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Nidah 39
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Rashi 39a DH Lomar:
The words "*Tzerichah* Livdok"
should be "*di'Tzrichah* Livdok"
1) [line 4] B'MACHAVO - in a place of hiding
2) [line 5] SHE'CHARADAH MESALEKES ES HA'DAMIM - trepidation prevents the
appearance of Dam Nidah
3) [line 18] DILMA ASYA L'KILKULA - perhaps they would come to be Meshamesh
during the days after Yemei Zivah when she might see Dam Nidah
*4*) [line 31] SHE'EINAH METAM'AH ME'ES L'ES - she does not become Tamei
*retroactively* for 24 hours
5a) [line 45] MIKBA LO KAV'AH - A woman who gets her period three
consecutive times in three similar ways during Yemei Zivah does not
establish a *fixed* Veses for herself. Veses Kavu'a - which is only
uprooted if the Veses passes three consecutive times without seeing blood)
b) [line 46] MECHASH MAHU D'NEICHUSH LAH - should she be suspect that she
might see on that day and abstain from Tashmish?
6) [line 6] NIDAH U'FISCHAH - the 7 days of Nidah and 11 days of Zivah
7a) [line 11] D'RAMYA YOMA - that laid an egg one day
b) [line 11] V'CHAVSHAH YOMA - and refrained from laying one day
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