***************GIRSA SECTION********************
[1] Rashi 71a DH Bi'asusa:
[2] Rashi 71a DH b'Chayav uv'Moso:
[3] Gemara 71b [line 15]:
[4] Gemara 71b [line 30]:
[5] Hagahos ha'Gra 1) [line 11] BI'ASUSA D'MALACHAH D'MOSA - fear of death (lit. the Angel of Death)
2a) [line 13] PACHADA TZAMIS - anxiety constricts the Makor so that no
blood comes out 3) [line 18] AL GABEI NIDOS MESOS - that were used by women who died when they were Nidos
4) [line 25] REVI'IS DAM
5) [line 29] YOSHEVES AL HA'MASHBER - a woman giving birth
7) [line 36] DAM TEVUSAH
8) [line 46] METAFTEF L'GUMA - dripping into a hole
10) [line 3] TZALUV - a man who has been crucified (a common form of execution in the time of the Romans)
11) [line 4] SHOSES - flows 13) [line 11] MAGA TAMEI MES
THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF "TUM'AH" (a) sources of Tum'ahAll sources of Tum'ah are called Av ha'Tum'ah, except for a corpse, which can generate more Tum'ah than any other object and is therefore referred to as the "Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah." When one object makes another object Tamei, the second object has a weaker Tum'ah than the first. If something becomes Tamei from an Av, it is called a Rishon l'Tum'ah. A Rishon makes a Sheni l'Tum'ah. (Liquids are an exception to this rule. The Chachamim decreed that liquids should always be a Rishon; even if touched by a Sheni.) Chulin cannot be made Tamei mid'Oraysa by a Sheni l'Tum'ah. Even mid'Rabanan, there is no such thing as Shelishi l'Tum'ah in regular Chulin. Terumah, however, can become a Shelishi l'Tum'ah. Although Terumah which is a Shelishi cannot make other Terumah Tamei, it may not be eaten. It is referred to as "Pasul" (invalid) rather than "Tamei." Kodesh (objects associated with the sacrifices) can become a Revi'i l'Tum'ah (and Chatas, or objects associated with the Parah Adumah, can become a Chamishi.) Revi'i of Kodesh and Chamishi of Chatas are also called "Pasul."
14) [line 13] CHULIN SHE'NA'ASU AL TAHARAS HA'KODESH, K'KODESH DAMU 15) [line ] MASNISIN MANI, ABA SHAUL HI - That is, the later ruling mentioned in the Mishnah includes *2* points: (a) Chulin she'Na'asu Al Taharas ha'Kodesh are *not* like Kodesh; (b) a Tevul Yom is dealt with more stringently, and is equated with a Rishon, like Aba Shaul says.
16a) [line 21] KOTZAH - separates 19) [line 36] HA'RO'AH YOM ACHAD ASAR (a) By Torah Law, a woman who sees blood is a Nidah for a period of seven days. It makes no difference whether she saw blood only one time or for the entire seven days. The next eleven days are "days of Zivah." If a woman experiences bleeding during these days for one or two consecutive days, she becomes a Zavah Ketanah and is Temei'ah. If she does not experience bleeding the following night and day, she may immerse in a Mikvah to become Tehorah. She may even immerse in a Mikvah the following morning but her Tum'ah and Taharah are contingent upon whether or not she sees blood afterwards on that day. She is called a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom, because she must *watch* the following day to see whether or not she sees blood20) [last line] METAM'IN MISHKAV U'MOSHAV - (a) A Nidah, a Yoledes, a Zav and a Zavah are Avos ha'Tum'ah. They can cause objects that are under them to become Avos ha'Tum'ah, whether they touch them or not. These objects are then called Mishkav and Moshav, or the *Tachton*, of a Nidah, Yoledes, Zav or Zavah. Any object (besides earthenware utensils and foods) may become a Mishkav or Moshav if it was made for lying or sitting upon. A person who is touching or carrying a Mishkav or Moshav is Metamei the clothes he is wearing and other utensils (aside from earthenware utensils) that he may be touching. These items get the status of Rishon l'Tum'ah.Next daf