prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Moed Katan 6
MOED KATAN 6 - dedicated by Mr. Avi Berger of Queens, N.Y. in memory of his
parents, Pinchas ben Reb Avraham Yitzchak, and Leah bas Michal Mordechai.
(a) Rebbi Yehudah maintains that whether a marked field contains a *plowed*
grave or a *lost* one can only be determined by an elder or by a young
Talmid-Chacham. What does Abaye derive from Rebbi Yehudah's statement?
(b) What does Rav Yehudah say about ...
- ... *one* stone that is marked with lime?
- ... *two* stones that are marked?
(c) How will we reconcile this with what we learned earlier that the mark
must be a slight distance away from the Tum'ah and not directly on top of
(d) In which case does the Beraisa also declare the space in between the two
stones ...
- ... Tamei?
- ... Tahor, even if some lime is scattered in the middle?
What does Rav Asi say about ...
- ... one, two or three borders of a field that are marked?
- ... all four borders that are marked?
(a) We have learned in a Beraisa that on Rosh Chodesh Adar, Beis-Din would
announce the Shekalim and Kil'ayim. On the fifteenth, the day when they
Leined the Megilah in the walled cities, they would clear the roads, repair
the streets, measure and clean out the Mikva'os and see to all the other
public needs. Besides going out to remove Kil'ayim, which other issue
does the Tana mention specifically?
(b) The Gemara asks why the Tana of our Mishnah requires the Beis-Din to go
out for Kil'ayim again on Chol ha'Mo'ed, seeing as they have already been on
the fifteenth of Adar. Why does the Gemara not ask why the Tana requires
them to clear the streets again, seeing as they have already done so on the
(c) Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina argue over the answer to
the Kashya. One answers that Beis-Din needed to go out twice for Kil'ayim,
once for the early crops and once for the late crops. What does the other
one answer?
(d) Under which circumstances will Beis-Din go out to remove Kil'ayim even
before the two specified dates?
(a) Why did Chazal pick specifically Chol ha'Mo'ed (a time when everybody
else is refraining from work) to go out for Kil'ayim?
(b) How do we prove from here that the men who are employed by Beis-Din for
this work are paid from the Terumas ha'Lishkah? What might be the
(c) How much would need to grow before the Sh'luchei Beis-Din would remove
(d) How do we reconcile our Mishnah, which says that the Sh'luchim would
remove the offending plants from the fields, with the Beraisa, which says
that they would declare the entire field Hefker?
Answers to questions
(a) Initially, the Sh'luchei Beis-Din used to pull out the Kil'ayim and
throw it to the animals. What made them change their tactics? What did
they do next?
(b) And what caused them to change their tactics once more and declare the
fields Hefker?
(a) We have already cited Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov, who learns in our
Mishnah that one may dig a water-channel (in a Beis ha'Shalachin) from one
tree to another . What should take care not to do in the process?
(b) When does Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov not permit watering seeds at all on
Chol ha'Mo'ed?
(c) The Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov. What do they
(d) Who is the Chachamim?
(a) Rav Yehudah maintains that, in under certain conditions, Rebbi Eliezer
ben Ya'akov will agree that one is permitted even to water the entire field
(even though it is a Sadeh Beis ha'Ba'al). Which case is he referring to?
(b) The Beraisa which we quote in support of Rav Yehudah, seems to bear out
the Tur's explanation (that Rav Yehudah refers to the Seifa of our Mishnah -
to the case of a field that was not watered before Yom-Tov [see Hagahos
ha'Gra]). Which kind of field does the Tana forbid to water at all?
(c) With which two points do the Chachamim disagree?
(a) What concession does Ravina deduce from the Chachamim? Why is that?
(b) One is permitted to sprinkle water on a Sadeh Lavan in the Sh'mitah, but
not on Chol ha'Mo'ed. How do we reconcile this with the Beraisa, which
permits it even on Chol ha'Mo'ed as well?
(c) Is one permitted to sprinkle water on a Sadeh Lavan on Erev Sh'mitah for
the crops to grow in the Sh'mitah?
(d) When is one permitted to sprinkle water on a Sadeh Lavan in the
Sh'mitah, and when is it prohibited?
(a) The Tana Kama permits trapping Ishos and mice both from a field of trees
and from a Sadeh ha'Lavan on both Chol ha'Mo'ed and in the Shmitah-year.
What are 'Ishos'?
(b) In which point do the Chachamim argue with him?
(c) 'u'Makrin es ha'Pirtzah be'Mo'ed'. What does 'Makrin es ha'Pirtzah'
(d) What does the Tana of our Mishnah hold in this point with regard to
(a) What is the meaning of the Pasuk in Tehilim "K'mo Shablul Temes
Yehalech, Nafal Eishes bal Chazu Shemesh"?
(b) What do we learn from there?
(c) The Tana of the Beraisa also permits destroying ant-hills on Chol
ha'Mo'ed. How does one do that?
(d) Abaye stipulates however, that, for this method to be effective, the
ant-hills must be on two different sides of the river. Which three
conditions are still required (besides the distance) before the ants will
kill each other?
In addition to all the above conditions, how far away must the two ant-hills
be for the resident ants not to recognize the newcomers?
Answers to questions
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