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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Kidushin 57

KIDUSHIN 56-57 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.

1) What does Rebbi Yanai learn from the Pasuk in Shoftim (in connection with the Eglah Arufah) "Kaper le'Amcha Yisrael"?


(a) If the birds of a Metzora are the 'Machshir ba'Chutz', what is the Machshir bi'F'nim?

(b) What is the significance of 'Machshir' in this regard?

(c) If the Eglah Arufah is the Mechaper ba'Chutz, what is the Mechaper bi'F'nim?

(d) We learn the Isur Hana'ah by the birds of a Metzora by way of Machshir u'Mechaper ba'Chutz from Machshir u'Mechaper bi'F'nim.
What does this mean?

(a) According to Rebbi Yochanan, the Shechutah is forbidden from the moment it is Shechted.
What does Resh Lakish say?

(b) According to both opinions, what happens to the Meshulachas?

(c) Rebbi Yanai knew that the Eglah Arufah is forbidden already before it is killed, but could not remember exactly from when.
What did his colleagues tell him?

(d) Seeing as Resh Lakish learns the birds of a Metzora from Eglah Arufah, how does he know that they are forbidden already from the moment they are designated, even though the Eglah is not? Then what *do* we learn from it?

(a) What does the Tana of the Beraisa include from the Pasuk in Re'ei ...
  1. ... "Kol Tzipor Tahor Tocheilu"?
  2. ... "ve'Zeh Asher Lo Sochlu Meihem"?
(b) According to Resh Lakish, why do we need the latter Pasuk to forbid the Shechutah after Shechitah, seeing as, according to him, it had already become forbidden earlier?

(c) Assuming that the Shechutah was found to be a T'reifah, what does the Tana of the Beraisa say about ...

  1. ... the second bird?
  2. ... the Shechutah itself?
(d) According to Rebbi Yochanan, when the Tana says 'T'reifah', he means that it became a T'reifah (which strictly speaking, is Neveilah) due to a bad Shechitah (and does not therefore become forbidden).
How does Resh Lakish explain it? Why can he not learn like Rebbi Yochanan?
(a) According to Rebbi Ya'akov in another Beraisa, if they Shechted the bird without the accompanying hyssop, cedar wood or crimson thread, the bird nevertheless becomes forbidden.
What is the basis of his Machlokes with Rebbi Shimon, who holds that it remains permitted?

(b) What can we extrapolate from the Beraisa with re. to what renders the Shechutah Asur?

(c) How will Resh Lakish reconcile his opinion with this Beraisa?

(d) He bases his opinion on the Beraisa that we learned earlier ('Machshir u'Mechaper ba'Chutz').
How does he do that? Who is the author of that Beraisa?

(a) Earlier, we cited the Beraisa "Kol Tzipor Tahor Tocheilu", 'Lerabos es Meshulachas'); "ve'Zeh Asher Lo Sochlu Meihem", 'Lerabos es ha'Shechutah'. Why can we not reverse the D'rashos, forbidding the Meshulachas, and permitting the Shechutah?

(b) How about an animal that was Muktzah and one that was Ne'evad? What is the difference between them?

(c) We conclude however, that an animal that raped a person or that was raped by a man, are forbidden, provided there are two witnesses.
On what basis is it forbidden to derive benefit from such an animal?

(d) So what did Rebbi Yochanan Amar Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai really say to explain why we not reverse the D'rashos, forbidding the Meshulachas, and permitting the Shechutah?

Answers to questions



(a) de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael learn that the Meshuleches is permitted, from the Pasuk in Metzora "ve'Shilach es ha'Tzipor ha'Chayah al-P'nei ha'Sadeh". How does he learn it from there?

(b) Another Beraisa learns from the same Pasuk 'she'Lo Ya'amod be'Yafo ... , ve'Lo Ya'amod be'Geives ... , ve'she'Lo Ya'amod mi'Chutz la'Ir ... '. What is the significance of these three scenarios? To where would he be sending the bird if he were standing in ...

  1. ... Yaffo?
  2. ... Geives?
  3. ... mi'Chutz la'Ir? How do we know from there that he must send the bird from inside the town?
(c) How do we reconcile Tana de'Bei Rebbi Yishmael with this Tana? How is it possible to learn both D'rashos from the same word?

(d) Rava does not require a source to teach us that the Meshulachas is permitted, but learns it from a S'vara.
Which S'vara? What does Rava do with the various Pesukim from which we learned it?

(a) What do we learn from ...
  1. ... the Pasuk in Naso (written with regard to the hair of a Nazir) "Kadosh Yihyeh Gadel Pera"?
  2. ... the fact that the Torah writes "Kadosh" and not "Kodesh"?
(b) Rebbi Yehudah in a Beraisa, forbids deriving benefist from Petter Chamor.
What does Rebbi Shimon say?

(c) How does Rav Nachman Amar Rabah bar Avuhah reconcile our Mishnah, which forbids deriving benefit from a Peter Chamor, with Rebbi Shimon?

(a) The author of our Mishnah ...
  1. ... (forbidding meat cooked in milk be Hana'ah) is Rebbi Yishmael. What does Rebbi Yishmael learn from the fact that the Torah repeats the Pasuk "Lo Sevashel G'di ba'Chalev Imo" three times (in Mishpatim, Ki Sisa and Re'ei)?
  2. ... cannot be Rebbi Shimon ben Yehudah. What does Rebbi Shimon ben Yehudah learn from the Gezeirah-Shavah "Kodesh" "Kodesh" ("Ki Am *Kadosh* Atah ... " [which the Torah juxtaposes to "Lo Sevashel G'di ... " in Re'ei] "ve'Anshei *Kodesh* Tiheyun Li" [Mishpatim, in connection with a T'reifah - an animal])?
(b) From where do we learn that T'reifah is Mutar be'Hana'ah?
(a) From where do we know that Kodshim that are Shechted outside the Azarah are Asur be'Hana'ah?

(b) How does Rebbi Yochanan Mishum Rebbi Meir initially learn from there that Chulin she'Nishchatu ba'Azarah are Asur be'Hana'ah, too?

(c) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Acharei-Mos "ve'El Pesach Ohel Mo'ed Lo Hevi'o Lehakriv Korban la'Hashem ... ve'Nichras"?

(d) How do we use this second D'rashah to repudiate the first one?

(a) What does the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk in Re'ei "Ki Yirchak Mimcha ha'Makom ... ve'Zavachta"?

(b) By what logic might we include in the prohibition ...

  1. ... a blemished animal?
  2. ... a Chayah (such as a deer)?
(c) Would we have a similar reason to include birds in the prohibition?

(d) Consequently, we find a triple source that includes all three (despite the fact that they are all unfit to be brought on the Mizbe'ach).
Which source?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Ki Yirchak Mimcha ha'Makom ... ve'Zavachta ve'Achalta"?

(b) From where do we know that this second prohibition extends to blemished animals, wild animals and birds?

(c) And what do we finally learn from the Pasuk (that we quoted earlier) "la'Kelev Tashlichun *Oso*"?

(d) How do we know to preclude specifically Chulin she'Nishchatu ba'Azarah from this Pasuk? What is the previous part of the Pasuk "u'Basar ba'Sadeh T'reifah Lo Socheilu" talking about ?

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