Prepared by P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Nedarim 23
NEDARIM 23 (10 Av) - dedicated by Mrs. G. Turkel (Rabbi Kornfeld's
grandmother) to the memory of her husband, Reb Yisrael Shimon
(Isi) ben Shlomo ha'Levi Turkel. Reb Yisrael Turkel loved
Torah and supported it with his last breath. He passed away on
10 Av, 5780.
(a) Chachamim were pained by this.
1. Bitnis, son of Aba Sha'ul Ben Bitnis: Did you vow,
intending that this would pain Chachamim?
2. R. Shimon b'Rebbi said that he had not; Bitnis
permitted the vow.
(b) R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi came before Chachamim to permit a
vow. They suggested things which he might have overlooked
when he vowed; each time, he said that he vowed having
that thing in mind.
1. A launderer saw that this was paining the Chachamim;
he hit R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi with his rack.
2. R. Yishmael Bar R. Yosi: I did not vow with intent
to be hit by a launderer!
i. R. Yishmael permitted his own vow.
(c) Question (Rav Acha from Difti): This is Nolad (an
unexpected turn of events) - he did not expect to be hit
- and we hold, we do not permit vows using Nolad!
(d) Answer (Rav Ashi): This is not Nolad - there are many
wanton people that pain Chachamim.
(e) Abaye suggested that his wife's daughter should marry one
of his relatives; his wife suggested that she marry one
of her relatives.
1. Abaye: If you marry her off to your relative, you
may not get any benefit from me.
2. She married her off to her relative; Abaye came
before Rav Yosef to annul his vow.
3. Rav Yosef: Had you known that she would defy you,
would you have vowed?
4. Abaye: No.
i. Rav Yosef permitted the vow.
(f) Question: Is this really grounds for permitting a vow?
(g) Answer: Yes!
1. (Beraisa): A man vowed that his wife will not
(benefit from him if she) goes up to Yerushalayim
for the festival; she went up;
2. R. Yosi asked if he would have vowed if he knew that
she would go up. The man said that he would not have
vowed; R. Yosi permitted the vow.
(a) (Mishnah): R. Eliezer Ben Yakov says, even one who wants
to vow to pressure his friend to eat by him, should say
'Any vow that I will take should be void'; he must
remember at the time of the vow.
(b) (Gemara) Question: Since he says this, his friend will
know that the vow is void and will not comply!
(c) Answer: The Mishnah is abbreviated; it means as follows.
1. Reuven wants that Shimon should eat by him, but
Shimon refuses. If Reuven vows to persuade Shimon,
these are vows of persuasion;
2. One who wants that any vows he takes all year should
be void, he should say on Rosh Hashanah 'Any vow
that I will take should be void'; he must remember
at the time of the vow.
(d) Question: If he remembers at the time of the vow, he
uproots his stipulation and takes a valid vow!
(e) Answer #1 (Abaye): Amend the Mishnah to say 'provided he
does not remember at the time of the vow'.
(f) Answer #2 (Rava): The text of the Mishnah is correct; the
case is, he stipulated on Rosh Hashanah, and forgot what
he stipulated.
1. If he remembers (that he made some stipulation) at
the time of his vow, and vows according to his
stipulation, the vow is void;
2. If he does not say that he is vowing according to
his stipulation, he uproots his stipulation and the
vow is valid.
(g) Rav Huna Bar Chinena intended to expound this at the
1. Rava: The Tana concealed this, so people will not
take vows lightly, and you want to teach this at the
(h) Question #1: Do Chachamim argue on R. Eliezer Ben Yakov?
1. Question #2: If they argue - as whom is the law?
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