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1) [line 1] "GIL'AD KIRYAS PO'ALEI AVEN, AKUBAH MI'DAM." - "Gil'ad is a city of those who work iniquity, full of people who pursue others to shed blood." (Hoshea 6:8)
2) [line 2] OKVIN - pursue, hunt down
4) [line 9] BEIS HA'GERANOS - the threshing floors 6) [line 15] PARVADAHA / PARVARAHA - its suburbs 7) [line 15] "V'ES SEDEH HA'IR V'ES CHATZEIREHA NASNU L'CHALEV BEN YEFUNEH [BA'ACHUZASO.]" - "But the fields of the city, and its villages, they gave to Kalev the son of Yefuneh [for his possession.]" (Yehoshua 21:12) 8) [line 17] "V'AREI MIVTZAR, HA'TZIDIM, TZER V'CHAMAS, RAKAS V'CHINARES. VA'ADAMAH... V'KEDESH V'EDRE'I V'EIN CHATZOR." - "And fortified cities, ha'Tzidim, Tzer and Chamas, Rakas and Kineres. And Adamah... and *Kedesh* and Edre'i and Ein Chatzor." (Yehoshua 19:35-37)
9a) [line 20] TIRIN KETANIM - small fortresses (the Girsa in Erchin 33b is
10a) [line 22] SELIKUM - (a) Salcha, which is translated as Salvakia by the
Targum Yonasan ben Uziel (Devarim 3:10), a city in the Golan (ARUCH Erech
Salik); (b) Seleucia, ancient city of Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). (See
Background to Bava Basra 52:9 for a short history of Seleucia.) (MUSAF
HE'ARUCH) 11) [line 24] MEVI'IN LAHEM MAYIM - they bring water to them (by constructing aqueducts)
12) [line 24] SHEVAKIM - markets 16) [line 26] EIN MAFSHILIN L'SOCHEN CHAVALIM - no one may twist ropes in them (since this process needs large spaces, which would result in a large city that would attract many people, including the Go'el ha'Dam -- ARUCH LA'NER) 17) [line 27] "... V'NAS EL ACHAS MIN HE'ARIM HA'EL VA'CHAI." - "[So that the killer, who killed his neighbor unintentionally, and did not hate him in times past,] might flee there; and that by fleeing to one of these cities he might live." (Devarim 4:42)
18) [line 29] HAGUN - proper, righteous 20) [line 30] U'CHESIV BASREI, "V'ZOS HA'TORAH..." - and it states immediately afterward, "And this is the Torah..." (to indicate that the Torah, also, is a means of refuge)
21) [line 32] BEI RAV - in the Beis Midrash 23) [line 33] PAKA ARZA - (a) the cedar tree broke, blew up; (b) the cedar pillar or beam of the Beis Midrash cracked
24a) [line 36] HAZRE'ACH SHEMESH LA'ROTZCHIM - make the sun rise for the
[unintentional] killers (i.e. make sure that the cities that you separate
are equipped with the necessities that the Gemara just mentioned) 25) [line 37] "OHEV KESEF LO YISBA KESEF; U'MI OHEV BE'HAMON LO SEVU'AH, [GAM ZEH HEVEL.]" - "He who loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance with gain, [this also is vanity.]" (Koheles 5:9) 26) [line 42] SIMAN ASHI LILMOD RAVINA LILAMED - this is a mnemonic device to remember the names of the two Amora'im who are mentioned in the following lines of the Gemara and the topic of their statements. It stands for Rav *Ashi* Amar, Kol ha'Ohev *Lilmod*... (line 42) and *Ravina* Amar, Kol ha'Ohev *Lilamed*... (line 45) 27) [line 43] "CHEREV EL HA'BADIM V'NO'ALU..." - "A sword is upon the liars; and they shall become fools..." (Yirmeyahu 50:36) - The Gemara interprets the word "ha'Badim," as "those who are [learning Torah] by themselves." 28) [line 43] SONEIHEM SHEL TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM - (lit. those who hate Talmidei Chachamim) a euphemism for the Talmidei Chachamim
29) [line 44] BAD B'VAD - individually (Bad = an individual stalk, a twig) 31) [line 45] "NO'ALU SAREI TZO'AN [NISE'U SAREI NOF, HIS'U ES MITZRAYIM PINAS SHEVATEHA.]" - "The princes of Tzo'an have become fools, [the princes of Nof are deceived; they have also made Egypt go astray, even those who are the mainstay of its tribes.]" (Yeshayah 19:13) 32) [line 48] SHA'AREI YERUSHALAYIM SHE'HAYU OSKIM BA'TORAH - the Batei Midrash (lit. gates) of Yerushalayim in which the scholars were learning Torah diligently
33) [line 1] PARASHAS DERACHIM - a crossroads 35) [line 7] "VA'ASHER LO TZADAH VEHA'ELOKIM INAH L'YADO..." - "And if a man does not lie in wait, but HaSh-m has caused it (the accidental murder) to come into his hand; [then I will appoint you a place where he shall flee.]" (Shemos 21:13) 36) [line 8] "KA'ASHER YOMAR MESHAL HA'KADMONI, ME'RESHA'IM YETZE RESHA..." - "As the Ancient Proverb (a reference to the Torah) states, 'Wickedness proceeds from the wicked...'" (Shmuel I 24:14)
37) [line 13] PUNDAK - an inn 39) [line 19] "... ANI HASH-M ELOKECHA, MELAMEDCHA L'HO'IL, MADRICHACHA B'DERECH TELECH." - "[Thus says HaSh-m, your redeemer, the Holy One of Yisrael;] I am HaSh-m, your G-d, Who teaches you for your benefit, Who leads you by the way that you should go." (Yeshayah 48:17) 40) [line 20] "IM LA'LETZIM HU YALITZ VELA'ANAVIM YITEN CHEN." - "He (HaSh-m) scoffs at the scoffers and gives grace to the humble." (Mishlei 3:34) - Since HaSh-m scoffs at the Leitzim, He holds back Divine assistance and does not prevent their spiritual downfall 41) [line 21] "... V'LO EIN MISHPAT MAVES..." - "[Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him;] though he was not deserving of death, [since in times past he did not hate him.]" (Devarim 19:6) 42) [line 31] HARBEH SHELICHUS OSAH - (lit. agency does much) sending emissaries at times accomplishes more than what would have been accomplished by the sender (the Girsa in RASHI DH Harbeh should be changed from "u'Miskabelim *Al Yedei Harbeh* Sheluchim to "u'Miskabelim *Harbeh Al Yedei* Sheluchim" -- RASHASH)
43) [line 32] V'HA TANYA - (this is a statement, not a question) 45) [line 40] LO SHE'HUSHVU DIVREIHEN LI'DEVARAV - and not that his words should match their words, i.e. that they are killers just like him (with regard to the fact that the Gemara brings a proof for a *city* that has a majority of killers from a verse that describes the *elders* of the city, see RITVA (end of 9b); ARUCH HA'SHULCHAN Choshen Mishpat 425:56; ARUCH LA'NER) 46) [line 41] ZEKENIM - elders
47) [line 45] BEN SORER U'MOREH - the "stubborn and rebellious son"
48) [line 47] EGLAH ARUFAH