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Pesachim 93

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Mishnah 93b [line 22]:
"Amar *Lei* Rebbi Yosi"
The word Lei is unnecessary (Meleches Shelomo) and does not appear in the
manuscripts, the early printings, the Rishonim, the Yerushalmi and most of
the printings of the Mishnah.

We do not perform the Shechitah and Zerikas ha'Dam of the Korban Pesach on behalf of someone who is Tamei Sheretz. Even though he is able to immerse in a Mikvah and become Tahor in the evening when the Pesach is eaten, the verse (Bamidbar 9:10) defers him to Pesach Sheni.

2) [line 8] BO'ALEI NIDOS
A person who has relations with a Nidah becomes Tamei for seven days, like the Nidah herself. His laws of Tum'ah, however, are less stringent. The objects he touches, as well as *Tachtono*, the objects underneath him, have the same status as the objects above a Nidah, namely, Rishon l'Tum'ah, as it states in Vayikra 15:24 (see Nidah 33a, and Charts to Nidah 33:8b). After seven days, he immerses in a Mikvah *during the day* to complete his purification process.


3) [line 1] MEGADEF
The Torah states that a Megadef is punishable with Kares (Bamidbar 15:30). There are two opinions regarding the definition of the Megadef in that verse: (a) a person who curses Hashem; (b) a person who plays music and sings to Avodah Zarah.

4) [line 20] MODI'IM - a village in hills to the northeast of Lod, which was the hometown of the Maccabees

5) [line 21] ME'ISKUFAS HA'AZARAH - the threshold of the Azarah

6) [line 24] MILIN/PARSA'OS
(a) A Parsah is a Persian mile, equal to approximately 3.84 kilometers (2.4 miles) or 4.608 kilometers (2.88 miles), depending upon the differing Halachic opinions.
(b) Some numerical equivalents used in our Sugya:

  • 1 Mil = 2,000 Amos = 960 or 1152 meters
  • 1 Parsah = 4 Mil = 3.84 or 4.608 km
  • 5 Milin = 10,000 Amos = 4.80 or 5.760 km
  • 15 Milin = 30,000 Amos = 14.4 or 17.28 km
  • 10 Parsah = 40 Mil = 38.4 or 46.08 km
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