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Insights to the Daf - helpful charts & concise essays on choice subjects, in particular clarifications of difficult points in Gemara and Rashi, overviews of the Rishonim, Halachic synopses and Aggadic interpretations.

Background to the Daf - Help with hard-to-read lines or words, brief abstracts on unfamiliar subjects, notes on variant Girsa'os, translations and contextual background for verses cited by the Gemara, geographical information. 

Review the Daf - Review questions on every point mentioned in the Daf, with a full set of detailed answers (in a separate mailing) for quick review (or preparation) of the Daf. 

Point-by-point summary of the Daf - Full summary of the Daf in outline form. Excellent for reviewing the flow of the Sugya or for preparing a Daf for the first time. 

Discuss the Daf with the Kollel - Answers to questions of general interest are shared with the subscribers of this list. Participate in a group discussion, offering your own solutions for other readers' questions!
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     At present, our Hebrew section includes the popular Galei Masechta and Yosef Da'as notes, samples of which can be found on our site.

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