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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Nidah 33


(a) What do we learn from "Yitma Shiv'as Yamim"?

(b) What do we learn from "va'Tehi Nidasah Alav"?

(c) And what do we learn from "ve'Chol ha'Mishkav Asher Yishkav Alav *Yitma*"?

(d) Why do we not say that "ve'Tehi Nidasah Alav" is a Kelal, and "ve'Chol ha'Mishkav" a Perat, to say that a a Bo'eil Nidah is only Metamei Mishkav and Moshav, but not anything else - even Adam and earthenware vessels? (two answers - Abaye and Rava)

(e) What does Rava mean when he says 'Alav le'Hat'ino Mashma'?

2) Were *all* Kutim really Bo'alei Nidos?


(a) Why would it have been a big Takanah had the Kuti'os to sat for every sighting?
According to the second explanation, the Kuti'os would count the day that they stopped, in the seven.
(b) What does that mean?

(c) Based on the principle 'Miktzas ha'Yom ke'Kulo', why should we not count the day that she stops seeing, as the first of the seven clean days?

(d) How does the Gemara end up with a Kashya?

Answers to questions


4) The Gemara asks whether a Poletes Shichvas Zera is Soser by a Zavah.

(a) What does this mean, and what are its ramifications?
Rava initially refutes the very Sha'aleh, because, he asks, how many days must she be Soser.
(b) What is Rava's dilemma?

(c) How does the Gemara finally reinstate the Sha'aleh?

(a) What sort of a man must Rav Shmuel have been, for the old woman to have wished Rav Papa to be like him?
Rav Shmuel asked from the Mishnah in Taharos, which lists six cases of Safek on which one burns Terumah, on our Mishnah, which writes that one does not burn the Terumah touched by a garment belonging to a Bas Kuti.
(b) How did Rav Papa establish our Mishnah to answer this Kashya?

(c) How did Rav Shmuel reject Rav Papa's answer?

(d) What answer could Rav Papa have given, and why would we not worry about the clothes of the Kuti (who has the Din of an Am ha'Aretz), rendering the Terumah Tamei?

6) As long as the Benos Tzedokim follow in the footsteps of their fathers, they have the Din of Bas Kuti (as described in the previous Mishnah). The moment they undertake to follow the path of the Benos Yisrael, they have the Din of a Bas Yisrael.
(a) What Din will they have, if we do not know which path they are following ('Stam'), and from where do we know that?

(b) What happened with the Tzedoki and the Kohen Gadol in the public street, and how did Rebbi Yossi rule?

(c) Why were they not concerned about the spittle of the Tzedoki, which would have rendered the Kohen Gadol Tamei anyway?

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