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by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Megilah 9

MEGILAH 6-10 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.


(a) Answer (Rava): The Mishnah only allowed writing in other languages with Ashuris letters.
(b) Question (Abaye): If so, why did the Mishnah mention Mikra that was written Targum, or vice versa?
1. Even Mikra written Mikra (or Targum written Targum) does not contaminate hands unless it is written Ashuris!
(c) Answer#2 (Abaye): The Beraisa is like R. Shimon Ben Gamliel.
1. Question: If so, the Beraisa should also permit Yevanis!
2. Answer: The Beraisa is only talking about Tefilin and Mezuzas.
i. Tefilin and Mezuzas must be in Hebrew, because the verse says "they (the words) will be" - as they are.
3. Question: The Beraisa mentioned Targum - where do we find this?
4. We do find Targum in the Torah - "Yagar Sahadusa".
5. We do not find Targum in Tefilin and Mezuzas!
(d) Answer#3: The Beraisa is talking about Megilas Esther.
1. The Megilah must be in Hebrew, with Ashuris letters, from the verse "as their writing and as their language".
2. Question: What Targum is there in the Megilah?
3. Answer (Rav Papa): "Was heard *Pisgam* of the king".
4. Answer#2 (Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak): "All women will give *yekar* to their husbands".
(e) Answer#4 (to the contradiction on the end of Daf 8B) (Rav Ashi): The Beraisa deals with other Seforim, and is like R. Yehuda.
1. (Beraisa): Tefilin and Mezuzas may only be written Ashuris; our Rabbis permitted Yevanis.
2. (We interrupt with a question): But the verse says "They will be" (as they are, in Hebrew)!
3. Amend the Beraisa to say, Seforim may be written in any language, and our Rabbis permitted Yevanis.
4. (We interrupt with a question): This implies that the first tanna prohibits Yevanis!
5. Amend the Beraisa to say, our Rabbis only permitted Yevanis.
(a) (Beraisa): King Tolmei gathered 72 sages and put them in 72 houses, without telling them why.
(b) He individually asked each to translate the Torah into Yevanis.
(c) The sages saw a need to make several changes; Hashem made a miracle, and they all made the following changes.
1. "Elokim created in the beginning".
2. "*I* will make man in an image and form".
3. He finished (creating) on the *6th* day", and rested on the 7th.
4. "Male and female he created *him*".
5. "*I* will descend and confuse their language".
6. "Sara laughed *amidst her relatives*"
7. "In their anger they killed an ox and uprooted a *feeding trough*".
8. "Moshe put his wife and children on the *people carrier*".
9. "Bnei Yisrael were in Egypt "and other lands" 400 years."
10. "He sent the *dignitaries* of Bnei Yisrael" (to receive the Divine presence).
11. "To the *dignitaries* of Bnei Yisrael he did not stretch his hand.

12. "Not one *desired item* of theirs did I take".
13. "That Hashem apportioned *to illuminate * to the nations".
14. "And he will serve other gods that I did not command *to serve them*".
15. "The *small-footed animal*" (since Tolmei's wife was named Arneves, he would have thought that we were mocking him had they not changed it).
(a) (R. Avahu): The law is like R. Shimon Ben Gamliel.
(b) (R. Yochanan): He learns from the verse "Hashem will beautify Yefes, and dwell in the tents of Shem".
1. The matters (Greek language) of Yefes will be in the tents of Shem.
2. Question: Say that this refers to Gomer and Magog (other children of Yefes)!
3. Answer (R. Chiya Bar Avin - verse): "Yaft" - the most beautiful of Yefes.
(a) Mishnah: The only difference between a Kohen Gadol anointed with the anointing oil, and Merubah Begadim (one who is only consecrated by wearing the additional garments), is the bull brought to atone for a sin.
(b) Mishnah: The only difference between a serving Kohen Gadol, and one who (once substituted and has) passed (from serving as Kohen Gadol), is the bull of Yom Kipur and Asiris Ha'eifah (the Kohen Gadol's daily Mincha offering).
(c) Gemara: We infer that a Merubah Begadim has the same law regarding the bull of Yom Kipur and Asiris Ha'eifa.
(d) Our Mishnah is not like R. Meir.
1. (Beraisa): R. Meir says that a Merubah Begadim brings a bull to atone for a sin; Chachamim say, he does not.
2. R. Meir learns as in this Beraisa: "*Ha*-mashiach" teaches that even a Merubah Begadim brings a bull for a sin.
3. Question: We cannot say that the Mishnah is unlike R. Meir!
i. The Saifa says that a Kohen Gadol that passed may serve.
ii. (Beraisa): R. Meir says, if there was a need to substitute for the Kohen Gadol, the first Kohen Gadol resumes service when he is fit, and the substitute has all laws of a Kohen Gadol:
iii. R. Yosi says that the substitute cannot serve, not even as a regular Kohen!
iv. It once happened that R. Yosef Ben Ulam of Tzipori substituted for a Kohen Gadol who became impure.
v. The Sages said that he cannot serve as a Kohen Gadol because it will breed resentment; he cannot serve as a regular Kohen, since we may rise in holiness, but may not descend.
4. (Culmination of the question): Can the Raisha be unlike R. Meir, and the Saifa is like R. Meir?!
5. Answer (Rav Chisda): Yes!
6. Answer#2 (Rav Yosef): Rebbi is the author; regarding a Kohen that passed, he holds like R. Meir, but not regarding Merubah Begadim.
(a) Mishnah: The only difference between a large (public) Bamah and a small (private) one is Korban Pesach.
(b) The rule is: anything a person volunteers to bring may be offered on a Bamah; what may not be volunteered may not be brought on a Bamah.
(c) Gemara - Question: Is Korban Pesach the only difference?! (The daily offering was brought on a public Bamah; the Saifa shows that it may not be brought on a private Bamah!)
(d) Answer: The Mishnah means, only things like Korban Pesach (obligatory offerings with a fixed time).
(e) Our Mishnah is R. Shimon.
1. (Beraisa): R. Shimon says, Even the congregation only offered Pesach and obligations of a fixed time; obligations of not a fixed time may not be brought even on a public Bamah.
(f) Mishnah: The only difference between Shilo and Yerushalayim is that in Shilo, we eat minor Kadshim and Maaser Shani anywhere within sight; in Yerushalayim, we may only eat within the wall.
(g) In both places, Kadshei Kadashim are eaten within the hangings.
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