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Nidah 67

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 67a [line 15]:
"Amar Reish Lakish ..."
Many of the early Rishonim were Gores here
"v'Leis Hilchesa k'Chol Hanei Shemaitesa, Ela Ki Ha d'Amar Reish Lakish
..." - see Insights

1) [line 1] NAMEL - port

2a) [line 1] AF AL GAV D'HASHTA LEIKA - even though at present there is no mud on her feet (RASHI); even though at present there are no remnants of the cooked food left on her body (TOSFOS 66b DH Isha, citing RABEINU CHANANEL. Rabeinu Chananel is not Gores these words until the case of the woman who gave cooked food to her son. He explains that a woman should not immerse in a port because she will be in a hurry so as not to be embarrassed by the people there, and will not immerse properly.)

b) [line 1] EIMAR B'RIDYONI NAFAL - it is possible to say:

(a) that it (the mud) was wiped off her feet by the water as she came out (RASHI)
(b) that it (the cooked food) slipped down, off of her body (TOSFOS ibid. citing RACH)
(c) that it (the cooked food) was shaken off her body (TOSFOS ibid. citing Rabeinu Tam. Rabeinu Tam is Gores "b'Didyoni", from the word Nedidah - shaking)
3) [line 7] RAVDEI D'CHUSILTA - incisions in the skin made by a lancet, a pointed two-edged surgical knife used in bloodletting

4) [line 9] LIFLUF - mucus that comes out of the eye
5) [line 10] L'IRAK - to turn green/yellow
6) [line 11] KECHOL - a blue or tinted powder used for painting the eyelids
7) [line 16] DERECH GEDEILASAH - the way that she normally functions; her body position under normal conditions

8) [line 17] HA'ISH NIR'EH

(a) When a man develops a mark that looks like Tzara'as, a Kohen must ascertain whether or not it is a Nega Tzara'as. It is only considered a Nega if it is visible while he is standing in the way that a man normally stands.
(b)If it is indeed a Nega Tzara'as, the Kohen pronounces him Tamei, puts him in quarantine (Hesger), and returns after a week to see what changes, if any, occurred to the mark. A person who is *confirmed* to be Tamei due to the appearance of Simanei Tum'ah in the mark is called a Metzora Muchlat.
*9a*) [line 17] ODER - a person who is hoeing (with regard to how much of his armpits (RASHI) or crotch (TOSFOS) are revealed)
*b*) [line 17] MOSEK ZEISIM - a person who is picking olives (with regard to how much of his crotch (RASHI) or armpits (TOSFOS) are revealed)
*c*) [line 18] OREGES - a woman who is weaving (with regard to how much of her armpits (RASHI and TOSFOS) are revealed)

11) [line 13] MISHUM SERACH BITAH - because of her daughter learning from her example (lit. clinging to her) (but not knowing to differentiate between the 7th and the 8th day)

12) [line 17] ARYEVASA - lions
13) [line 20] IBULA'EI - non-Jewish guards of the city gate; alt., underground caverns on the way to the Mikvah

*14*) [line 23] MISHUM D'REBBI SHIMON - (this is the Gemara's answer)

15) [line 28] CHOFEFES - scrubbing her hair (RABBEINU TAM) *and* body (R.SHEMAYA in the name of RASHI - these opinions are brought in the Rosh at the end of Hilchos Mikva'os)

16) [line 38] "SHE'KEN", LO AMRINAN - we do not rule like Rav Huna. Even though it is permissible to prepare on Friday for immersion on Saturday night, for example, we do not apply this law to weekdays. She must prepare on the day that she goes to the Mikvah.

17) [line 43] LEISA D'EFSHAR - there is no case when it is permitted to do so
18) [last line] D'IKUT - they had a quarrel
19) [last line] L'FIYUSA - to appease her
20) [last line] MAI ISEI HASHTA? - why did you come now? (at night)

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