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Megilah 28

(a) Whenever a person slaughters an ox, sheep or goat (that is not Kodshim), he must give to a Kohen the Zero'a, Lechayayim and Keivah (the foreleg, the [lower] jaw, and the maw or abomasum [the last of a cow's four stomachs] (Devarim 18:3).
(b) The ZERO'A consists of the two upper limbs of the right foreleg, from the knee until the top of the shoulder blade; The LECHAYAYIM consists of the lower jaw, from the joint where it is attached to the upper jaw until the thyroid cartilage, including the tongue; The KEIVAH consists of the maw together with its Chelev, but the Minhag of the Kohanim is to let the animal's owner keep the Chelev.

2) [line 11] MASNI'AI - those that make people hate me
3) [line 11] B'SHAVIN - with equals (i.e. both are sages)
4) [line 14] VATRAN - easygoing
5) [line 15] DARI MARA A'KASFEI - carrying (O.F. fosoir) a hoe on his shoulder
6) [line 16] V'KA DARI MINEI - he carried (Rashi's girsa - SHAKIL, took it) from him

7) [line 17] B'MASICH - in your city
8) [line 17] ISYAKUREI ANA B'ZILUSA DIDACH - I will get honor through your disgrace
9) [line 19] KI HAVAH SALIK L'FURYEI - when he would go to bed
10) [line 25] GAVZEI - servants
11) [line 25] V'KA MACHU LEI - and they were hitting him
12) [line 35] ISYAKUREI D'MISYAKREI BI - they get honor from me
13) [line 36] HA'MA'AVIR AL MIDOSAV - one who does not avenge people who mistreat him

14) [line 42] SE'ES PENEI RASHA LO TOV (Mishlei 18:5) To see (lit. lift) the face of an evil person is not good.

15) [line 46] MAVO'OS HA'METUNAFOS - filthy alleyways
16a) [line 48] (CHANICHASO) [CHACHINASO] - a (derogatory) nickname
b) [line 48] (CHACHINASO) [CHANICHASO] - a (derogatory) name of one's ancestors that has become rooted in his family history

17) [line 49] EIN MAFSHILIN B'SOCHO CHAVALIM - we do not twine ropes in it
18) [line 49] METZUDOS - traps
19) [last line] AGMAS NEFESH - grief


20) [line 1] EIN NE'OSIN BAHEM - we do not adorn ourselves in them
21) [line 9] MARBITZIN OSAN - we sprinkle water on them (after sweeping them)
22) [line 16] MELININ BO - we put in it overnight
23) [line 24] ZILCHA D'MITRA - a torrential rain
24a) [line 26] D'SHEMA'ATA BA'A TZILUSA - because a teaching requires clarity
24b) [line 26] K'YOMA D'ISTENA - like a day on which the northern wind blows (which is mild, not hot or cold)

25) [line 31] NISH'HEI PURSA V'NEIKUM - he should delay a bit, then get up
26) [line 32] MECHAVEI RAV CHISDA - Rav Chisda pointed
27) [line 37] B'24 SHURSA - in 24 rows (of students)
28) [line 39] HAI TZANA D'MALI SIFREI D'CHASER - this basket full of Seforim that is no longer

29) [line 40] TAKIFEI - the great (lit. mighty) ones
30) [line 41] UD'ISHTAMESH B'SAGA CHALAF - and the one who uses the crown (of Torah) perishes

31) [line 42] D'TANI ARBA'AH - that learns 4 (orders of the Mishnah)
32) [line 43] D'MASNI ARBA'AH - that teaches 4 orders (of the Mishnah)
33) [line 44] MATA URKEMA D'MAYA - he came to a pond of water
34) [line 46] TUREI - (lit. rows) orders of the Mishnah
35) [line 46] SHADI BAR LEKISHA B'MAYA - throw the son of Lakish (me) in the water
36) [line 46] NICHA LI D'ASHME'INAN L'MAR - I want to serve (lit. hear) the master
37) [line 49] SHIV'AH NEKIYIM - seven clean days (without seeing blood)

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