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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Pesachim 48


(a) Rami bar Chama claims that the Machlokes between Rabah and Rav Chisda whether we say Ho'il or not, is not a new one.
How does he connect the Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer in our Mishnah (who permits baking the Matzos before declaring Chalah) and Rebbi Yehoshua, who does not, to Rabah and Rav Chisda respectively?

(b) On what grounds does the Gemara refute that connection, because perhaps ...

  1. ... Rebbi Eliezer will agree with Rav Chisda, that 'Ho'il' does *not* apply to someone who bakes from Yom-Tov to weekday?
  2. ... Rebbi Yehoshua will agree with Rabah, that it *does*?
(c) Rebbi Yirmiyah was pleased to accept Rami bar Chama's explanation of the Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua for want of a better one. Why did he not want to explain that Rebbi Eliezer holds 'Tovas Hana'ah Mamon' and Rebbi Yehoshua holds 'Einah Mamon'?
(a) Rebbi Zeira did not accept Rami bar Chama's explanation due to Rebbi Yehoshua, who asked Rebbi Eliezer 'li'Devarecha, Harei Hu Over Mishum "Lo Sa'aseh Kol Melachah".
What does he prove from there?

(b) Rebbi Yirmiyah replied to that from the Beraisa, where Rebbi Eliezer responded 've'li'Devarecha, Harei Hu Over Mishum Bal Yera'eh u'Bal Yimatzei'?
What was he answering him?

(c) From where do we know that Rebbi Eliezer must hold 'Tovas Hana'ah Mamon' (despite the Gemara's statement to the contrary - at the beginning of 46b)?

(a) Rebbi Yishmael Be'no shel Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah gives the maximum Shiur of a dough that may be kneaded, as two Kabin of wheat and three of barley (a Kav = 24 egg-volumes).
What does Rebbi Nasan say quoting Rebbi Eliezer, and why does he do that?

(b) How de we account for the fact that Rebbi Yishmael himself gave the Shiur as *three* Kabin of wheat and *four* of barley?

(c) How do we see from the above that wheat deteriorates more than barley, and what difference does it make?

(a) Rav gives a smaller minimum Shiur for kneading dough for Matzah.
What is it?

(b) What other ramification does that Shiur have?

(c) But how does he reconcile that with the Mishnah in Chalah 'Chameshes Reva'im Kemach (ve'Od) Chayavin be'Chalah'?

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(a) Rav Yosef gives a smaller Shiur still.
What is it?

(b) What does he do with Abaye's Kashya that, by doing so, they relieve themselves of the obligation to separate Chalah?

(c) The Halachah is like Rebbi Eliezer.
Is it like him only by the large Babylonian loaves which tend to stick together in the oven, or even by smaller loaves, which do *not*?

(a) What Sha'aleh does the Gemara ask with regard to a flat vessel which has no rim?

(b) How does the Gemara resolve the Sha'aleh?

(c) According to Rebbi Eliezer, the basket combines the loaves for Chalah. What does Rebbi Yehoshua say?

(d) What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel hold with regard to Kikros shel Bavel - which stick together whilst baking in the oven?

(a) Raban Gamliel permits three women to knead their respective doughs simultaneously, even though they are all sharing one oven.
What do the Chachamim hold?

(b) What does Rebbi Akiva say about the women, the ovens and the wood? Whom is he coming to support?

(c) 'Zeh ha'K'lal, Tafach, Tiltosh be'Tzonan'.
What does this mean?

(a) Rebbi Yehudah holds 'S'iur Yisaref, ve'ha'Ochlo Patur. Siduk Yisaref, ve'ha'Ochlo Chayav Kares'.
What is Si'ur, and what is Siduk?

(b) According to the Chachamim of the Mishnah (Rebbi Meir), both of these fall under the category of Siduk.
Then what is Si'ur, according to them? What is the Halachic difference between Si'ur and Siduk?

(c) The Chachamim of the Beraisa is Rebbi Yehudah.
How do we then explain the words following their statement 'Zeh ve'Zeh, Chayav Kares'? Doesn't Rebbi Yehudah hold that one is not Chayav Kares for Si'ur?

(d) Why does Rebbi Meir disagree with Rebbi Yehudah regarding his Si'ur?

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