Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Nazir 35
(a) Question: R. Eliezer ben Azaryah expounds "From pits to a
peel" to teach that one is only liable for eating 2 pits
and a peel - how does he learn the above law of
(b) Answer #1: He expounds as R. Eliezer, via exclusions and
(c) Answer #2: He expounds as Chachamim; if "From pits to a
peel" was only meant to teach about 2 pits and 1 peel, it
should have been written with the other specifics.
1. Since it was written after the generality, this
shows that it also teaches the above law.
2. Suggestion: Perhaps it only teaches the above law!
3. Rejection: If so, it should say "From pits to peels"
or "From a pit to a peel".
i. Rather, it says "From pits to a peel" to also
teach 2 pits and 1 peel.
(d) Question: R. Eliezer expounded via exclusion and
inclusion - what is his source for expounding via
specific, generality, specific?
(e) Answer #1 (R. Avahu): "When a man will give to his friend
a donkey, ox or sheep" - this is a specific; "Or any
animal" - this is a generality; "To guard" - this is
another specific;
1. A specific, generality, specific - we include what
resembles the specifics.
(f) Answer #2 (Rava): "If from" - specific; "the flock" -
generality; "sheep and goats" - specific.
1. A specific, generality, specific - we include what
resembles the specifics.
(g) Suggestion (Rav Yehudah from Diskarta): Why not learn
from "From" - specific; "Behemah (domestic animals)" -
generality; cattle or flock" - specific.
1. A specific, generality, specific - we include what
resembles the specifics.
(h) Objection (Rava): One cannot exclude wild animals from
Behemah - this term may include wild animals!
(i) Counter-objection (Rav Yehudah): One cannot say that it
includes wild animals - the end of the verse says "Cattle
and flock"!
1. Rather, it is a specific, generality, specific - we
include what resembles the specifics.
(j) Question: How do we know that we include what resembles
the specifics?
(k) Answer (Beraisa): "You will spend the money (of Ma'aser
Sheni) on whatever your soul desires" - generality; "On
cattle, flock, wine and strong drink" - specific; "And
all that your soul asks" - generality.
1. A generality, specific, generality - we include what
resembles the specifics.
2. The specifics reproduce and are nourished from the
ground - we include everything that reproduces and
is nourished from the ground.
(a) Question: A generality, specific, generality - we include
what resembles the specifics -why is the latter
generality needed?
(b) Answer: It includes whatever resembles the specifics (if
not for the latter generality, we would only include the
(c) Question: A specific, generality, specific - we include
what resembles the specifics -why is the latter specific
(d) Answer: If not for the latter specific, we would include
(e) Question: Both by a 'generality, specific, generality'
and a 'specific, generality, specific', we include what
resembles the specifics - what is the difference between
(f) Answer: When there are 2 generalities and 1 specific, we
include what resembles the specific in even 1 respect;
when there are 2 specifics and 1 generality, we only
include what resembles the specific in 2 respects.
(g) Question: By a 'specific, generality', we include
everything - we also include everything by an 'exclusion,
inclusion' - what is the difference between them?
(h) Answer: By a 'specific, generality', we include even
leaves and shoots (everything) - by an 'exclusion,
inclusion' - we include shoots, but not leaves.
(a) (R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): What is permitted does not
join to what is forbidden (to comprise the quantity to
obligate someone), except for prohibitions of a Nazir,
for the Torah said "Soaked" (a Nazir is liable for eating
bread that absorbed wine).
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