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1) [line 4] "... 'IR HA'HERES' YE'AMER L'ECHAS." - "... 'the City of Destruction' shall be said about one [of them]." (Yeshayah 19:18) - The Gemara explains that this phrase means that the city called "Beis Shemesh" in Egypt will be destroyed. (The word *Cheres* is used to signify the *sun* (as in Iyov 9:7), and the reading of *Heres* connotes destruction.)
2) [line 11] DA'ATAN MEYUSHEVES ALEIHEN - their minds are at ease 5) [line 17] MI'TZOR KELAPEI MA'ARAV UMI'KARTIGNI KELAPEI MIZRACH - from Tzor westward and from Kartigni eastward (the directions seem to be switched) 6) [line 19] "[KI] MI'MIZRACH SHEMESH V'AD MEVO'O, GADOL SHEMI BA'GOYIM UVE'CHOL MAKOM MUKTAR MUGASH LISHMI U'MINCHAH TEHORAH..." - "[For,] from the rising of the sun until it goes down, My name is great among the nations; and in every place incense is offered to My name, and a pure Minchah offering; [for My name is great among the nations, says HaSh-m, L-rd of hosts." (Malachi 1:11) 7) [line 20] SHIMI AT? - [Rav responded to Rav Shimi bar Chiya's question,] "Are you Shimi?" (i.e. "Are you not supposed to be wise; why are you asking such a question?") 8) [line 20] D'KARU LEI ELAKA D'ELAKA - they call HaSh-m, the G-d of Gods (which fulfills the verse "Gadol Shemi ba'Goyim," but does not mean that all of the nations recognize HaSh-m; the opposite is true: this shows that they recognize other independent powers in the world) 9) [line 20] "B'CHOL MAKOM MUKTAR MUGASH LISHMI;" B'CHOL MAKOM SALKA DA'ATACH? - (the Gemara asks that this phrase implies that it is permitted to burn incense and offer sacrifices in all places) 10) [line 25] MAI "BA'LEILOS"? - What does "ba'Leilos" mean, since offering Korbanos is done mostly during the day? 11) [line 26] "... L'OLAM ZOS AL YISRAEL." - "[Behold, I build a house to the Name of HaSh-m, my G-d, to dedicate it to Him, and to burn before Him sweet incense, and for the offering of the continual bread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Shabbosos, and on the new moons, and on the appointed feasts of HaSh-m, our G-d.] This is an ordinance forever for Yisrael." (Divrei Ha'Yamim II 2:3) - The end of this verse implies that something is meant to last forever for Yisrael, even after the destruction of the Beis ha'Mikdash. 12) [line 37] MAI KERA'AH? - from which Pasuk do we know [that "Echad ha'Marbeh..."] 13) [line 40] SHE'LO LITEN PISCHON PEH L'VA'AL DIN LACHLOK - so as not to give the heretics an opportunity (lit. an opening of the mouth) to rebel (if they were to see different Names of HaSh-m in the verses dealing with the Korbanos, they would claim that they signify different Gods that require different sacrifices) 14) [line 45] "[V'CHI SIZBECHU ZEVACH SHELAMIM LA'SH-M,] LI'RTZONCHEM TIZBACHUHU." - "[And when you offer a Shelamim sacrifice to HaSh-m,] offer it with the intention of finding favor [in the eyes of HaSh-m] on your behalf." (Vayikra 19:5) 15) [line 46] LI'RETZONCHEM ZIVCHU, L'DA'ATCHEM ZIVCHU - offer sacrifices to find favor [in HaSh-m's eyes], offer sacrifices with the intention of it being acceptable [to HaSh-m] on your behalf
16) [line 46] MIS'ASEK B'KODSHIM