prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Pesachim 3
(a) What do Beis Shamai mean when they say that a woman who gave birth to
a still-born baby on the eve of the eighty-first day is Peturah from a
Korban, and why is that?
(b) What do Beis Hillel say?
(c) Beis Hillel argue that there is no reason to differentiate between the
*night* and the day of the eighty-first. What does Beis Shamai say to
(d) What conclusive proof does the Gemara bring from the Lashon of Beis
Hillel 'Mai Shena *Or* Shemonim ve'Echad mi'Yom Shemonim ve'Echad'?
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk ...
- ... in Kedoshim "be'Yom Zivchachem Ye'achel u'*Mimochoras, ve'ha'Nosar ad Yom* Shelishi": ... ?
- ... in Tzav "ve'ha'Nosar mi'Besar ha'Zevach ba'Yom ha'Shelishi, ba'Esh Yisaref"?
(b) Does the Gemara accept the proof from this Beraisa, which, like the
previous one, uses the Lashon 'Yachol Yehei Ne'echal Or la'Shelishi' that
Or means the eve of (and not day-time)?
(c) According to the Tana Kama of another Beraisa, one may Daven an
abridged version of the Amidah for Ma'ariv on Motza'ei Yom Kipur. What
does Rebbi Chanina ben Gamliel say, and why?
(d) A Beraisa of Bei Shmuel explicitly states 'Leilei Arba'ah-Asar Bodkin
es ha'Chametz le'Or ha'Ner', proving beyond any shadow of doubt that 'Or',
at least when it is used as a pure noun, denotes night and not day. Then
how can Rav Huna translate 'Or le'Arba'ah-Asar' as 'day'?
(a) Why does our Tana prefer to use the unusual expression of 'Or' rather
than 'Leilei'?
(b) When Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi said 'Le'olam Al Yotzi Adam Davar Meguneh
mi'Piv', which Pasuk did he quote as an example?
(c) So why does the Torah ever use the word 'Tamei'?
(d) Why does Rav Papa quote the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Ki Yihye Becha Ish
Asher Lo Yihye Tahor Mikreh Laylah"?
(a) What do we learn from the fact, that when the Torah (in Tazri'a)
speaks about 'Merkav' by a man, it switches to 'Moshav' by a woman?
(b) And what do we learn from the Pasuk ...
- ... in Iyov "ve'Sivchar Leshon Arumim"?
- ... "ve'Da'as Sefasai Barur Milelu" (also in Iyov)?
(c) How do we account for the fact that the Pasuk ...
- ... in Chayei Sarah writes "Vatakam Rifkah ve'Na'aroseha, *va'Tirkavnah* Al ha'Gemalim"?
- ... in Sh'mos writes "Vayikach Moshe es Ishto ve'es Banav *Vayarkivem* Al ha'Chamor"?
- ... in Shmuel (with regard to Avigail) "ve'Hi Rocheves Al ha'Chamor" (three possible reasons)?
Answers to questions
(a) What does the Torah tend to do when ...
- ... both possible words are the same length?
- ... the more refined word is longer?
(b) Then why does the Torah write 'Rocheves', and not 'Yosheves' - seeing
as they are the same length?
(c) But the Torah could just as well have written 'Yosheves' without a
(d) Why is it preferable to write (or to speak) briefly?
(a) Why did Rav not talk to that Talmid? What had he said?
(b) What did that Talmid sitting in front of Hillel (some say that it was
in front of Rebbi), say which resulted in the prediction that he would
become a great Rebbi in Yisrael?
(c) What was the name of that Talmid?
(d) Why is it necessary to pick the grapes be'Taharah, but not the olives?
(a) What were the two men talking about when one said 'I got the size of a
bean', and the other ' I got the size of an olive'?
(b) What did the third one say, and what did his words lead to?
(c) How do we reconcile this with the Mishnah in Kidushin, which rules
that once a Kohen serves in the Beis-Hamikdash, he no longer requires
examination (regarding his Yichus) Two answers?
(a) A certain gentile boasted about how he had tricked the Jews. What did
he do?
(b) What did Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira advise him to do the folowing year?
(c) How did that advice implicate him?
(d) After they caught and killed the gentile, what words of praise did
they have for Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira?
(a) What did Rav Yehoshua Brei de'Rav Idi do when he discovered that Rav
Kahana had died? How did he inform those who had sent him to inquire after
(b) Why did he not inform them directly?
(c) Yochanan Chakuko'oh used this strategy to inform his colleagues that
the wheat harvest was not good that year. What did he say?
(d) Why did they not agree with his presentation? What should
he have said?
Answers to questions
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