Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Nazir 53
1. Objection: But Rava himself said (in explaining a
Mishnah) 'this teaches about a spine or skull less
than the volume of 1/4 Kav'!
2. Answer: Rava said that after hearing R. Akiva's
opinion (before this, he assumed that every spine
and skull exceeds 1/4 Kav).
(b) Answer #2 (Beraisa): Shamai says, even from 1 bone of the
spine or skull.
i. We see that the spine and skull are more
(c) Rejection: We cannot bring a proof from Shamai, for he is
more stringent.
1. Suggestion: Let us prove the opposite - only Shamai,
who is stringent, says that they are more stringent;
Chachamim require 1/2 Kav!
2. Rejection: No - Chachamim only argue regarding 1
bone from the spine or skull - but they admit that
1/4 Kav suffices.
(a) (R. Eliezer): Some of the early sages said that 1/2 Kav
of bones or 1/2 Log of blood impart Tum'ah regarding
everything; 1/4 Kav of bones or 1/4 Log of blood do not
impart any Tum'ah;
1. Other sages said that even 1/4 Kav of bones or 1/4
Log of blood impart Tum'ah regarding everything;
2. Later sages said that 1/2 Kav of bones or 1/2 Log of
blood impart Tum'ah regarding everything; 1/4 Kav
of bones or 1/4 Log of blood impart Tum'ah regarding
Terumah and Kodshim, but not regarding a Nazir or
one offering the Pesach sacrifice.
(b) Objection: We do not rule as a 3rd opinion (i.e. of later
sages; alternatively, a mediating opinion that
distinguishes between cases the earlier opinions did not
(c) Answer (R. Yakov bar Idi): Here we rule as the 3rd
opinion because they received the law from the last of
the prophets.
(a) (Mishnah): On these a Nazir shaves ...
(b) This phrase at the beginning of the Mishnah hints at
something he does not shave for - a bone the size of a
barley seed.
1. A Nazir only shaves if he touches or moves it, but
not for entering a tent with such a bone.
(c) This phrase at the end of the Mishnah hints at something
else he does not shave for - a Sechuchis stone (Tosfos -
a stone sticking out from a wall, and he does not know if
it towered over him and Tum'ah; Rashi - a stone on a
corpse or grave).
(d) (Mishnah): For 1/2 Kav of bones ...
(e) We infer, for 1/2 Kav, but not for 1/4 Kav.
(f) Question: What is the case?
1. Suggestion: If among them is a bone the size of a
barley seed, for that alone he must shave!
(g) Answer: The case is, the bones were ground up, and there
is no pieces the size of a barley seed.
(a) (Mishnah): For a limb from a corpse or a limb from a
living person that has enough flesh on it to sustain it
(if attached to a living person).
(b) Question: What is the law if it lacks this amount of
(c) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): A Nazir does not shave for it.
(d) Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): A Nazir shaves for it.
1. R. Yochanan learns from our Mishnah - it says that
he shaves only if it has sufficient flesh!
2. Reish Lakish learns from the fact that it is not
listed in the next Mishnah (54A) among things for
which a Nazir does not shave.
3. R. Yochanan says that this is no proof - anything
which can be inferred from beginning of the Mishnah
is not taught in the end of the Mishnah.
4. Objection #1: But our Mishnah teaches 1/2 Kav of
bones, and we infer, not for 1/4 Kav - yet 1/4 Kav
is taught in the next Mishnah!
5. Answer: 1/4 Kav had to be taught - otherwise, one
might have thought that he does not shave even for
touching or moving them!
i. The next Mishnah teaches that he is only
exempted from shaving for being in a tent with
6. Objection #2: But our Mishnah teaches 1/2 Log of
blood, and we infer, not for 1/4 Log - yet 1/4 Log
is taught in the next Mishnah!
7. Answer: 1/4 Log was taught to oppose R. Akiva, who
says that a Nazir shaves for touching or moving it.
(e) Question: What is the case of a limb from a corpse that
R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue on?
1. Suggestion: If it contains a bone the size of a
barley seed - why does R. Yochanan say he does not
shave for it?
2. Suggestion: If it does not have a bone the size of a
barley seed - why does Reish Lakish say that he
shaves for it?
(f) Answer: Really, it lacks a bone the size of a barley
seed; still, the Torah says that he shaves for it.
1. Beraisa: "Anyone that will touch on the face of the
field, a body killed by a sword or a corpse ..."
i. "On the face of the field" - this teaches about
one who towers above a corpse.
ii. "A body killed" - this teaches about a limb
from a living person with sufficient flesh.
iii. "A sword " - this teaches that a sword that
killed a person is Tamei just as a corpse.
iv. "Or a corpse" - this teaches about a limb that
became detached from a corpse.
v. "Or a bone of a man" - this teaches about 1/4
Kav of bones.
vi. "Or a grave" - this teaches about a sealed
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