Rebbi Yirmiyah tried to get Rebbi Zeira to laugh but could not
succeed. What motivated Rebbi Yirmiyah to try and amuse Rebbi Zeira?
The CHAVAS YAIR (#152, cited at the end of Sefer Chafetz Chayim) suggests
that Rebbi Zeira and Rebbi Yirmeyah each had a very different path in
Avodas Hashem. They argued whether abstinence is commendable or forbidden.
Rebbi Zeira understood that fasting and self-affliction is the correct way
to reach Kedushah. We find that he fasted long periods. He would test
himself with all kinds of self-afflictions to test his total devotion to
Hashem (Bava Metzia end of 85a).
Rebbi Yirmeyah on the other hand ruled that it is forbidden for a person to
afflict himself beyond the call of the Torah, as those who maintained that
a Nazir is called a Choteh (Nedarim 9).
Rebbi Yirmeyah, in accordance with his path in Avodas Hashem, would try and
break Rebbi Zeira's somberness since he thought this was an incorrect path
in Avodas Hashem.
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