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by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Megilah 25

MEGILAH 25 (21 Tishrei, Hoshana Raba) - dedicated by Gedalyah Jawitz, in honor of the yahrtzeit of Yehuda ben Simcha Volf Jawitz


(a) (Mishnah): To say, 'Good ones will bless you' is heretical;
(b) We silence one who says: 'Your mercy covers nesting birds"; 'Your name will be mentioned on the good'; 'We thank, we thank';
(c) We silence one who distorts the prohibitions of incest;
(d) One who says that the prohibition of serving Molech is 'marrying a non-Jew' is vigorously silenced.
(e) (Gemara): We understand that 'we thank, we thank' looks like worshipping 2 powers;
(f) Also, 'your name will be mentioned on good' is incorrect.
1. (Mishnah): One must bless on the bad, just as he blesses on the good.
(g) Question: What is wrong about 'Your mercy extends to nesting birds'?
(h) R. Yosi Bar Avin and R. Yosi Bar Zevida gave different answers.
(i) Answer#1: This arouses jealousy of the other animals.
(j) Answer#2: This suggests that Hashem's Mitzvahs are mercy - really, they are decrees above our understanding.
1. Rabah praised a man who said 'You had mercy on nesting birds, be merciful upon us.
2. Question (Abaye): The Mishnah says that we silence him!
3. Answer: Rabah was only testing Abaye.
4. A man came in front of R. Chanina and said, "Hashem who is great, awesome, mighty, strong and vigorous".
5. R. Chanina: Have you finished his praises? We may only say "great, strong, and awesome" because the Torah says it, and the Great Assembly fixed the text!
6. One who has a billion gold coins, to say that he has silver is discrediting him.
(k) (R. Chanina): "What does Hashem ask of you, just to fear him" - all is in Hashem's hands, except for fear of Hashem.
(l) Question: The verse implies that fearing Hashem is a small matter!
(m) Answer: Correct! For Moshe, it is simple!
1. A parable: If one asks a man to borrow a big vessel, if he has it, he views it as a request for a small vessel. If he lacks it, even a request of a small vessel is like asking for a big one.
(n) (R. Zeira): One who says "Shma, Shma" is like 'We thank, we thank'.
(o) Question (Beraisa): One who says "Shma, Shma" is despicable. It does not say that we silence him!
(p) Answer: The Mishnah speaks of one who repeats the entire verse; this appears as accepting 2 authorities. The Beraisa talks of one who repeats each word.
1. Question (Rav Papa): Perhaps he didn't have intention the 1st time, therefore he repeats it with intention!
2. Answer (Rava): Does he treat Hashem as a peer, that he repeats himself and shows that he spoke to him without intention?! He should be smacked until he has intention!
(q) (Mishnah): We silence one who distorts the prohibitions of incest.
1. (Rav Yosef): For example, he says "Do not reveal the shame of your father and mother".
(r) (Mishnah): One who says, "Do not give your seed to Molech" means marrying a non-Jew ...
1. (Beraisa - Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael): He means that he fathers a son that will serve Molech.
(a) (Mishnah): The following are read and translated: The episode of Tamar and Yehuda and the first account of the golden calf;
(b) These are read but not translated: The episode of Reuven; the second account of the golden calf; Birkas Kohanim; the episode of David and Amnon;
(c) We do not read the vision of the chariot as Maftir; R. Yehuda permits it.
(d) R. Eliezer: we do not read "Inform Yerushalayim" as Maftir.
(e) (Gemara -Beraisa): The following are read and translated:
1. Creation (we might have thought, people will come to ask what came before Creation).

2. The episode of Lot (we might have thought, we should not read it because of the honor of Avraham).
3. The episode of Tamar and Yehuda.
i. We might have thought it is a disgrace for Yehuda - contrarily, it is his praise that he confessed!
4. The first account of the golden calf.
i. We might have thought not to, because of the honor of Yisrael - contrarily, we want to get an atonement!
5. Curses and blessings (we might have thought, this will cause people to despair).
6. Warnings and punishments (we might have thought, people will come to serve out of fear).
7. The episodes of Amnon and Tamar, and of Avshalom (we might have thought, we should be concerned for the honor of David).
8. The episode of the concubine in Givah (we might have thought, we should be concerned for the honor of Binyamin).
9. "Inform Yerushalayim of its abominations" - unlike R. Eliezer, who prohibits it.
10. A man once read this as Maftir. R. Eliezer suggested to check him; abominations were found.
(a) The episode of Reuven.
1. R. Chaninah Ben Gamliel once stopped a man from translating it, and was praised for this.
(b) The 2nd account of the golden calf.
1. (Beraisa - R. Shimon Ben Elazar): A person must be careful how he answers - Aharon's answer, that the calf came from the fire, fueled claims of idolaters.
(c) Birkas Kohanim (because it says that Hashem is partial).
(d) The episode of David and Amnon.
1. Question: The Beraisa said earlier that this is translated!
2. Answer: Where it calls him the son of David, it is not translated; where it does not, it is translated.
(e) (Beraisa): Certain derogatory words are read in a nicer way "Yishgalenah", "Ba'apolim", "Chiryonim", "Choreihem ... Shineihem", "l'Machara'os";
(f) (R. Yehoshua Ben Korchah): We read "l'Machara'os", because it disgraces idolatry.
(g) (Rav Nachman): The only permitted scoffing is of idolatry.
(h) (Rav Huna Bar Manoach): One may tell an idolater to put his idol in his "Shin Tov".
(i) (Rav Ashi): Someone on whom bad reports are always heard may be disgraced with "Gimel and Shin".
(j) One may praise a person on whom good reports go out; he will be blessed for doing so.
**** Perek Bnei Ha'ir ****


1. (Mishnah): City dwellers that sold the street may buy a shul with the money; if they sold a shul, they may buy an ark; if they sold and ark, they may buy coverings
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