REVIEW QUESTIONS ON GEMARA AND RASHI prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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(a) According to Rebbi Yehudah in a Beraisa, the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur and the Se'irei Avodas-Kochavim are paid for by money that is collected from the Tzibur. What does Rebbi Shimon say?
(b) What will determine which Beraisa is the more authentic of the two?
(c) The Rabbanan suggest to Rav Ashi that the first Beraisa was learned last? What does Rebbi Shimon hold that caused them to say that?
(d) How does Rav Ashi reconcile Rebbi Shimon's statement with the second Beraisa? Why might Rebbi Shimon concede to the Chachamim in this case, that people would not try to avoid paying?
(a) Rabah Zuti solved the problem by citing to Rav Ashi, a Beraisa learned by Rebbi Shimon. The Beraisa quotes the Pasuk in Pinchas "es Korbani Lachmi le'Ishai, Re'ach Nichochi Tishmeru Lehakriv Li be'Mo'ado". What does Rebbi Shimon learn there from "Lachmi le'Ishai"? Which two Korbanos does this refer to?
(b) In which regard is the Torah comparing them to the Korban Tamid?
(c) What makes us think that this Beraisa is more authentic than the previous two?
(a) We learned in our Mishnah that if a new Kohen Gadol has not been appointed, then either the heirs or the Tzibur bring the Minchas Chavitin on the Mizbe'ach in its entirety, without dividing it. Rebbi Yochanan was not sure how to interpret this statement. What are the two possible ways of explaining it?
(b) What does the Mishnah in Tamid mean when it says 'Shemini ba'Chavitin'?
(c) What does Rava try to prove from there?
(d) Rebbi Yirmiyah was not very impressed with Rava's proof. How did he refer to him? How did he conclude?
(a) The seventh item listed in the Mishnah is the flour of the Minchas Niskei Tamid. What is the ninth?
(b) How did Rebbi Yirmiyah refute Rava's proof from there? What did he mean by 'de'I Lo Katani'?
(c) And how does he prove his point from the flour and the wine of the Minchas Niskei Tamid? What makes them fit into the category of 'de'I'?
(a) What did Rava mean when he said 'mi'Bishusin Amri Kamaihu, mi'Tivusan Lo Amri Kamaihu'?
(b) What caused him to change his mind and declare 'Hani Nami Tivusan Hi'? What did he learn from the Pasuk "So'les Minchah Tamid"?
(c) In answer to the question 'Mai Havi Alah' (like Rava or like Rebbi Yirmiyah), Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak cited a Beraisa. What did the Beraisa explicitly say? Whose opinion does this support?
(a) Rebbi Yochanan cites a Machlokes Tana'im regarding the Levonah that accompanies the Minchas Chavitin. According to Aba Yosef ben Dustai in a Beraisa, the Kohen Gadol brings a Kometz of Levonah with the half Isaron of flour in the morning, and likewise in the afternoon. What do the Rabbanan say?
(b) Aba Yosef ben Dustai's reason is that we never find half a Kometz brought on the Mizbe'ach. What do the Rabbanan counter?
Answers to questions52b-----------------------52b
(a) What She'eilah does Rebbi Yochanan ask concerning the Kometz that accompanies the double quota of Minchah in a case where the Kohen Gadol dies and his successor has not yet been appointed, according to the Rabbanan?
(b) Why might they not have to?
(c) Why is the She'eilah confined to the Rabbanan? Why does it not apply, according to Aba Yosef ben Dustai?
(a) And what She'eilah does Rebbi Yochanan ask with regard to the Shemen?
(b) What would that entail?
(c) How do we try and resolve the She'eilah from the Beraisa 'Chamishah Kematzin Hein'?
(d) On what basis do we refer to seven Kematzin (and not six)? How can we count the two Kematzim as two, seeing as they belong to the same Korban?
(a) Why does the Tana not include the regular Kometz Levonah shel Chavitin in the list?
(b) How do we refute the proof from the Beraisa? On what grounds might the Beraisa not count the two additional Kematzin?
(c) What objection did Rav Yosef bar Sh'maya raise to this answer, when he heard it from Rav Papa?
(d) What does this prove?
(a) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak cites the Beraisa that we discussed earlier 'Sheliemah Shachris, u'Sheleimah bein ha'Arbayim'. What does the Tana go on to say about the Kometz?
(b) Assuming the author to be the Rabbanan, what problem do we have with the Tana's next statement 'u'Mafrish Lah Sheloshah Lugin, Log u'Mechtzah Shacharis, ve'Log u'Mechtzah bein ha'Arbayim'?
(c) What conclusion does this force us to draw?
(d) How do we go on to resolve our She'eilah from there, even according to the Rabbanan?
(a) What problem do we have with Rebbi Yochanan's ruling like Aba Yosef ben Dustai?
(b) In which point does the Mishnah go like the Rabbanan, and not like Aba Yosef ben Dustai?
(c) How do we resolve it?
***** Hadran Alach 'ha'Techeiles' ***
***** Perek Kol ha'Menachos ***
(a) All Menachos, says our Mishnah, are baked as Matzos, except for two. One of them is the Chametz loves of the Korban Todah. What is the other?
(b) What does Rebbi Meir mean when he says 'Se'or Bodeh Lahen mi'Tochan u'Mechamtzan'?
(c) On what grounds does Rebbi Yehudah disagree with this?
(d) And on what grounds do the Rabbanan disagree with Rebbi Yehudah, who says that one adds yeast that one brought from home?
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