prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Menachos 77
MENACHOS 77 - dedicated by Rav Eli Rosengarten of Zurich, Switzerland. Mazel
Tov on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of his grandson, Chaim Yitzchok Ozer
Rosengarten. May he continue in the ways of his illustrious forebears, and
grow to be outstanding in Torah and Yir'as Shamayim.
***** Perek ha'Todah Haysah Ba'ah *****
(a) The Korban Todah, which our Mishnah now discusses, comprised five Sa'in
Yerushalmiyos. How many Sa'in Midbariyos is that the equivalent of?
(b) How many Eifah is that?
(c) How were the twenty Isaron divided between the Matzah and the Chametz?
(d) What was the composition of the Matzah and the Chametz?
(a) How many Esronim did each Chametz Chalah comprise?
(b) What did the three kinds of Matzah loaves consist of?
(c) How many Esronim were now allocated for each kind of Matzah loaves?
(d) How many Matzah Chalos were there per Isaron?
(a) Given that there are six Kabin in a Sa'ah, how many Kabin Midbariyos did
the Todah comprise?
(b) Seeing as fifteen Kabin were then allocated for both the Matzah and the
Chametz loaves, how many Yerushalmi Kabin did each kind of Chametz loaf
consist of?
(c) And how many Chalos were there per Kav?
(a) Given that a 'Bas' is three Sa'ah, what does Rav Chisda learn from the
Pasuk in Yechezkel "ha'Eifah ve'ha'Bas Tochen Echad Yih'yeh"?
(b) We suggest that we know how much a 'Bas' is from the Pasuk there "Laseis
Ma'aser Chomer ha'Bas" (from the Navi's equation of a Bas to a Chomer).
What objection do we raise to that from the Pasuk there "va'Asiris ha'Chomer
(c) We ultimately learn how much a Chomer is from another Pasuk there, which
equates a Chomer to a Kur. How much is a Kur?
(d) What does this prove?
(a) What does Shmuel mean when he says 'Ein Mosifin ...
- ... al ha'Midos Yoser mi'Sh'tus'?
- ... al ha'Matbe'a Yoser mi'Sh'tus'?
(b) What third Chidush does he add to this list?
(c) Why can Chazal's reason for the Takanah not have been for fear that ...
- ... merchants who bring their wares to sell will raise their prices accordingly, creating the likelihood that they will raise them too high?
- ... the seller, not knowing of the increase in Midos, will supply the purchaser using the same measure (which now holds more than a sixth more than it did before, causing Bitul Mekach (the entire sale to be negated)?
(d) On which statement of Rava is this based?
(a) So we suggest that perhaps the object of the Takanah is to prevent the
merchant from making a loss on his sale. What does this mean?
(b) On what grounds do we refute this suggestion too? What does 'Zavan
ve'Zavin Tagra Ikri' mean?
(c) So what ought Shmuel to have said, for this to have been the reason?
(a) Rav Chisda concludes that Shmuel based his ruling on a Pasuk in
Yechezkel. What is the Navi coming to teach us when he writes
"ve'ha'Shekel Esrim Geirah, Esrim Shekalim, Chamishah ve'Esrim Shekalim,
Asarah va'Chamishah Shekel, ha'Manah"?
(b) Why does he break up the Shekalim in this way?
(c) What does the Pasuk mean when it writes ''Shekel" in this context?
(a) According to Yechezkel therefore, how many Dinrim comprise sixty
(b) How many Dinrim would one normally expect to find in a Manah?
(c) How do we then explain the fact that Yechezkel refers to two hundred and
(d) Which other Chidush can we learn from Yechezkel, besides that of
'Mosifin al ha'Midos, ve'Ein Mosifin Yoser mi'Sh'tus' (which are not
considered two, because the latter statement is not contained in the Pasuk,
and is the Chachamim's own decision).
(e) How do we prove from our Mishnah that a sixth refers to a sixth of
total, and not a fifth?
Answers to questions
(a) Our Mishnah discusses the distribution of the loaves of the Korban
Todah. How many loaves did the Kohen receive as 'Terumah'?
(b) What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Tzav "Vehikriv Mimenu ...
- ... "Echad"?
