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Moed Katan 21
MOED KATAN 21 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of
love for Torah and those who study it.
1) [line 6] MILSA YESEIRTA - an extra, non required observance
2) [line 7] "...VA'YAGAZ ES ROSHO..." - "[Then Iyov arose, and tore his
robe,] and shaved his head, [and fell down upon the ground, and prostrated
himself]" (Iyov 1:20)
3) [line 11] UDAINI - a mortar (The Girsa according to Dikdukei Sofrim #2 is
4) [line 18] HA'SH"AS [=HA'SHISHAH SEDARIM] - the six orders [of the Gemara]
(The Girsa was changed from *HA'TALMUD* by the Censors -- Hagahos Dikdukei
Sofrim #4)
5) [line 20] TZIPORI - a city in the lower Galilee, approximately midway
between Tiberias and Haifa
6) [line 22] L'MEIFAK L'FIRKA - to go out to [give] the Derasha (public
7a) [line 24] L'UKMEI AMORA ALEI - to have an Amora, also known as a
Meturgeman, stand by him (see next entry)
b) [line 25] METURGEMAN - (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the
words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI to Berachos 56a); (b)
the person who *translates into Aramaic* the words of the Rav, who delivers
the Shi'ur in a low voice *in Hebrew* (RASHI to Yoma 20b)
8) [line 30] MI'SHELISHI V'EILACH - from the third day onward (The RAN to
Sukah 25b DH Avel Chayav explains the language of our Gemara to mean that
the prohibition on the third day follows the rule of Miktzas ha'Yom k'Chulo,
i.e. part of the last day is considered Halachically as if it were the
entire day. Since the Halachah follows Rebbi Yehosua's ruling, an Avel is
permitted to wear Tefilin from slightly after sunrise on the second day of
Shiv'ah -- SHULCHAN ARUCH YD 388:1, MISHNAH BERURAH 38:19. However, there
are Rishonim and Achronim who rule that the Avel may already wear Tefilin
*before* sunrise on the second day, considering the *night* before the
second day as Miktzas ha'Yom k'Chulo -- see RAN (ibid.), SHULCHAN ARUCH OC
38:5 and SHACH there)
9) [line 31] PANIM CHADASHOS - consolers who have not yet come during the
10) [last line] HALACHAH K'TANA DIDAN D'AMAR SHELOSHAH - the Halachah
follows the ruling of our Tana (see Insights to Moed Katan 20:2) who states
that the minimal period that can be classified as "mourning" is three days
11) [line 3] B'TZIN'A - privately
12) [line 4] TOVAH B'FELACH - spins, twists a strand of fiber into thread
using a spindle
13) [line 5] BEIS HA'EVEL - a house of mourning [for a different deceased]
14) [line 8] SHE'EILAS SHALOM - offering salutation, specifically with the
word "Shalom" ("You should have peace") in it
15) [line 16] MUNUCHAM HU - he (i.e. I) would have been comforted
16) [line 37] MEDABER IMO MIN HA'TZAD - speaks with him indirectly, i.e. he
consoles him without mentioning the deceased
17) [line 40] V'CHAYESAH - and it healed
18) [line 41] KALECH ETZLI - come to me [as a patient]
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