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Pesachim 107

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 107a [line 39]:
The words "*Mat'imas* Yayin Kol Shehu"
should be "*u'Te'imas* Yayin Kol Shehu"
(RABEINU CHANANEL -- see Dikdukei Sofrim #300)

[2] Rashbam 107b DH Sof Sof Mai Revusei:
The words "*she'Gamar* Se'udaso b'Soch Zeman Isurei"
should be "*she'Yigmor* Se'udaso b'Soch Zeman Isurei"
(Mefarshim; OZ V'HADAR edition of Maseches Pesachim) ************************************************

1) [line 12] SHICHRA - beer
2) [line 12] U'VAS TAVAS - and he went to sleep without eating
3) [line 16] CHAMAR MEDINAH - the staple beverage of the country (in place of wine)
*4*) [line 21] MAHU L'KIDUSHEI A'SHICHRA - may one use beer for Kidush if it is the "Chamar Medinah" (RASHBAM, see Insights).

5) [line 22] PIRZUMA - barley beer
6) [line 23] ASINEI - a beer made from the fruit of shrubbery, e.g. mulberries
7) [line 30] SHICHRA BAR TELEISAR MAGNEI - a date beer made by pouring the same water over thirteen basins of crushed dates in succession

8) [line 30] BASIM TUVA - very sweet, tasty
*9*) [line 31] KEGON ZEH RA'UY L'KADESH ALAV - this is such a praiseworthy drink that it may be used for Kidush instead of wine (that is, a truly tasty dring may be used for Kidush even when it is not the Chamar Medinah, see Insights).

10) [line 32] MEYASRAN U'MEFAYES? - [can something that] afflicts us also appease HaSh-m (by saying Kidush over it)?

11) [line 33] MEI ZURYON - water in which flax has been soaked
12) [line 33] SHAKYUSEI - his beverage
13) [line 34] RAV, ASHKECHEI RAV HUNA - Rav Huna found Rav
14a) [line 35] SHARI ABA - Rav began
b) [line 35] L'MIKNEI ISTIREI MI'SHICHRA - (lit. to acquire silver coins with beer) to earn a livelihood by making beer and selling it

15) [line 39] (MAT'IMAS) [U'TE'IMAS] YAYIN - and the amount of wine that has to be tasted

16) [line 39] MELO LUGMA - the amount of wine that can fill one cheek
17a) [line 43] MINCHAH GEDOLAH - the time when the sun (noticeably) begins to rest (Nachah) and its light begins to wane, i.e. half-an-hour after midday (see Ramban, Shmos 12:6). In the Beis ha'Mikdash, Minchah Gedolah corresponds to the beginning of the time that the Tamid Shel Bein ha'Arbayim (daily afternoon sacrifice) could be offered
b) [last line] MINCHAH KETANAH - the end of the day, before the sun begins to set. Minchah Ketanah begins at nine and one half Sha'os Zemaniyos (Halachic hours - a Sha'ah Zemanis is the amount of time between sunrise and sunset divided by 12) of the day


18) [line 4] AGRIPAS HA'MELECH - King Agrippa (the last king of Israel), grandson of King Herod, who ruled between the years 41-44 CE. Agrippa was a pious and benevolent king.

19) [line 14] MINEI TARGIMA - (a) dessert (dried or cooked fruits, etc.) (RASHI Yuma79b, Sukah 27a); (b) fruit and meat, eaten without bread (RASHBAM); (c) matzoballs (ROSH, according to the Korban Nesanel 19:90)

20) [line 15] BENEI ME'AYIN - intestines
21) [line 17] "NIRU LACHEM NIR; V'AL TEZRE'U EL KOTZIM" - "Plow your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns" (Yirmeyahu 4:3) - In this verse, the prophet Yimeyahu teaches the people a parable for Teshuvah (repentance). A farmer must plow his field to remove the roots of wild grasses and thorns before he is able to plant successfully. So, too, must a person search his heart to uproot the sources of sin that are embedded therein before he can do Teshuvah. The Gemara, however, uses this verse as a hint that certain types of food build an appetite and should be used on Erev Pesach to prepare for the Mitzvos of the Seder night (which may be the only Mitzvos mid'Oraisa that we have left today that require eating).

22) [line 19] MA'ALEI YOMA D'FISCHA - Erev Pesach, the day preceding the night of Pesach

23) [line 19] D'NIGREREI L'LIBEI - so that it should give him an appetite

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