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[1] Gemara 27a [line 18]:
[2] Rashi 27a DH Amar Abaye, Im Timtzi *Lomar*: 1) [line 16] A'MAN TERAMYEI - (lit. upon whom can you throw it?) whose opinion can it possibly follow [if not Rebbi Eliezer's]? *2*) [line 20] V'IM TIMTZI LOMAR ZEH V'ZEH GOREM MUTAR - the Gemara is trying to pinpoint the difference between whether we do nor do not say "Zeh v'Zeh Gorem Asur." It therefore begins by stating that if Rebbi indeed holds that Zeh v'Zeh Gorem is Asur, then he and Rebbi Eliezer, who also says Zeh v'Zeh Gorem Asur, agree fully. If, however, Rebbi does not agree with Rebbi Eliezer's statement that Zeh v'Zeh Gorem Asur, and he holds it is Mutar, then the practical difference between the opinions of Rebbi and Rebbi Eliezer will only be with regard to a furnace or pot; silverware and cups are prohibited in any case because of the law of Yesh Shevach Eitzim b'Pas. 3) [line 26] KIBLAH BISHULA - it has already served as a receptacle for the food that will be cooked in it 4) [line 33] HALACHAH K'REBBI ME'CHAVEIRO V'LO ME'CHAVEIRAV - the Halachah follows Rebbi's opinion when he is arguing with one sage, but not when he is arguing with many sages 5) [line 34] V'SAVAR ASNEYEI IPCHA - and he reasoned, "I must teach it with the opinions switched"
6) [line 36] GECHALIM OMEMOS - coals that are almost extinguished (RABEINU
9) [line 3] SHARSHIFA - a chair or footstool
11) [line 9] MA'AL 12) [line 9] HA'MESIK - the one who burns the wood
13) [line 24] NOSAR 14) [line 35] HEFRESH - there is a difference