Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Kidushin 71
KIDUSHIN 71 - Sponsored by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel and his wife, Jeri
Turkel. May Hashem bless them with many years of Simcha,
health and fulfillment, and may they see all of their children
and grandchildren follow them in the ways of Torah and Yir'as
(a) (R. Chama bar Chanina): When Hash-m purifies families, He
will begin with the Levi'im - "The Purifier will purify
silver and purify the Levi'im as gold and silver, and
they will bring Minchah offerings in Tzedakah".
(b) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): (Disqualified families that
intermarried with many families because of their) money
will cause (these) families to be permitted in the future
(since Hash-m does not want to disqualify all the
families that intermarried with them) - "The Purifier
(Hash-m) will purify money".
1. Question: What does it mean "They will bring Minchah
offerings in Tzedakah"?
2. Answer (R. Yitzchak): Hash-m did Tzedakah with
Yisrael, to permit disqualified families.
(c) (Rav Yehudah): All lands are as dough compared to Eretz
Yisrael; Eretz Yisrael is as dough compared to Bavel.
(d) In Rebbi's time, people wanted to say that Bavel is as
dough compared to Eretz Yisrael.
1. Rebbi (who was from Bavel): You are causing problems
for me - R. Chanina bar Chama can deal with you.
2. (R. Chanina bar Chama, citing R. Yosi): All lands
are as dough compared to Eretz Yisrael; Eretz
Yisrael is as dough compared to Bavel.
(e) In R. Pinchas' time, people wanted to say that Bavel is
as dough compared to Eretz Yisrael. He told his servants
to be ready to quickly take him out in a carriage after
he speaks in the Beis Medrash.
1. R. Pinchas: The Torah does not require slaughter of
2. While people were thinking about this, he said: 'All
lands are as dough compared to Eretz Yisrael; Eretz
Yisrael is as dough compared to Bavel'; his servants
rushed him out. People chased him, but could not
catch him.
3. People started investigating lineages. They found
that there were problems in powerful families (that
would kill them if they revealed this) - they
stopped investigating.
(f) (R. Yochanan): We could reveal the problematic families
in Eretz Yisrael - but greats of the generation are
involved (and this would disgrace them).
1. He holds as R. Yitzchak, who said that a problematic
family that intermarried with many others, we do not
separate from it.
2. Support (Abaye - Mishnah): Ben Tziyon (a powerful
and important person) caused people to accept
(intermarry with) 1 family of improper lineage, and
caused people to stay away from a proper family;
i. Such families, Eliyahu will disqualify and
purify, push away and draw close - because
people know that their true nature;
ii. But an improper family that widely intermarried
(and people thought it was proper), it will be
left as is.
3. (Beraisa): There was another family (not mentioned
in the Mishnah) that was accepted by force -
Chachamim did not reveal its name, but they would
pass on the name to their Talmidim and children once
every 7 years; some say, twice every 7 years.
4. (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): It is more reasonable to
say once every 7 years, as a Beraisa.
i. (Beraisa): I will be a Nazir if I do not reveal
improper families - he must be a Nazir, he may
not reveal. (This shows how much we must avoid
revealing about families.)
(a) (Rabah bar bar Chanah): (The true pronunciation of)
Hash-m's 4 letter name - Chachamim pass it on to their
Talmidim and children once every 7 years; some say, twice
every 7 years.
1. (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): It is more reasonable to
say once every 7 years - "This is my name L'olam
(forever)" - it is written missing a 'Vov', so we
may read it as Le'alem (to conceal).
2. Rava planned to reveal the name in his class - an
elder remarked, it is written as Le'alem.
(b) Contradiction (R. Avina): One verse says "This is my
name"; another verse says "This is my remembrance"!
(c) Answer: Hash-m's name is not pronounced as it is written
- it is written with Yud-Kei, but it is pronounced as
(d) (Beraisa): At first, they would pass on Hash-m's
12-letter name to everyone; when base people became
widespread, they would only pass it on to befitting
1. The befitting Kohanim would quietly say it, it would
be drowned out by the voices of the other Kohanim.
(e) (R. Tarfon): I once came close and heard the Kohen Gadol
saying it amidst the other Kohanim.
(f) (Rav Yehudah): The 42-letter name is only taught to
someone befitting, humble, middle aged, who does not get
angry or drunk or harbor resentment.
1. Anyone that knows the name and guards it in Taharah
- he is beloved in Heaven and earth, people fear
him, and he inherits this world and the next.
(a) (Shmuel): Any place in Bavel - we assume the lineage is
fine, unless we know there was a problem;
1. Other lands (but not Eretz Yisrael) - we assume the
lineage is bad, unless we know that it is good;
2. In Eretz Yisrael - areas established as bad are bad,
areas established as good are good.
