Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) Rav Gidal quoting Rav establishes 'she'be'Bein ve'she'be'Bas' in the Beraisa (of Shanah) by Erchin; whereas Rav Yosef establishes it by the Din of our Mishnah. (a) Why does Rav have to agree with Rav Yosef?2) The Gemara rules like Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar. (a) What does Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar say? 3) If the lower Si'man of Na'arus arrived but not the upper one, she is nevertheless a Na'arah regarding Chalitzah and Yibum. In the reverse case, Rebbi Meir considers her a Ketanah. (a) What do the Rabbanan say, and why?4) According to the Rabbanan, why does the Pasuk in Yechezkel write "Shadayim Nachonu, u'Se'arayich Tzimei'ach"- should it not have been the other way round?
5) Everybody agrees that the lower Si'man is acceptable on its own. (a) From where do they learn that one Siman is sufficient? Why should one not require both Simanim by a woman?Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that the upper Si'man of the village- women sometimes appears first, because they work in the mill. (c) What are the Halachic ramifications of this statement? (And the same question will apply to the Tena'im, who hold that the Simanim of the left or the right side come first, for whatever reason)6) Some Tena'im relied entirely upon women to examine a woman for Simanim. Rebbi Yehudah maintains that, for a girl under eleven and over twelve, women are believed, but for a girl between eleven and twelve (Toch ha'Perek)they are not. (a) Why does he make this distinction?7) According to Rebbi Shimon, women are believed even for girls between the ages of eleven and twelve (Toch ha'Perek). (a) In which point does he argue with Rebbi Yehudah?The Beraisa concludes 'ne'Ne'emenes Ishah le'Hachmir Aval Lo le'Hakeil'. (b) Who is the author of this statement and what is he saying? (Two answers)8) The Mishnah concludes 'Mipnei she'Amru Efshar le'Tachton La'vo' etc. Why did Rebbi need to add this? If it is in order to rule like the Rabbanan of Rebbi Meir, is it not obvious that the Halachah is like the majority? (two answers)