prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Menachos 83
MENACHOS 83 (3 Teves) - the Dafyomi material for today has been dedicated to
the memory of Hagaon Rav Yisroel Zev Gustman Ztz"L (author of "Kuntresei
Shiurim") and his wife, Rebbetzin Sarah Gustman (daughter of Hagaon Rav Meir
Bassin, a Dayan in Vilna) in honor of the Yahrzeit of the Rebbetzin.
Sponsored by a number of Rav Gustman's Talmidim (Y. Wachtel, M. Starr, S.
Ribner, M. Kornfeld).
(a) What does Shmuel in the name of Rebbi Eliezer learn from
(b) Why can this Limud not pertain to Chatas ve'Asham?
(c) What does the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk in Korach "be'Kodesh
ha'Kodashim Tochlenu; Kol Zachar Yochal Oso"?
(d) Then why do we need "ve'la'Minchah" (which Kodshei Kodshim does it come
to incorporate)?
(a) What does Rebbi Eliezer learn from "ve'la'Chatas"?
(b) From "ve'la'Asham" he learns that the Sh'fir and Shilya of Kodshim are
not automatically Kodesh. What are 'Sh'fir' and 'Shilya'?
(c) How does he know that the Sh'fir and Shilya of an Asham are not Kodesh?
(d) Besides 'Danin Efshar mi'she'I Efshar', on which other principle is this
D'rashah based?
(a) Rebbi Eliezer learns from "ve'la'Milu'im" that the leftovers of Kodshim
need to be burned, as the Torah writes there "Ve'sarafta es ha'Nosar
ba'Eish". What exactly, is the Pasuk referring to? What is burned and what
is not?
(b) And he learns from "ve'li'Shelamim" that all Korbanos are Mefaglin
u'Mispaglin. 'Mefaglin' means that all Korbanos, like Shelamim, are
subject to Pigul. What does 'Mefaglin' mean vis-a-vis ...
- ... Shelamim?
- ... other Korbanos? To which Korban does this refer?
(c) A Beraisa quoting Rebbi Akiva, learns from "ve'la'Minchah" that just as
a Minchah sanctifies whatever absorbs it when it is hot, so too, do all
Korbanos. What is the problem with this?
(d) Both Pesukim in fact, are necessary. Why might we not otherwise have
learned ...
- ... Chatas from Minchah?
- ... Minchah from Chatas?
(a) And Rebbi Akiva learns three things from "ve'le'Chatas"; two of them are
Chulin and ba'Yom. What is the third?
(b) What does Rebbi Akiva, based on a D'rashah of Rav Chisda, learn from the
Pasuk in Acharei-Mos (in connection with the Chatas of Yom Kipur) ...
- ... "Vehikriv Aharon es Par ha'Chatas *Asher Lo"?
- ... "Ki ba'Yom ha'Zeh Yechaper Aleichem"?
(c) How do we answer the Kashya in connection with ...
- ... the previous D'rashah - that we already know this from the Pasuk in Tzav "be'Yom Tzavoso" (which pertains to Chatas and all the Korbanos)?
- ... the third D'rashah from 'Kehunah' (written in connection with Chatas) - that we already know that from an independent D'rashah?
(d) What does Rabah bar bar Chanah Amar Resh Lakish learn from "Etzba" or
"Kehunah" that is written by each Korban?
Answers to questions
(a) What does Rebbi Eliezer learn from "Asham"?
(b) Rebbi Eliezer in our Mishnah learned that Todah must come from Chulin
from "Ve'zavachta Pesach ... Tzon u'Bakar". Rebbi Akiva learns like Rav
Nachman Amar Rabah bar Avuhah. What does Rav Nachman learn (in connection
with Mosar Pesach) from the fact that the Torah mentions Tzon u'Bakar
regarding the Korban Pesach ?
(c) What does Avuhah di'Shmuel learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Im min
ha'Tzon Korbano le'Zevach ha'Shelamim"?
(a) The Beraisa learns from the Pasuk there "Keves", 'Lerabos es ha'Pesach
le'Alyah'. What does this mean?
(b) What does the Tana learn from the word "*Im* Keves" (in connection with
Pesach she'Avrah Shenaso and Shelamim ha'Ba'im Machmas Pesach)? What are
Shelamim ha'Ba'im Machmas Pesach?
(c) In which three respects do they adopt the Din of Shelamim?
(d) What problem does this Beraisa now leave us with?
(a) We answer that all three Pesukim are required. One of them teaches us
'Avrah Zemano ve'Avrah Shenaso'. What do these terms mean?
(b) What do we learn from the other two?
(c) What is the case of 'Lo Avrah Zemano ve'Lo Shenaso'?
(d) Why would we not be able to learn ...
- ... 'Avrah Zemano ve'Lo Avrah Shenaso' from 'Avrah Zemano ve'Avrah Shenaso'?
- ... 'Lo Avrah Zemano ve'Lo Avrah Shenaso' from 'Avrah Shenaso ve'Lo Avrah Zemano'?
***** Hadran Alach 'ha'Todah Haysah Ba'ah' *****
***** Perek Kol Korbenos Tzibur *****
(a) All Korbanos can even be brought from Chutz la'Aretz. Which two
exception does our Mishnah list?
(b) From what else can the Omer and the Sh'tei ha'Lechem not be brought?
(c) What specification do all Menachos share with the Omer and the Sh'tei
(d) What is the significance of ...
- ... Machnis and Zatcha? What does the Tana mean by 'Alfa le'So'les'?
- ... Ofrayim in the valley (to preclude Ofrayim in the mountain)?
(a) The Tana of the Beraisa does not concur with our Mishnah. What does
the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk ...
- ... in Vayikra "Takriv es Minchas Bikurecha" (in connection with the Omer)?
- ... in Emor "Tavi'u" (in connection with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem)?
- ... (ibid.) "mi'Moshvoseichem"?
(b) How does the term 'min ha'Aliyah' come to refer to 'Yashan'?
(c) But did we not already learn from "Tavi'u" (in 'Eilu Menachos
Nikmatzos') that each loaf of the Lachmei Todah must comprise an Isaron?
(d) How will the Tana of the Beraisa (who permits the Omer and the Sh'tei
ha'Lechem from Yashan) explain ...
- ... "Reishis" (in connection with the Omer?
- ... "Minchah Chadashah" (in connection with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem)?
Answers to questions
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