi learn from ...
  1. ... "be'Michsas *Nefashos*"?
  2. ... "ve'Nichresah *ha'Nefesh Hahi* mi'Yisrael" (written by Pesach Sheini)?
(b) What does he then do with the Pasuk "Chet'o Yisa *ha'Ish Hahu*"?

(c) What does Rebbi Shimon learn from ...

  1. ... the word "Ish" written by Pesach Rishon (which "Ish" we shall see - in 8d.)?
  2. ... "be'Michsas *Nefashos*"?
  3. ... "Chet'o Yisa ha'Ish Hahu"?
(d) From where does Rebbi Shimon know that the latter Pasuk does not come to exempt women from the *obligation* of bringing the Pesach Sheini?
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Bo "ve'Yikchu Lahem *Ish* Seh la'Veis Avos, Seh la'Bayis"?

(b) Rebbi Yossi holds like Rebbi Shimon (that one cannot Shecht a Pesach on a Bamas Yachid).
In which regard does Rebbi Shimon hold like Rebbi Yossi?

(c) What do they both learn from "Ish Lefi *Ochlo*"?

(d) And what does Rebbi Shimon learn from "*Ish* Le'fi Ochlo""?

(a) Rebbi Elazar rules like Rebbi Yehudah. How do we amend Rebbi Elazar's statement: 'Ishah ba'Rishon Chovah, u'va'Sheini Reshus, ve'Docheh Shabbos'?

(b) What does Rebbi Yochanan say regarding a group consisting entirely of converts?

(a) 'Pesach, Matzah u'Maror ba'Rishon Chovah, Mika'n va'Eilech, Reshus. Rebbi Shimon Omer, ba'Anashim Chovah, u've'Nashim Reshus'. From where do we know that women are also obligated to eat Matzah on the first night of Pesach?

(b) In that case, how will we now amend the statement of Rebbi Shimon?

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