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Megilah 7
MEGILAH 6-10 sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
1) [line 10] KIV'UNI L'DOROS - make a remembrance for me for all generations
(by celebrating the day of the salvation and reading the Megilah)
U'ME'AYEIL REBBI YONASAN - (In all of Seder Mo'ed, when these four are
mentioned together, some say that actually Rebbi Yonasan was in the group,
and not Rebbi Yochanan) This is a parenthetical statement
3) [line 47] KI KA MAFISH TUVA V'AMAR - when he went on and on, saying many
things (to bring the king's horse and garments etc.)
4) [line 48] NIDMESAH LO - she (Esther) appeared to him
5) [line 49] PERISTAKEI SHADUR - messengers were sent
of sharp pepper (alt., one sharp peppercorn) is better
b) [line 50] MI'MALEI TZANEI KAREI - than a basket full of gourds
7a) [last line] ATMA - thigh
b) [last line] IGLA TILTA - (a) a third-grown calf (that has reached one-
third of its full growth and is particularly tasty) (RASHI Eruvin 63a); (b) a
calf that has reached one-third of its expected *lifespan*, at which time it
has reached its *full* growth (RASHI Sanhedrin 65b); (c) a calf that is a
cow's third offspring which is well developed and fat (RASHI here, Sanhedrin
65b, Shabbos 11a, Pesachim 68b); (d) a calf that is healthy and good to eat
(TOSFOS Gitin 56a). See Insights to Shabbos 136a
8) [last line] GARBA D'CHAMRA - a bottle of wine
9) [line 3] MELO TASKA D'KASHVA - a sack full of dates
10) [line 4] KIMCHA D'AVSHUNA - flour ground from oven-dried kernels of wheat
(the drying process sweetens the kernels)
11a) [line 5] IY CHAKLA'AH MALKA LEHEVEI - if a villager becomes a king
b) [line 5] DIKULA MI'TZAVAREI LO NACHIS - he does not take the basket [of
animal fodder that he carried as a villager] off his neck
12) [line 7] ZANGEVILA - ginger
13) [line 7] PILPALTA ARICHA - a hot pepper
14a) [line 9] CHULYA - sweet food
b) [line 9] CHURFA - hot, spicy food
15) [line 11] SHITIN TZA'EI - sixty plates
16) [line 12] SHITIN PELUGEI - sixty portions
17) [line 13] U'VA'A'I L'MEICHAS TZA'A - and I wanted to chew the plate
18) [line 15] KAFIN ANYA, V'LO YADA - a poor person is hungry but does not
realize it
19) [line 15] RAVCHA L'VESIMA SHECHI'ACH - there is always room for dessert
(sweet foods)
20) [line 17] MECHALFEI SE'UDASAIHU L'HADADI - (a) they would be each other's
guest from year to year (RASHI); (b) they would switch their meals with each
other (RAN)
21) [line 18] LIVSUMEI - to become inebriated
22) [line 24] MISRACHISH - occurs
23) [line 35] OCHEL NEFESH
(a) The Mishnah states that the only difference between Shabbos and Yom Tov
is that the preparation of food is permitted on Yom Tov. This is learned from
the Pasuk "Ach Asher Ye'achel L'chol Nefesh Hu Levado Ye'aseh Lachem." -
"Only that which is done so that everyone will be able to eat, only that may
be done by you." (Shemos 12:16). This verse excludes food preparation from
the prohibitions of Yom Tov.
(b) All Melachos of Shabbos are prohibited on Yom Tov even if they are done
expressly for the purpose of food preparation, except for the Melachos of
Hotza'ah mi'Reshus li'Reshus (transferring objects from one domain to
another) and Hav'arah (transferring flames), which are necessary for food
preparation. Since these Melachos were permitted for the purpose of food
preparation, they were also permitted for any purpose. (RAMBAM Hilchos Yom
Tov 1:4)
24) [line 35] MACHSHIREI OCHEL NEFESH - actions performed as preparation for
cooking food on Yom Tov (or for any other Melachah necessary for food
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