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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

Ask A Question about the Daf

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Nidah 43


    • Question: The Amora'im argue whether a person becomes Tamei by touching the smallest amount of Shichvas Zera (just like a person can become Tamei by discharging even the smallest amount of Shichvas Zera), or whether a person must touch an amount of Shichvas Zera that is the size of an Adashah in order to become Tamei.

      The Gemara explains that it is clear that the words in the Torah "O Ish" were written to teach us that one becomes Tamei by touching Shichvas Zera. The argument among the Amora'im revolves around whether this Halachah is learned from the "O Ish" which appears in the section discussing the Tum'ah of one who touches an Adashah of a Sheretz, or the "O Ish" which appears in the section discussing the Tum'ah of one who discharges the smallest amount of Shichvas Zera.

      But if both verses say the words "O Ish," why should anyone explain that the words written by Tum'as Sheretz teach us the laws of one who touches Shichvas Zera? Would it not be more logical to assume that the words written by the Tum'ah of one who discharges Shichvas Zera teach us other laws that involve Shichvas Zera itself! (TOSFOS DH Minayan)

    • Answer: Those who learn the Tum'ah of one who touches Shichvas Zera from the verse which discusses Sheratzim, preferred to learn the laws of touching Tum'ah (such as Shichvas Zera) from a verse discussing other laws of touching Tum'ah (such as a Sheretz), rather than to learn from a verse discussing the laws of a person who has a discharge of Tum'ah. (TOSFOS)

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