1) [line 4] NEGA'IM
2) [line 13] B'SHIVEVUSEI - in his neighborhood 5) [line 24] MA'ASROS (a) After a crop is harvested, and brought to the owner's house or yard, he must separate Terumah from the crop, which he gives to a Kohen. Although the Torah does not specify the amount to be given, the Rabanan set the requirement at approximately one fiftieth.6) [line 25] TUM'AS OCHLIN All foods become Tamei if they touch a source of Tum'ah, but only after they first become wet. From then on, even after they dry, they can still become Tamei. Seven liquids can enable foods to become Tamei: water, dew, oil, wine, milk, blood, and honey. Nivlas Of Tahor is an exception. It does not have to become wet or touch any source of Tum'ah to be called Muchshar (ready to become Tamei).
7a) [line 30] NISHMAR - kept in one's possession 8) [line 31] SEFICHEI SATIM V'KOTZAH - safflower (which produces a red dye) and woad (a plant that produces blue dye) which grew on their own from the remainder of the previous crop 9) [line 32] KEMEHIM, PITRIYOT - types of boletes, such as mushrooms, morels and truffles *10*) [line 35] IM HAYU BAHEM SHUMIM U'VETZALIN, CHAYAVIN - If these *Yerakos* included garlic and onions, the garlic and onions are obligated in Ma'aser
11a) [line 35] MALBENOS BETZALIM - rectangular onion-patches; alt., rows of onions *13*) [last line] ULSHIN SHE'ZAR'AN MI'TECHILAH LI'VEHEMAH - Although this ruling is discussing Taharah and has nothing to do with our Mishnah, the sequel to this statement (on Daf 51a) is related to our Mishnah. This is why the Gemara discusses it here.
14) [line 1] TZERICHOS MACHSHAVAH - one must intend to eat it in order for it to be classified as a food and to receive Tum'as Ochlin 15) [line 1] MACHSHEVES CHIBUR - intention to eat the plant when it was still "attached" (in the ground)
16) [line 3] NIVLAS OF TAHOR 17) [line 5] EINAH TZERICHAH HECHSHER - they become Tamei automatically without any preparation or outside cause (i.e. they do not have to become wet or touch anything Tamei)
18) [line 7] GOZAL - a young pigeon 20) [line 9] TARNEGOLES SHEB'YAVNEH - the hen that died in Yavneh, which the Chachamim were Metamei because of the Machshavah of the Kusim
21) [line 10] TARNEGOL BARA HAVAH - it was a species of wild chicken
28) [line 21] KUSI - a Samaritan 29) [line 26] SHE'KEN EINAH YOREDES L'CHACH - "because such a law does not apply to it" (the Gemara will explain whether we are referring to a law of Machshavah or Hechsher *30*) [line 33] HA'CHELEV - Chelev of a slaughtered kosher animal does not need Hechsher, since the blood of its Shechitah is Machshir it. (TOSFOS DH Lo Garsinan Gabei) *31*) [line 34] ELA BI'KEFARIM, U'MI IKA L'MAN D'AMAR - It is clear from the words of Rebbi Yochanan Ben Nuri that he does not require Machshavah for a bird even in Kefarim. The Gemara is asking, why do the *Chachamim* mention that the bird fell into a Gas? Since it was in a Kefar, it should require Machshavah regardless. 33) [line 39] GATO ME'ASATU - the wine-press into which it fell made it loathsome