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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Nazir 57


(a) Question: Which law (did R. Yehoshua say) was received?
1. A Nazir shaves for a bone the size of a barley seed - this is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai; R. Akiva wanted to learn from this that he also shave for a Revi'is of blood.
2. Or, that a Revi'is of blood imparts Tum'ah in a tent is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai; R. Akiva wanted to learn from this and the law that he shaves for a bone the size of a barley seed, that he also shaves for a Revi'is of blood.
(b) Answer (Beraisa): A Nazir shaves for a bone the size of a barley seed - this is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai, and cannot be used in a Kal va'Chomer to teach that he also shaves for a Revi'is of blood.


(a) (Mishnah): A man said to 2 Nezirim: 'I saw that one of you became Tamei, but I do not know which' They shave and bring (collectively) the sacrifices of a Tahor Nazir and a Tamei Nazir;
(b) One of them says, if I was Tamei - the sacrifices of a Tamei Nazir were mine, and the sacrifices of a Tahor Nazir were yours; if I was Tahor, vice-versa.
(c) They guard 30 more days of Nezirus, and bring the sacrifices of a Tahor Nazir; they stipulate that these sacrifices are for the one that was Tamei.
(d) Question: Since a 3rd person saw them, why do we conduct as if unsure if each is Tamei?
1. The law of doubtful Tum'ah in a private domain (i.e. we treat it as certain Tum'ah) is learned from Sotah.
2. Just as there, only 2 are present, the law of doubtful Tum'ah in a private domain only applies when at most 2 are present!
3. When 3 are involved, we apply the law of doubtful Tum'ah in a public domain (we treat it as certain Taharah)!
(e) Answer (Rabah bar Rav Huna): The observer saw from afar Tum'ah thrown between the 2 Nezirim.
1. (Rav Ashi): The Mishnah supports this - it says, I do not know (implying - I never knew) which of you became Tamei.


(a) (Mishnah): They shave and bring sacrifices ...
(b) Version #1 - Question: Why may they shave (the 2nd time) - the one that was Tahor, his 2nd shaving is not of Nezirus, and he transgresses cutting the Pe'os!
(c) Answer (Shmuel): The case is, the Nezirim are women or children (that have no prohibition of cutting the Pe'os).
1. Question: Why didn't Shmuel say, they can be men, and one who cuts all the hair of his head does not transgress the prohibition of cutting the Pe'os?
2. Answer: We deduce, Shmuel holds that one who cuts all the hair of his head transgresses the prohibition of cutting the Pe'os.
(d) Version #2 (Mar Zutra - Mishnah): A Nazir doubtfully became Tamei (Mes), and was doubtfully an absolute leper - he can eat Kodshim after 60 days, and shaves 4 times.
1. Question: Why may he shave 4 times (the 1st 2 as a doubtful leper - perhaps he was not an absolute leper, and), he transgresses shaving the beard! (The text of Rashi and Tosfos).
(e) Answer (Shmuel): The case is, the Nazir is a woman or child (for whom the prohibition of cutting the beard does not apply).
(a) (Rav Huna): One who cuts the Pe'os of a child is exempt.
1. Rav Ada bar Ahavah: Who cuts your children's Pe'os?
2. Rav Huna: Chovah (his wife).
3. Rav Ada bar Ahavah: She should bury her children!
i. For the duration of Rav Ada bar Ahavah's life, none of Rav Huna's children survived.
(b) Rav Huna and Rav Ada bar Ahavah agree that one who cuts all the hair of his head transgresses the prohibition of cutting the Pe'os.
(c) Question: On what do they argue?
(d) Answer: Rav Huna connects "Do not round the corners of your head" and "Do not destroy the corners of your beard" - whoever is commanded about the beard is commanded about the Pe'os.
1. Since women are not commanded about the beard, they are not commanded about the Pe'os.
(e) Rav Ada bar Ahavah holds, the verse forbids cutting Pe'os and having one's own Pe'os cut, and connects them.
1. Whenever the one whose Pe'os are being cut is liable, the one cutting his Pe'os is liable.
2. Since a child is not punishable, one who cuts a child's Pe'os is exempt.
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