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Nidah 20

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashi 20a DH O v'Yabeshta:
The words "Kelipos *ha'Kotzrim*"
should be "Kelipos *ha'Afatzim*" (gallnuts) (RASHASH)

[2] Rashi 20a DH Deihah Miken Tahor k'Shachor:
This is a continuation of the previous Dibur

[3] Gemara 20b [line 16]:
The words "l'Asra *d'Rebbi* Yehudah"
should be "l'Asra *d'Rav* Yehudah"

[4] Gemara 20b [line 50]:
The words "*Amar* Ein Lo la'Dayan"
should be "*Yomar* Ein Lo la'Dayan"

1) [line 1] KILOR - (a bluish-red) bandage
2) [line 1] SERAF SHIKMAH - sycamore sap
3) [line 3] OMANA - a professional blood-letter

4) [line 4] KARNA KAMAISA L'AMEIMAR - the blood from the first Karna (blood letters use a sharp glass utensil called "Karna") from Ameimar

5) [line 6] ISHTENI - its color changed
6) [line 8] CHERES SHE'AMRU, DEYO - the Cheres which they mentioned is referring to the color black of vitriol which is dissolved in ink.

7a) [line 10] PAKCHUSA D'DEYUSA - the faint part of separated ink, (the color of the liquid part of the ink)
b) CHARUSA D'DEYUSA - the sediment of the ink

*8*) [line 11] V'YABESHTA - If the Mishnah is discussing dry ink, then wet ink will be *Tahor*, since it is lighter than dry ink (Bi'ur Halachah #32:3 DH Yichtevem)

9) [line 11] PALEI KURTA D'DEYUSA - split pieces of dry ink
10) [line 12] K'KIR - like black wax
11) [line 14] KI'LVUSHA SIVA'A - like a garment from Siva, where they make black garments

*12*) [line 15] MARTU MINEI PURSA PURSA, YAHAVU BEI ARBA ME'AH ZUZEI - they each plucked a little bit of the garment [to take home as a sample], and ended up having to pay 400 Zuz. (That is, one who derobes another person in a public place must pay him 400 Zuz for disgracing him publicly, Bava Kama 90a; Berachos 20b. Since the students stripped off so much of the man's cloak, they were fined 400 Zuz for embarrassing him publicly. - M. Kornfeld)

13) [line 17] OLYARIN - keeper of clothes at a bathhouse
14) [line 21] GELIMA - cloak
15) [line 21] PESORA - [linens for covering] a table
16) [line 30] DEIHEH D'DEIHEH - very faded
17a) [line 33] ADIHU LEI, V'DACHI - they showed him a fainter shade, and he was Metaher
b) [line 34] A'AMIKU LEI, V'DACHI - they showed him a darker shade, and he was Metaher

18) [line 34] KAMA NAFISH GAVRA D'LIBEI KI'SHMA'ATEI - how great is a person who is consistent about what he learns and acts accordingly

19) [line 37] TELASA DAREI U'TLASA TARPAN - three rows of three leaves
20) [line 38] METZIA'AH - middle
21) [line 39] B'GUSHAIHU - when they are attached
22) [line 40] ADAMAH SHEMENAH - rich earth
23) [line 41] YODFAS - a city in the lower Galil, famous for its battle against Vespasion.
24) [line 42] BIK'AS SACHNEI - a valley in the lower Galil
25) [line 42] BIK'AS GINOSAR - the valley on the west bank of the Kineret, known for its special climate and bounty of superb fruits

26) [line 47] D'LO L'RAMYEI B'YDEI UL'ACHRINHU - that he should not put the earth and water into his hand, and make the water cloudy there

27) [last line] KURTA D'GARGISHTA - A piece of a clod of earth
28) [last line] ASKERA - choking


29) [line 3] D'LO ECHEZEI DAMA - that I should not see blood (to rule whether or not it is Tamei)

30) [line 7] TIV'A - elements, properties of nature (YA'AVETZ)
31) [line 20] ARCHEI - he smelled it
32) [line 20] DAM CHIMUD HU - it is blood that comes because of the woman's craving for her husband

33) [line 22] CHAMADTIV - I longed for him
34) [line 23] IFRA HURMIZ, IMEI DI'SHEVOR MALKA - Ormuzd, the mother of King Shapur
35) [line 28] K'SUMA B'ARUBAH - like a blind man finding his way down from the aperture in the roof; i.e. a lucky guess

36) [line 30] ISTAYA MILSA - he was supported by Divine help
37) [line 31] SERIKUSA D'MEKATLA KALMEI - a comb that kills lice
38) [line 32] B'SAVNEI D'LIBA YASVISU - they sit in the inner chambers of the heart; i.e. they possess all types of wisdom

39) [line 33] IMEI D'YITZCHAK BERI - The mother of my son Yitzchak
40a) [line 34] MISHUM D'ZEHIMA - because it is filthy; offensive smelling
41) [line 39] VEHA'IDNA HU D'CHASH B'EINEI - now he has an eye ache
42) [line 47] A'GAMREI SAMICH - he relied on what he had learned
43) [line 52] MEFAKE'ACH HU D'KA MEFAKE'ACH V'AZIL - it is constantly fading

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