3. Contradiction: By saying 'areas established as bad
are bad' - this implies, areas we do not know about
are assumed to be good;
i. By saying 'areas established as good are good'
- this implies, areas we do not know about are
assumed to be bad!
4. Answer (Rav Huna bar Tachlifa): To marry a woman, an
unknown place is assumed to be bad (she must be
(b) (Rav Yosef): Anyone that speaks as someone of Bavel - we
assume he is of Bavel (and a woman may marry him without
1. Today, people speak this way to trick people, so we
cannot rely on this.
(c) R. Yochanan wanted to marry his daughter to Ze'iri;
Ze'iri did not want to marry her (since he was from
Bavel, of superior lineage), so he was avoiding R.
1. R. Yochanan: You treat me as your Rebbi - you accept
our Torah (of Eretz Yisrael), but not our
i. Do you learn from our Mishnah (10 lineages...)
that all the people of bad lineage left Bavel?
No - just as people of good lineage remained,
also people of bad lineage!
2. R. Yochanan forgot R. Elazar's teaching - Ezra did
not leave Bavel until he made it as clean flour (by
taking all the problems with him).
(d) Ula saw that Rav Yehudah's son was old enough that he
should be married, but was not.
1. Ula: Why don't you marry off your son?
2. Rav Yehudah: Where can I find a girl of proper
3. Ula: Who can guarantee that we ourselves are fine -
perhaps we descend from women ravaged by the
destroyers of the Mikdash!
4. Suggestion: Perhaps you will say that the child of a
Yisraelis from a Nochri or slave is Kosher.
5. Rejection: Still, there are Mamzerim among Yisrael
from adultery!
i. (R. Yosi bar Chanina): "Those that lie on ivory
beds and Seruchim (overhang, or stink) on their
beds" - these are people that urinate naked in
front of their beds.
ii. Objection (R. Avahu): For this, "They will be
the first to be exiled "?!
iii. (R. Avahu): Rather, these are people that eat
together, stick their beds together and swap
wives; they make their beds stink with others'
6. Rav Yehudah: What should we do?
7. Ula: Look for a family that is silent when
(e) In Eretz Yisrael, when families quarrel, the first family
to be silent is considered to have better lineage.
(f) (Rav): The best lineage in Bavel are the families that
are silent.
(g) Question: But Rav came to Bei Shichla and checked them!
1. Suggestion: He checked their lineage (by inquiring
about their parents...)
2. Rejection: No - he checked which families are
(h) (Rav Yehudah): If you see 2 men quarrel - one of them has
bad lineage, Hash-m is preventing them from
(i) (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): If you see 2 families quarreling
- one of them has bad lineage, Hash-m is preventing them
from intermarrying.
(a) (Rav Papa Sava): Bavel's lineage is clean; that of
Meishon is all disqualified, some of Madai is
disqualified, most of Eilam is disqualified.
(b) Question: What area is considered Bavel (past the
Chidekel river)?
(c) Answer #1 (Rav): Until the river Azak.
(d) Answer #2 (Shmuel): Until the river Yu'ani.
(e) Question: Between the Pras and Chidekel rivers - how far
along the Diglas (i.e. the Chidekel) does Bavel extend
(on the south)?
(f) Answer #1 (Rav): Until Bagda and Avna.
(g) Answer #2 (Shmuel) Until but not including Mushchani.
1. Objection: But R. Chiya bar Aba cited Shmuel as
saying that Mushchani is the elite of lineage!
2. Correction (Shmuel): Rather, until and including
(h) Question: How far along the Diglas does Bavel extend (on
the north)?
(i) Answer: (Rav Shmuel): Until the lower Afmaya.
(j) Question: How far along the Pras does Bavel extend (on
the south)?
(k) Answer #1: (Rav): Until Aka.
(l) Answer #2 (Shmuel): Until the bridge of Pras.
(m) Answer #3 (R. Yochanan): Until the Gizma bridge.
1. Abaye (some say - Rav Yosef) vehemently opposed
Rav's opinion.
2. Question: All the more so, he should oppose Shmuel's
opinion (who is more lenient)!
3. Answer #1: Indeed, he vehemently opposed Rav's
opinion, all the more so Shmuel's opinion!
4. Answer #2: Shmuel is stricter than Rav - in Shmuel's
day, the bridge of Pras was before Aka - later, it
was rebuilt past Aka.
(n) Question (Abaye): How far does Bavel extend on the other
side of the Pras?
(o) Answer (Rav Yosef): Are you asking regarding Biram? The
best lineages of Pumbadisa marry people of Biram!
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