by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Megilah 3
MEGILAH 2-5 (Elul 27-Rosh Hashanah 5760) - have been dedicated by Dr.
Jack and Sarah Dimenstein of Zurich Switzerland. May they be blessed
with a year of health and prosperity, physical and spiritual!
(a) Answer: All the letters were already known, just we did
not know which are the final letters and which come in
the beginning or middle of words.
(b) Question: Still, this is something new, a prophet may not
teach it!
(c) Answer: The prophets merely reminded us of something
which had been known and was forgotten.
(a) (R. Yirmiyah): Unkelus said the translation of the Torah,
which he received from R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua.
(b) Yonasan Ben Uziel said the translation of the prophetic
writings, which he received from Chagai, Zekaryah and
1. Eretz Yisrael shook 400 Parsa, and a voice from Heaven
protested that secrets are being revealed.
2. Yonasan replied that his only intention was to prevent
(c) Yonasan wanted to reveal the translation of Kesuvim
1. A Heavenly voice told him that he had already revealed
i. Question: Why was he allowed to reveal the
translation of the prophets, but not of
ii. Answer: The translation of the writings
contains the time of the coming of Meshiach
(d) Question: Did Unkelus really say the translation of
1. (Rav Ika Bar Avin): We learn from the verse "Vayikra'u
B'Sefer ..." that the translation, breaks between
verses, and musical notes for reading the Torah were
known in the days of Ezra (long before Unkelus)!
(e) Answer: The translation was forgotten, and Unkelus
re-established it.
(f) Question: Why did Eretz Yisrael shake when the
translation of the prophets was revealed, but not when
the translation of Torah was revealed?
(g) Answer: The Torah is generally revealed, but many things
in the prophets are hidden, and are only known through
the translation.
1. Example: The verse, "like the eulogy of Hadadrimon in
the valley of Megidon".
2. (Rav Yosef): The translation reveals, these are the
eulogies of Achav (who was killed by Hadadrimon) and
Yoshiyahu (who was killed in the valley of Megidon).
(h) Verse: "I, Daniel, saw the vision; the people with me did
not, but they were frightened.
1. Question: Who were the people with Daniel?
2. Answer (R. Yirmiyah): Chagai, Zekaryah and Malaki.
i. In one respect, they are better than him - they
are prophets, and Daniel is not.
ii. In one respect, he is better than them - he
saw, and they did not.
iii. Question: If they did not see, why were they
iv. Answer: Their Mazel saw.
v. (Rav Yosef): We learn from here, if one is
frightened and does not know why, it is because
his Mazel saw something.
vi. Question: What should he do?
vii. Answer: Read Shma Yisrael; if the area is
unclean, move to a clean area so he may read;
if not, recite a certain charm.
(a) Question: If we learn from "city and city, county and
county", we should also learn from "family and family"!
(b) Answer (R. Yosi Bar Chanina): This teaches that Kohanim
and Leviyim abandon Temple Service to hear the Megilah.
1. Support (Rav Yehudah and Beraisa ): Kohanim, Leviyim
and Yisraelim abandon their service and watches in
the Temple to hear the Megilah.
2. All the more so, we should abandon learning Torah to
hear the Megilah; this was the practice in Rebbi's
3. Question: How can we say "all the more so" - is Temple
Service greater than learning Torah?
i. (verse) Yehoshua saw a man (really an angel)
and bowed to him.
ii. Question: How could he do so?
iii. (R. Yehoshua Ben Levi)One may not greet a
friend at night, perhaps it is a Shaid!
iv. Answer: The man had said "I am an officer in
the legion of Hashem", so he knew it was not a
v. Question: Perhaps he lied!
vi. We have a tradition, Shaidim do not say
Hashem's name in vain.
4. The angel rebuked Yehoshua for not having offered the
afternoon offering, and for not learning enough this
i. Question: Which was the main reason he came?
ii. Answer: For the current problem (not learning).
iii. R. Yochanan (from a verse): Yehoshua spent the
(rest of the) night learning deeply.
5. Question (R. Shmuel Bar Uniya): The fact that the
angel rebuked him for not learning shows that Torah
is greater than Temple Service!
6. Answer: Learning of the congregation is greater, but
not an individual's learning.
7.Question: Is the learning of an individual really less
than Temple Service?
i. (Mishnah): Women eulogize but do not beat
themselves over a death on a festival; R.
Yishmael says that those close to the coffin
are permitted;
ii. On Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Purim, both are
iii. (Rabah Bar Huna): These restrictions do not
apply to the death of a Sage!
iv. Answer: The honor of an individual that learns
Torah is great, but the learning is not so
(c) (Rava): Reading the Megilah comes before Temple Service
(as above,(b));
(d) Reading the Megilah comes before learning Torah (as
above, (b)2.);
(e) A Mes Mitzvah (burying an unattended corpse) takes
precedence over learning Torah, as seen by the coming
Beraisa :
1. We abandon learning Torah for burial and to bring a
bride to the Chupa.
(f) A Mes Mitzvah takes precedence over Temple Service, as
seen by the coming Beraisa :
1. One who is going to offer his Korban Pesach or
circumcise his son, and hears that his sister died,
continues the Mitzvah he was engaged in.
2. This only applies (verse) "for his sister"; but not
for a Mes Mitzvah.
(g) Question (Rava): Which comes first: Reading the Megilah,
or a Mes Mitzvah?
1. Perhaps reading the Megilah comes first, because it
publicizes the miracle.
2. Perhaps the Mes Mitzvah comes first, because it gives
honor to Hashem's creations.
3. Answer: The Mes Mitzvah is preferable, as we see from
the following teaching.
4. Honoring people is such a great Mitzvah that it
overrides a negative Mitzvah of the Torah.
(a) R. Yehoshua Ben Levi: A walled city and all close to it
and all seen with it are treated as a walled city.
(b) (Beraisa ): Either close or visible is enough.
1. Visible but not close is understood - a suburb on top
of a mountain.
2. Question: What is the case of close but not seen?
3. Answer: In a valley.
(b) R. Yehoshua Ben Levi: A walled city which was inhabited
and then enclosed by a wall is considered as a village.
1. Source: the verse "A man that will sell a house of an
inhabited walled city".
(c) R. Yehoshua Ben Levi: A walled city without 10 Batlanim
(people that spend all day in shul) is considered as a
1. Question: We already know this from a Mishnah:
i. A large city is one with 10 Batlanim!
2. Answer: We need to hear the law by a walled city, even
though people from outside the city come and are
found in shul, we require people of the city itself.
(d) R. Yehoshua Ben Levi: A walled city which became desolate
and was later inhabited has the law of a walled city.
1. Question: What does he mean, "became desolate"?
i. Suggestion: If he means that its walls fell -
if they were not rebuilt, it would not have the
law of a walled city?
ii. Question(Beraisa ) R. Eliezer Bar Yosi (verse):
"That there is *Lo* a wall" - the word *Lo* (to
it) has the letter Aleph appended, so we may
read it as "it does not (now) have a wall" (but
used to have one)!
2. Answer: He means, it became desolate of 10 Batlanim.
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