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Nidah 14

1a) [line 4] D'MEKAF - he rides with a saddle
b) [line 5] D'METARTIN - he rides with one foot on either side of the animal
2) [line 6] D'GANI A'PARKID - sleeps on his back (RASHI, TOSFOS);
sleeps face down (ARUCH)
3) [line 9] MATZLEI - turns on one side
4) [line 15] OSYOM - immediately

*5*) [line 17] U'FTURIM MIN HA'KORBAN - They are exempt from a Korban Chatas, but perhaps obligated in an Asham Taluy (Gemara 14b; Tosfos ibid. DH Ba'inan)

6) [line 22] MA'ACHOLES - louse
7) [line 26] RETZUFAH - flattened
8) [line 29] TACHATO B'YREICHAH - she squeezed it under her thigh
*9*) [line 33] B'ED SHE'EINO BADUK - see Insights
10a) [line 37] MISHUM NIDAH - as if she has definitely seen Dam Nidah
b) [line 38] MISHUM KESEM - as if she found a stain on her clothes, in which case she is only Tamei mi'Safek


11) [line 2] KI'GRIS V'OD - larger than a cilician bean; (Cilicia is a region near modern Adana, Turkey

12) [line 2] AVAL - true
13) [line 7] MISHTABE'ACH LEI REBBI ... GAVRA RABA HU - Rebbi praised Rebbi Chama Bar Bisa as a great person/Talmid Chacham, in front of Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yossi

14) [line 17] U'MECHADEDEI SHEMATESEI - his teachings are very sharp
15) [line 21] L'ATZMO TIHER - he was Metaher in line with his own reasoning
16) [line 22] OSAH TZERACHEHA - urinating

17) [line 31] VESES SHE'AMRU L'KINU'ACH, AVAL LO LI'VDIKAH - When blood is found on the woman's cloth, the couple becomes Tamei such that they need to bring a Korban Chatas only if she *wiped* herself with the cloth. This satisfies the condition of Osyom - immediately. A Bedikah further in takes more time, and there is room for doubt whether there was blood during Tashmish.

18) [line 33] ASHAM TALUY
If a person is in doubt whether or not he committed a transgression (for which a Korban Chatas is brought if he definitely transgressed), he must bring an Asham Taluy. This Korban atones for the possible sin, *until* he discovers for certain that he has indeed committed the transgression, at which point he must bring a Korban Chatas.

Our Tana is of the opinion that an Asham Taluy is only brought where there are *two pieces, one of which was eaten*; e.g. there are two pieces of fat, one kosher (Shuman) and the other non-kosher (Chelev). A person ate one of them, believing it to be the permitted piece. If he later realizes that he *may* have eaten the forbidden piece, he has to bring an Asham Taluy. Similarly, if a man has two wives, one a Nidah and the other not, and he realizes that he may have transgressed the prohibition of Nidah, he must bring an Asham Taluy. Our Mishnah, however, only describes a situation of one wife. The doubt is whether she was a Nidah or not.

*20*) [line 37] SHE'TOSHIT YADAH TACHAS HA'KAR - This is the same Shiur as "b'Yetziti'as Shamash Nichnas Ed"

21) [last line] CHACHAMIM B'USHA - When the Sanhedrin was in Usha, one of the ten places of its exile

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