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Nidah 26

1) [line 11] KERUCHIN - clinging to each other
2) [line 13] MESHALCHIF LEI KELAPEI RESHEI - and lies across (overlapping) the head of the embryo

3) [line 18] METZUMTZAMIN - they are lying exactly side by side
4) [line 20] SARICH - hangs on, clings
5) [line 21] SHARIK - slides
6) [line 26] NIMOK - disintegrated
7) [line 28] CHUT SHEL EREV - a thread of the woof that runs from side to side across the loom, which is thicker than a string of the warp

8) [line 29] TURMOS - lupine, a type of pod or bean of the pea family
9) [line 29] CHALULAH K'CHATZOTZERES - hollow like a bugle
10) [line 31] KURKEVAN - gizzard (the second stomach of a bird)
11) [line 31] HA'DAKIN - the intestines
12) [line 39] SHIDRO SHEL LULAV - the spine of a Lulav

13) [line 42] EZOV (MEI CHATAS)
If a person (or utensil) became Tamei through touching a *Mes*, he must wait seven days to go to the Mikvah. On the third and seventh days he must have Mei Chatas (spring water mixed with ashes of the Parah Adumah) sprinkled on him. A person who is Tahor dips three hyssops (Ezov) which have been bound together into the Mei Chatas and sprinkles them on the person who is Tamei. Afterwards, he immerses in a Mikvah to complete his purification.

14) [line 46] MEVI ES HA'TUM'AH
A space that is a Tefach by a Tefach square and a Tefach high is considered to be an "Ohel." If a k'Zayis from a corpse is anywhere in an Ohel, Tumah spreads out in all directions to fill the entire Ohel but remains inside the Ohel. A space that is less than a cubic Tefach does not have the law of an Ohel. Tum'as Mes in such an area is called "Tum'ah Retzutzah" (smashed or squashed Tum'ah) or "Tum'ah Temunah" (hidden Tum'ah). The Tum'ah of the Mes does not spread throughout the enclosure; rather, it "breaks through" (Boka'as) its enclosure and goes straight up and straight down, as if it were in the open air.


15a) [line 1] TECHILASO ARBA'AH - when an oven is originally built it must be four Tefachim high in order to be considered a "Kli" ("vessel") and to receive Tum'ah.
b) [line 2] SHEYARAV ARBA'AH - If a large Tamei oven breaks, and the fragment that *remains* measures four Tefachim it stays Tamei; (alt., if a large oven breaks, and the fragment that *remains* measures four Tefachim it can still become Tamei.) The Gemara (Chulin 124a) states that this oven was originally seven Tefachim high, The majority of the height (four Tefachim) remains. (see "d" below)
c) [line 4] MISHE'TIGAMER MELACHTO - when it is completed to be made (and becomes a "Kli")
d) [line 5] SHEYARAV BE'RUBO - the fragment of an oven receives Tum'ah if the majority of the oven remains; once it has entered the category of a "Kli" when it was made, it remains a Kli until the fragment is not the majority of the oven

16) [line 10] MISGERES - the frame of the Shulchan (Shmos 25:25)
17) [line 11] KAPORES - the golden cover of the Aron

18) [line 12] KORAH
A Mavoy is an alleyway which is enclosed on three sides, through which the people of the surrounding courtyards must pass in order to go out to the street (Reshush ha'Rabim). Although mid'Oraisa such a Mavoy is a Reshus ha'Yachid, nevertheless, the Chachamim prohibitted carrying objects in it a distance of four Amos or more. This decree was enacted because of its similarity to a Reshus ha'Rabim, since many families make use of a single Mavoy. Carrying in a Mavoy is only permitted if a beam (*Korah*) that is a Tefach thick is placed horizontally above the entrance of the Mavoy, or if a stick (Lechi) is placed vertically against one of the walls by the entrance of the Mavoy. These signs signal the border of Reshus ha'Rabim and Reshus ha'Yachid.

*19*) [line 16] KOL SHELOSHAH YAMIM RISHONIM - If the Shilya comes out within three days after the child was born, we assume that it came from the child.

20) [line 30] BALI V'ASI - he hastened to come

21) [line 30] D'RAMINAN LEI B'GILA D'CHITESA, U'MIRMEI U'MIDCHEI - who we may push down with a stalk of wheat and he will be knocked down; i.e. if he is asked to resolve an apparent contradiction of Beraisos or teachings, he will not be able to do so, since his knowledge is very limited. (Wheat represents broad Torah knowledge, Sanhedrin 42a. The Talmidim meant that Rav Yosef of De'ville will be caught off guard if asked to resolve one teaching with a second one, since he does not have a broad Torah knowledge and will not have known of the second one earlier. At the end of the story, however, he managed to quote a teaching of Rav's that even Shmuel had not heard of earlier.)

22) [line 35] CHAZYEI L'RAV YEHUDAH BISHOS - he looked upon Rav Yehudah with disdain (i.e. he was upset with Rav Yehudah since Rav Yehudah had claimed to know all of the teachings that Rav Yosef of De'ville knew, and yet he did not tell this particular teaching to Shmuel earlier. Rav Yehudah thus suffered for having belittled Rav Yosef of De'ville).

23) [line 39] KESHURAH BO, MAHU - what if the fetal membrane/placenta is connected to it (the abortion that has the shape of a raven)?

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