Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Kidushin 73
KIDUSHIN 72-75 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous
donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his
encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him
in kind.
(a) (Beraisa - R. Yosi): A convert may marry a Mamzeres; R.
Yehudah says, he may not.
1. Converts, freed slaves and Chalalim may all marry a
Bas Kohen.
(b) Question: What is R. Yosi's reason?
(c) Answer: The Torah says "congregation (of Hash-m, i.e.
Yisrael)" 5 times - 3 correspond to Kohanim, Levi'im,
Yisraelim; 1 permits a Mamzer to marry a Shetuki (who is
a doubtful Mamzer); 1 permits a Shetuki to marry a
1. We have no source to say that converts are part of
the congregation of Hash-m (who are forbidden to
marry Mamzerim).
2. R. Yehudah says that 1 "congregation" corresponds to
Kohanim, Levi'im and Yisraelim - he has extra
occurrences of the word to teach that converts are
part of the congregation of Hash-m.
3. Alternatively - R. Yehudah agrees, 3 "congregation"s
correspond to Kohanim, Levi'im, Yisraelim;
i. He holds, 1 permits a Mamzer to marry a Shetuki
and also for a Shetuki to marry a Yisrael (so 1
is free to teach that converts are part of the
congregation of Hash-m);
ii. "A Mamzer will not enter (marry someone from)
the congregation of Hash-m" - a definite Mamzer
may not enter the congregation, a doubtful
Mamzer may;
iii. A Mamzer may not marry a definite member of the
congregation, he may marry a doubtful member.
4. Alternatively - R. Yehudah expounds the 5
"congregation"s as R. Yosi;
i. He learns from "The congregation - there will
be 1 law for you and converts".
ii. R. Yosi argues, because "One law" separates
between "congregation" and "for you and
(d) (Beraisa): Converts, freed slaves and Chalalim may all
marry a Bas Kohen.
(e) This supports Rav.
1. (Rav): A Bas Kohen is not forbidden to marry
lineages that are disqualified from Kehunah.
(f) Rav Zeira taught in Mechuza: a convert may marry a
Mamzeres - he was pelted with Esrogim.
1. Rava: It is not nice to teach thusly in a city full
of converts.
(g) Rava taught in Mechuza: a convert may marry a Bas Kohen -
they covered him with silk.
1. He added: a convert may marry a Mamzeres - he lost
the favor he had found in their eyes.
2. Rava: I am helping you - you have more options whom
to marry!
(h) The law is, a convert is permitted to a Bas Kohen - as
Rav; he is permitted to a Mamzeres - as R. Yosi.
(a) (Mishnah): A Shetuki is one who recognizes (his mother,
not his father).
(b) (Rava): Mi'di'oraisa, a Shetuki is Kosher.
(c) Question: Why is this?
(d) Answer: The majority of men (possible fathers) are
permitted to her (an unmarried woman). If the father came
to her (to have relations) - we assume that he came from
the majority;
1. Even if she went to him, so the (potential)
prohibition is considered fixed, and we view it as
an even doubt - "A Mamzer will not enter the
congregation of Hash-m" - a definite Mamzer may not
enter the congregation, a doubtful Mamzer may;
2. A Mamzer may not marry a definite member of the
congregation, he may marry a doubtful member.
(e) Question: Why does the Mishnah say that a Shetuki may not
marry people of good lineage?
(f) Answer #1: This is a decree, lest he will marry a
paternal sister.
1. Objection: If so, he should not be allowed to marry
a Shetukis, perhaps she is his paternal sister!
2. Answer #1: We are not concerned that every Shetuki
came from the same man.
3. Objection: He should not be allowed to marry a Bas
Shetukis, perhaps she is his paternal sister!
4. Answer #2: Rather, we are not concerned for this, it
is unlikely.
5. Objection: If so, we should also not be concerned
that a girl of good lineage is his sister!
(g) Answer #2: This was a stringency in lineage (we were only
stringent by people of good lineage).
(h) (Rava): Mi'di'oraisa, an Asufi (a deserted baby) is
(i) Question: Why is this?
(j) Answer: (In most cases), a married woman would not cast
out her baby (even if he is a Mamzer) - she would claim
it is from her husband;
1. Granted, a minority of married women cannot do so,
i.e. if she is only Mekudeshes, or if her husband
was surely abroad when the baby was conceived (and
they would abandon a Mamzer);
2. But many women would abandon a Kosher baby, i.e. a
single woman (that is ashamed to have conceived out
of wedlock) or a married women (who conceived from
her husband) that cannot feed the baby!
i. It is an even doubt - as above, a doubtful
Mamzer may enter the congregation of Hash-m",
and a Mamzer may marry a doubtful member of the
(k) Question: Why does the Mishnah say that an Asufi may not
marry one of good lineage?