- ... "mi'Kol Korban"?
(c) What happens to the rest of the loaves?
(d) What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk "Ve'hikriv Mimenu"?
(a) What does the Beraisa learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Terumah" (in
Tzav) "Terumah" (in Korach, in connection with Terumas Ma'aser)?
(b) On what basis does the Tana suggest that we learn the Din of the Todah
from ...
- ... Terumas Ma'aser rather than from Bikurim (where the Torah also writes "Terumah")?
- ... Bikurim rather than from Terumas Ma'aser?
(c) What does he ultimately learn from "*Mimenu Terumah* la'Hashem"?
(d) And what does the Tana learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Lechem" (in
Tzav) "Lechem" (in Emor, in connection with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem)?
(a) We suggest that perhaps we ought to the learn this 'Gezeirah-Shavah'
from the Lechem ha'Panim. What difference would that make?
(b) In which two points are the Lachmei Todah compatible with the Sh'tei
ha'Lechem and not with the Lechem ha'Panim?
(c) We counter this by comparing the Lachmei Todah to the Lechem ha'Panim in
two ways. Besides the fact that (unlike the Sh'tei ha'Lechem) they may
both be brought from the produce of Chutz la'Aretz, in what other way do
they differ from the Sh'tei ha'Lechem?
(a) What do we finally learn from the word "Tavi'u" (in the Pasuk
"mi'Moshvoseichem Tavi'u Lechem Tenufah Shetayim" [written in connection
with the Sh'tei ha'Lechem])?
(b) And what do we learn from the word there "So'les *Tih'yenah*"? What
might we otherwise have learnt from the Sh'tei ha'Lechem?
(c) How does Rav Yitzchak bar Avdimi explain this Limud? From which aspect
of the word "Tih'yenah" do we learn it?
(a) What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk (written in connection with the
Matzah loaves of the Todah) "al Chalos Lechem Chametz"?
(b) The Tana interpreted the word ("Ve'hikriv *Mimenu*") to mean 'joined'
(that all the loaves must be together when the Terumah is separated. By
the same token, how does Rav Chisda Amar Avimi explain the Pasuk in Vayikra
(in connection with the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur) "ve'es Kol Chelbo
Yarim Mimenu"?
(c) He also learned the Din of one tenth regarding Terumah (from the loaves
of the Todah) from Terumas Ma'aser. We ask why he does not learn it from ...
- ...Terumas Midyan.
What would that entail?
- ... Terumas Chalah.
What would that entail?
(d) How do we answer the Kashya from ...
- ... Terumas Midyan?
- ... Terumas Chalah? What is the significance of the word "Mimenu", cited by Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael?
(a) Rava asks whether a Zar is Chayav Miysah ve'Chomesh for eating the
Lachmei Todah. What does this mean? How can one both receive the
death-penalty and be obligated to pay, at one and the same time?
(b) What is the basis of the She'eilah? What leads us to believe that he
might be Chayav?
(c) What do we then learn from the Pasuk in Emor (in connection with someone
who eats Terumah) ...
- ... "u'Meisu Bo Ki Yechaleluhu"?
- ... "Ve'yasaf Chamishiso Alav?
(d) The Tana learned the ten Esronos (ha'Eifah) by the Chametz loaves of the
Todah from the extra 'Yud' in "Tih'yenah" (by the Sh'tei ha'Lechem 'Im Eino
Inyan' [see Rabeinu Gershom]). How, according to Rava, do we know that this
refers to tenths of an Eifah, and not ten half Kabin (for example)?
(a) And the Beraisa also learned that the Matzah Chalos too, require one
Isaron of oil, from "al Chalos Lechem Chametz". What problem do we have
with this Limud?
(b) We answer that this is a case of 'Heimenu ve'Davar Acher'. So what if
it is?
(c) 'Heimenu ve'Davar Acher' might mean that the Hekesh of Matzah to Chametz
(ten Esronim) is not the same as that of Chametz to the Sh'tei ha'Lechem
(each loaf one Isaron). What else might it mean?
(d) According to those who hold that it is nevertheless a Hekesh, we answer
'Tavi'u Ribuya Hi'. What do we mean by that?
Answers to questions
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