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by Rabbi Ephraim Becker
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Pesachim 76

PESACHIM 76 - has been dedicated by Mr. Avi Berger of Queens, N.Y. in memory of his parents, Pinchas ben Reb Avraham Yitzchak, and Leah bas Michal Mordechai


(a) If the Korban touched the ceramic wall of the oven one must scrape that meat off the Korban.
(b) If gravy dripped onto the ceramic and splattered back on the Korban one must excise the drop out of the Korban.
(c) If gravy dripped onto flour, one must scoop away (and burn) that flour.
(d) If the Korban was smeared with Teruma oil, one must remove the oil
1. If the Korban was raw, it may be washed away.
2. If the Korban was roasted, it must be scraped.
(e) If the Korban was smeared with Ma'aser Sheni oil, the oil must not be converted to money, since that cannot be done in Jerusalem.
(a) Opening teaching: Forbidden food falls into permitted food or meat falls into milk.
1. Hot into hot - forbidden
2. Cold into cold - permitted
3. Hot into cold or cold into hot is a Machlokes.
(i) Rav maintains that the top dominates.
(ii) Shmuel maintains that the bottom dominates.
(b) Question: According to Shmuel, why should one be required to excise the drop out of the Korban in 1),(b) above, the cold floor of the oven (bottom) should dominate the hot gravy (top) and the splatter back to the Korban will be cold (and of no concern)?!
1. The Torah insists that the Korban only be roasted by the flame, not by any other heat source, including boiling drops heated by the oven floor.
2. Rav has no difficulty with the Mishna here.
(c) Answer: We are speaking of a hot oven.
(d) Question: According to Shmuel, why is the Halacha as in 1),(c) above, the (presumably cold) flour will dominate the gravy and the splatter back should only cause minimal concern?!
(e) Answer: We are speaking of hot flour.
(f) Question: According to Shmuel, why should washing off the Teruma oil be sufficient, the hot Korban should heat the oil, in turn causing it to be absorbed throughout the Korban?
(g) Answer: The amount of smeared oil is trace.
(h) First Beraisa support for Shmuel:
1. Hot into hot is forbidden.
2. Cold into hot is forbidden.
3. Cold into cold gets washed off.
4. Hot into cold gets washed off.
(i) Question: How can hot into cold only get washed off - even if the bottom dominates, there is still a moment of absorption before the cooling takes place?!
(ii) Answer: Indeed, hot into cold requires scraping.
(i) Second Bereisa support for Shmuel:
1. Hot meat into hot milk as well as cold into hot - forbidden.
2. Hot meat into cold milk and cold into cold gets washed off.
3. Repeat of question/answer 2),(h),3.,(i) and (ii).
(a) Teaching (referring back to above, cold into cold gets washed off): This is only if the items were not salted (if they were salted, they are forbidden).
1. This is based on Shmuel who holds that salting is like boiling.
2. Shmuel also holds that pickling is like cooking.
3. Rava qualifies Shmuel's teaching and holds that only if the food is salted enough to disturb eating it.
(b) Case: A bird fell into a dairy dip, and R' Hinena permitted it.
1. Rava praised R' Hinena for his understanding to permit this.
2. This bird was permitted because it was not so extensively salted.
3. This permission only relates to a raw bird, whereas a roasted bird would require scraping.
(i) This permission does not relate to meat with deep crevices.
(ii) This permission also does not apply if the bird were highly seasoned.


(a) Opening teaching [Rav]: Kosher (fatty) meat roasted in the same oven as non-kosher (lean) meat is forbidden.
1. This is because the fragrance of the one transfers to the other.
2. The fragrance, in turn, transfers back again.
(b) (Continuing the opening teaching) Levi holds that the meat is permitted.
1. Levi holds this permission even if the kosher meat is the lean one.
2. Levi considers fragrance to be insignificant.
3. Levi acted on this permission in the home of the exilarch.
(c) Question from a Bereisa: Two Korbanos Pesach cannot be roasted together because of the mixture, apparently a challenge to Levi?!
1. We assume that the "mixture" referred to is their flavors.
2. A group designated to one Korban Pesach must not eat any part of another Korban Pesach.
(d) Answer: The "mixture" refers to switching the Korbanos.
1. (Support for this interpretation) The last clause of the Bereisa prohibits using the same oven for "even a kid and a lamb."
2. If the issue is the transfer of fragrance, then why should it matter that they are the same, or two different, types of animals?
(e) Question: This last clause of the Bereisa would apparently indicate that fragrance is *not* an issue (and presents a challenge to Rav)
(f) Answer: We are speaking of two pots.
1. Question: Two *pots*?! This is a Korban Pesach!
2. Answer: We meant separately in the oven, as would be the case with two pots.
3. The Bereisa could be interpreted according to Rav:
(i) Two Korbanos Pesach cannot be roasted as one for fear of mixture.
(ii) The mixture is flavors.
(iii)When they are separate (and no transfer of flavor is possible), the prohibition is based on a fear of switching the Korbanos themselves, even a kid and a lamb.
(g) Follow-up: This Machlokes seems to appear among the Tanaim by the fumes of Teruma wine entering hot bread.
1. R' Meir prohibits the bread.
2. R' Yehuda permits the bread.
3. R' Yosi qualifies that barley bread *would* absorb the flavor while wheat bread would not.
4. Levi would have to "line up" according to R' Yehuda (and not like R' Meir or R' Yosi).
5. Rav could maintain that all the Tanaim subscribe to Recha Milsa.
(i) R' Yehuda could permit the bread if the barrel was sealed.
(ii) The dispute between R' Yehuda and R' Meir only relates the a hot loaf and a sealed barrel or a cold loaf and an open barrel.
(h) Teaching on the subject: Bread baked in an oven with roasting meat may not be eaten with a dairy dip.
1. A fish roasted together with meat may not be eaten with a dairy dip.
2. Such a fish may not be eaten even with salt as it is harmful.
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