(l) Answer #1: This is a decree, lest he will marry a
paternal sister. (We are not concerned for a maternal
sister - we do not suspect his potential mother-in-law of
having deserted a baby).
1. Objection: If so, he should not be allowed to marry
an Asufis, perhaps she is his paternal or maternal
2. Answer #1: We are not concerned that all deserted
babies come from the same partents.
3. Objection: He should not be allowed to marry a Bas
Asufi, perhaps she is his sister!
4. Answer #2: Rather, we are not concerned for this, it
is unlikely.
5. Objection: If so, we should also not be concerned
that a girl of good lineage is his sister!
(m) Answer #2: This was a stringency in lineage.
(a) (Rabah bar Rav Huna): A baby found circumcised - he is
not considered an Asufi (but rather, we assume he has
proper lineage).
(b) In all these cases, a baby is not considered an Asufi:
1. His limbs are straightened, he was rubbed with oil,
around his eyes was painted, ribbons are tied on him
(to ward off illness), or a Kami'a, with writing or
herbs inside (to ward off illness) hangs from him.
(c) If he is suspended from a date tree - if animals can
reach him, he is an Asufi; if not, not.
(d) If he is suspended from a sorb tree - if it is close to
the city, he is an Asufi (for such trees host damaging
Shedim); if not, not.
(e) If he is found by a synagogue - if it is close to the
city and many people go there, he is not an Asufi; if
not, he is.
(f) (Ameimar): A baby found in a ditch (outside the city) in
which pits are thrown - he is an Asufi (Shedim are
frequent there).
(g) A baby found on a raft floating in the middle of the
river - he is not an Asufi (for he will be found by
ships); near the banks of the river - he is an Asufi.
(h) If he is found on the shoulder of the public thoroughfare
- he is not an Asufi; in the public thoroughfare, he is.
(i) (Rava): In times of famine, he is not is considered an
(j) Question: On which case does Rava speak?
1. Suggestion: If when he is found in the public
thoroughfare - just because the parents cannot feed
him, would they want their baby to die?!
2. Suggestion: If he was found on the shoulder of the
public thoroughfare - if so, even when food is
plentiful, he is not an Asufi!
(k) Answer: Rather, Rava said this regarding Rav Yehudah's
1. (Rav Yehudah): Before the baby is picked up, a
couple is believed to say that they are his parents;
after the baby is picked up, they are not believed
to say that they are his parents.
i. (Rava): Once he is picked up, he is called an
Asufi, they cannot permit him.
2. (Rava): In times of famine, even after he is picked
up, they are believed to say that they are his
(a) (Rav Chisda): Three people are believed right away:
parents regarding an Asufi; a midwife; and a woman that
(found that she is Nidah and) exempts other women. (The
parents - as above.)
(b) A midwife - (Beraisa): A midwife is believed to say which
of 2 twins was born first.
1. She is only believed if she never left - if she left
and returned, she is not believed.
2. R. Eliezer says, if she kept her vigil, she is
believed; if not, not.
3. Question: On what do they argue?
4. Answer: When she turned her face away.
(c) Question: What is the case of a woman that exempts other
(d) Answer (Mishnah): Three women slept in a bed; blood was
found under one of them - each must be concerned that she
is Nidah.
1. If 1 of them checked and found that she is Nidah,
the others are Tehoros.
2. (Rav Chisda): This is only if she checked herself
immediately after the blood was found.
(e) (Beraisa): A midwife is believed to say 'This child is
the Kohen, this is the Levi, this is the Nasin, this is
the Mamzer'.
1. This is only if no one protests - if someone
protests, she is not believed.
2. Question: What is the nature of the protest?"
i. Suggestion: If 1 person protests - but R.
Yochanan taught, protest must be from 2 people!
3. Answer #1: Rather, 2 people protested.
4. Answer #2: Really, 1 person protested; R. Yochanan
only said that protest must be from 2 people when
there is a previous Chazakah; here, there is not.
(f) A storekeeper is believed to say to which man he sold.
1. This is only when the storekeeper is holding the
merchandise - if not, he is not believed.
(g) Question: Surely, he sold to the man that paid him!
(h) Answer: The case is, both paid him - he says that he
willingly took from one, the other forced the money into
his hand, and we do not know from which he took
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